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Created February 25, 2012 02:21
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TCO in CoffeeScript
tco = (fn) -> (args...) ->
if @recured? or @args? or @recur?
unless arguments.callee.noWarn
# here we are taking precautionary measures to make sure we don't
# accidentally overwrite some important properties in the context named
# "recured", "args" or "recur". The warnings can be disabled by setting
# the `noWarn` property of the function to true
throw new Error """
calling a tail-recursive function in this context will overwrite the
properties "recured", "args" and "recur".
@recured = false
@args = []
@recur = (args...) =>
@recured = true
@args = args
returnVal = fn.apply this, args
while true
if @recured
tempArgs = @args
@args = undefined
@recured = false
returnVal = fn.apply this, tempArgs
return returnVal
factorial = tco (n, acc = 1) ->
if n is 0
@recur n - 1, acc * n
console.log factorial 100000
factorialWithCtx = tco (n, acc = 1) ->
if n is 0
@recur n - 1, acc * n
counter =
iterations: 0
console.log counter, 100000
console.log counter.iterations
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