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Last active December 27, 2015 21:18
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sketching out some thoughts on representing coordinates in Python
position = np.array([15, 18.5, -0.7]) * u.kpc
c = Cartesian(position, frame=None)
c.transform_frame(Heliocentric) # raises error - no input frame specified
# the system/representation classes -- e.g. Cartesian, Spherical,
# Cylindrical, Bispherical, etc. -- accept any Quantity object
velocity = np.array([10.4, 57.134, -81.124]) *
v = Cartesian(velocity, frame=None)
v = Cartesian(velocity, frame=GSR)
# the more high level API would have the system/representation and
# frame set automatically, e.g. for ICRS
c = ICRS('5:10:20.52 +23:23:23.5', units=(u.hourangle,
print(c.frame) # <ICRSFrame ...>
print(c.system) # <Spherical ...>
# the kind of thing I have been dealing a lot with is dealing with
# simulated observations of simulation data, so somethings like
# this would be very nice:
# read in table of particle data, always in ASCII b.c. we're masochists
tbl ="nbody_output.txt")
# this works because Table Columns will know about units, right?
pos = Cartesian(tbl["x","y","z"], frame=GSR)
vel = Cartesian(tbl["vx","vy","vz"], frame=GSR)
# now I need to "observe" these particles from heliocentric frame,
# presumably as Spherical coordinates
# this goes GSR to LSR, then LSR to Heliocentric. One gotcha is how do we
# let the user specify what circular velocity and peculiar velocity to use?
heliocentric_pos = pos.spherical # same as pos.transform_system(Spherical)?
heliocentric_vel = vel.spherical
# ...
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