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import os
from flask import Flask, request, render_template
from llama_index import GPTVectorStoreIndex, StorageContext, load_index_from_storage
from llama_index import download_loader
app = Flask(__name__)

Create an Azure Function API to manage Exchange Online (Office 365) mailbox permissions

In this article you will learn how to create an Azure Function API to manage Exchange Online (Office 365) mailbox permissions.

One obvious response at this point is "Why do that? We already have PowerShell and the Exchange Admin portal". Well, Yes, kinda, however both of those options fall short in the following niche scenarios.

  • Imagine you need to scope your administrator access to Exchange based on email domain. You don't want administrators in Country A, administering users in Country B. You can't do this in the Exchange portal or with the ExchangeOnlineManagement module or any out-the-box features.
  • Secondly, you want to be moving towards secured web based connectivity for your tooling and away from the legacy stuff. That's why Microsoft is decommissioning its legacy RPC Session based Exchange modules and replacing them with REST APIs.

So if this sounds like fun or you just like to see cool edge implementatio

adrwh / Send Okta Hooks to Azure Log
Last active September 2, 2022 18:19
Send Okta Hooks to Azure Log Analytics

Send Okta Event Hooks to Azure Log Analytics

In this article we are going to send events from the Okta System Log to Azure Log Analytics using Okta Event Hooks and Azure Logic Apps.

What Are Okta event hooks?

Event hooks are outbound calls from Okta, sent when specified events occur in your org. They take the form of HTTPS REST calls to a URL you specify, encapsulating information about the events in JSON objects in the request body. These calls from Okta are meant to be used as triggers for process flows within your own software systems.
