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Last active April 9, 2018 04:23
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Beach Trails solver
// Beach Trails solver
enum Dir {N, E, S, W, length}
type Pos = {x:number, y:number, dir:Dir};
type TileCollection = {[tile:string]: number};
const Delta = {X: [0, 1, 0, -1], Y: [-1, 0, 1, 0]};
const OUTER_TILE = ' ';
function rotate(tile:string, direction:Dir)
return direction ? tile.slice(direction).concat(tile.slice(0, direction)) : tile;
function numRotations(tile:string):number
if (tile.slice(0, 2) === tile.slice(2))
return tile[0] === tile[1] ? 1 : 2;
return 4;
function getTileSideChar(tile:string|null, side:Dir)
return (tile || OUTER_TILE)[side];
class TileGame
constructor({width, height, tiles}:{width: number, height: number, tiles: TileCollection})
this.width = width;
this.height = height;
this.grid = Array(height).fill(1).map(() => Array(width).fill(null));
this.tiles = tiles;
maxDepth = 0;
let separatorLine = `+${Array(this.width).fill('---').join('+')}+`;
let lines = [separatorLine];
for (let row of this.grid)
`|${ => ` ${getTileSideChar(tile, Dir.N)} `).join('|')}|`,
`|${ => `${getTileSideChar(tile, Dir.W)}${tile ? ' ' : '?'}${getTileSideChar(tile, Dir.E)}`).join('|')}|`,
`|${ => ` ${getTileSideChar(tile, Dir.S)} `).join('|')}|`,
return lines.join('\n');
let x = pos.x + Delta.X[pos.dir];
let y = pos.y + Delta.Y[pos.dir];
if (y >= 0 && y < this.height && x >= 0 && x < this.width)
return this.grid[y][x];
return OUTER_TILE;
putTile(tile:string, {x, y}:Pos):boolean
let gridN = this.getAdjacentTile({x, y, dir: Dir.N});
let gridE = this.getAdjacentTile({x, y, dir: Dir.E});
let gridS = this.getAdjacentTile({x, y, dir: Dir.S});
let gridW = this.getAdjacentTile({x, y, dir: Dir.W});
let fits = (
(!gridN || gridN[Dir.S] == tile[Dir.N]) &&
(!gridE || gridE[Dir.W] == tile[Dir.E]) &&
(!gridS || gridS[Dir.N] == tile[Dir.S]) &&
(!gridW || gridW[Dir.E] == tile[Dir.W])
if (fits)
this.grid[y][x] = tile;
return fits;
removeTile({x, y}:Pos)
this.grid[y][x] = null;
for (let turn = 0; turn < Dir.length; turn++)
let dir = (pos.dir + turn) % Dir.length;
if (!this.getAdjacentTile({...pos, dir}))
let x = pos.x + Delta.X[dir];
let y = pos.y + Delta.Y[dir];
return {x, y, dir};
return null;
fillGrid(pos:Pos = {x: 0, y: 0, dir: Dir.E}, depth = 0):boolean
if (depth >= this.maxDepth)
this.maxDepth = depth;
let remaining:TileCollection = {};
for (let tile in this.tiles)
if (this.tiles[tile] > 0)
remaining[tile] = this.tiles[tile];
console.log('new configuration with', this.maxDepth, 'tiles; remaining:', remaining);
//console.log(pos, 'try');
for (let tile in this.tiles)
if (!this.tiles[tile])
// consume tile
let numRot = numRotations(tile);
for (let rot = 0; rot < numRot; rot++)
if (this.putTile(rotate(tile, rot), pos))
// tile fits, try next
//console.log(pos, 'tile fits', tile);
let nextPos = this.nextPos(pos);
if (!nextPos || this.fillGrid(nextPos, depth + 1))
return true; // success
// backtrack
//console.log(pos, 'backtrack', tile);
// reject tile
//console.log(pos, 'reject tile', tile);
// no tiles fit
//console.log(pos, 'no tiles fit');
return false;
let game = new TileGame({
width: 6,
height: 6,
tiles: {
'TTTT': 2,
'CCCC': 2,
'TTCC': 3,
'TCTC': 3,
'TTT ': 3,
'CCC ': 3,
'T T ': 5,
'C C ': 5,
'TT ': 3,
'CC ': 3,
'T ': 2,
'C ': 2
if (game.fillGrid())
// sample solution
35 tiles; remaining: {TCTC: 1}
| | | | | | |
| T|T T|T T|T | | |
| T | | | T | C | C |
| T | | | T | C | C |
| | C|C C|C C|C C|C |
| T | C | | T | C | C |
| T | C | | T | C | C |
| T|T T|T T|T T|T C|C |
| T | C | | T | T | C |
| T | C | | T | T | C |
| | | ? |T T|T | |
| T | C | | T | T | C |
| T | C | C | T | T | C |
| T|T C|C C|C T|T | |
| T | T | C | C | | C |
| T | T | C | C | | C |
| | | C|C C|C C|C |
| | | | | | |
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