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Last active August 29, 2015 13:56
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  • Save adufilie/9174754 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save adufilie/9174754 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
A more reliable alternative to flash.external.ExternalInterface.
/* ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
* This file is part of Weave.
* The Initial Developer of Weave is the Institute for Visualization
* and Perception Research at the University of Massachusetts Lowell.
* Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 2008-2015
* the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.
* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file,
* You can obtain one at
* ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** */
import flash.external.ExternalInterface;
import flash.system.Capabilities;
import flash.utils.Dictionary;
import flash.utils.getDefinitionByName;
import flash.utils.getQualifiedClassName;
* An alternative to flash.external.ExternalInterface with workarounds for its limitations.
* Requires Flash Player 11 or later to get the full benefit (uses native JSON support),
* but has backwards compatibility to Flash Player 10, or possibly earlier versions (untested).
* If there is a syntax error, JavaScript.exec() will throw the Error while would return null.
* When parameters are passed to it attempts to stringify the parameters
* to JavaScript object literals, but it does not quote keys and it does not escape backslashes
* in String values. For example, if you give <code>{"Content-Type": "foo\\"}</code> as a parameter,
* ExternalInterface generates the following invalid code: <code>{Content-Type: "foo\"}</code>.
* The same problem occurs when returning an Object from an ActionScript function that was invoked
* from JavaScript. This class works around the limitation by using JSON.stringify() and JSON.parse()
* and escaping backslashes in resulting JSON strings. The values <code>NaN, Infinity, -Infinity</code>
* are preserved, as well as function pointers. When a JavaScript function is called from ActionScript,
* it uses a property called "this" as the <code>this</code> argument for the function.
* This class also provides an objectID accessor which is more reliable than ExternalInterface.objectID,
* which may be null if the Flash object was created using jQuery.flash() even if the Flash object
* has an "id" property in JavaScript.
* @see flash.external.ExternalInterface
* @author adufilie
public class JavaScript
* This is set to true when initialize() has been called.
private static var initialized:Boolean = false;
* Remembers the objectID returned from getExternalObjectID().
private static var _objectID:String;
* If this is true, backslashes need to be escaped when returning a String to JavaScript.
private static var backslashNeedsEscaping:Boolean = true;
* A pointer to JSON.
private static var json:Object;
* This is the name of the generic external interface function which uses JSON input and output.
private static const JSON_CALL:String = "_jsonCall";
* The name of the property used to store a replacer function for the second parameter of JSON.stringify
private static const JSON_REPLACER:String = "_jsonReplacer";
* The name of the property used to store a reviver function for the second parameter of JSON.parse
private static const JSON_REVIVER:String = "_jsonReviver";
* JSON extension property name for the needsReviving function.
private static const NEEDS_REVIVING:String = "_needsReviving";
* The name of the property used to store a lookup from JSON IDs to values.
private static const JSON_LOOKUP:String = "_jsonLookup";
* A random String which is highly unlikely to appear in any String value. Used as a suffix for <code>NaN, -Infinity, Infinity</code>.
private static const JSON_SUFFIX:String = ';' + Math.random() + ';' + new Date();
* A random String which is highly unlikely to appear in any String value. Used as a prefix for function identifiers in JSON.
private static const JSON_FUNCTION_PREFIX:String = 'function' + JSON_SUFFIX + ';';
* Maps an ID to its corresponding value for use with _jsonReviver/_jsonReplacer.
* Also maps a Function to its corresponding ID.
private static const _jsonLookup:Dictionary = new Dictionary();
* Used for generating unique function IDs.
* Use a positive increment for ActionScript functions.
* The JavaScript equivalent uses a negative increment to avoid collisions.
private static var _functionCounter:int = 0;
* This flag will be set to true whenever _jsonReplacer makes a replacement that requires _jsonReviver to interpret.
private static var _needsReviving:Boolean = false;
* Extensions to _jsonReplacer/_jsonReviver.
private static const _jsonExtensions:Array = [];
* The name of a JavaScript property of this flash instance which contains an Array of JSON replacer/reviver extensions.
* Each object in the Array can contain "replacer" and "reviver" properties containing the extension functions.
public static const JSON_EXTENSIONS:String = "_jsonExtensions";
* Alias for ExternalInterface.available
* @see flash.external.ExternalInterface#available
public static const available:Boolean = ExternalInterface.available;
* The "id" property of this Flash object.
* Use this as a reliable alternative to ExternalInterface.objectID, which may be null in some cases even if the Flash object has an "id" property.
public static function get objectID():String
if (!_objectID)
_objectID = getExternalObjectID();
return _objectID;
* A JavaScript expression which gets a pointer to this Flash object.
public static function get JS_this():String
if (!_objectID)
_objectID = getExternalObjectID();
return 'document.getElementById("' + _objectID + '")';
* A way to get a Flash application's external object ID when ExternalInterface.objectID is null,
* which may occur when using jQuery.flash().
* @param desiredId If the flash application really has no id, this will be used as a base for creating a new unique id.
* @return The id of the flash application.
private static function getExternalObjectID(desiredId:String = "flash"):String
if (!_objectID)
_objectID = ExternalInterface.objectID;
if (!_objectID) // if we don't know our ID
// use addCallback() to add a property to the flash component that will allow us to be found
ExternalInterface.addCallback(JSON_SUFFIX, trace);
// find the element with the unique property name and get its ID (or set the ID if it doesn't have one)
_objectID =
function(uid, newId) {
while (document.getElementById(newId))
newId += '_';
var elements = document.getElementsByTagName('*');
for (var i in elements)
if (elements[i][uid])
return elements[i].id || (elements[i].id = newId);
return _objectID;
* Initializes json variable and required external JSON interface.
private static function initialize():void
// one-time initialization attempt
initialized = true;
// save special IDs for values not supported by JSON
for each (var symbol:Object in [NaN, Infinity, -Infinity])
_jsonLookup[symbol + JSON_SUFFIX] = symbol;
// determine if backslashes need to be escaped
var slashes:String = "\\\\";
backslashNeedsEscaping = ('function(slashes){ return slashes; }', slashes) != slashes);
if ('function(){ return typeof JSON == "undefined"; }'))
trace("The web browser does not have JSON support.");
json = getDefinitionByName("JSON");
catch (e:Error)
trace("Your version of Flash Player (" + Capabilities.version + " " + Capabilities.playerType + ") does not have native JSON support.");
ExternalInterface.addCallback(JSON_CALL, _jsonCall);
"useJson": json != null
var flash = this;
var toJson, fromJson;
if (useJson)
toJson = function(value) { return JSON.stringify(value, flash[JSON_REPLACER]); };
fromJson = function(value) { return JSON.parse(value, flash[JSON_REVIVER]); };
toJson = function(value) {
return Array.isArray(value) ? : flash[JSON_REPLACER]('', value);
fromJson = function(value) {
return Array.isArray(value) ? : flash[JSON_REVIVER]('', value);
var functionCounter = 0;
var lookup = flash[JSON_LOOKUP] = {};
var extensions = flash[JSON_EXTENSIONS] = [];
var symbols = [NaN, Infinity, -Infinity];
for (var i in symbols)
lookup[symbols[i] + JSON_SUFFIX] = symbols[i];
function cacheProxyFunction(id) {
var func = function() {
if (!flash[JSON_CALL])
throw new Error("Cannot use the JavaScript API of a Flash object after it has been removed from the DOM.");
var params =;
var paramsJson = toJson(params);
var resultJson = flash[JSON_CALL](id, paramsJson);
return fromJson(resultJson);
return lookup[id] = func;
flash[JSON_REPLACER] = function(key, value) {
if (typeof value === 'function') {
var id = JSON_FUNCTION_PREFIX + (--functionCounter);
lookup[id] = value;
value = value[JSON_FUNCTION_PREFIX];
else if (typeof value === 'number' && !isFinite(value))
value = value + JSON_SUFFIX;
else if (Array.isArray(value) && !(value instanceof Array))
value =;
for (var i in extensions)
if (typeof extensions[i] === 'object' && typeof extensions[i].replacer === 'function')
value = extensions[i], key, value);
return value;
flash[JSON_REVIVER] = function(key, value) {
if (typeof value === 'string') {
if (lookup.hasOwnProperty(value))
value = lookup[value];
else if (value.substr(0, JSON_FUNCTION_PREFIX.length) == JSON_FUNCTION_PREFIX)
value = cacheProxyFunction(value);
for (var i in extensions)
if (typeof extensions[i] === 'object' && typeof extensions[i].reviver === 'function')
value = extensions[i], key, value);
return value;
* Handles a JavaScript request.
* @param methodId The ID of the method to call.
* @param paramsJson An Array of parameters to pass to the method, stringified with JSON.
* @return The result of calling the method, stringified with JSON.
private static function _jsonCall(methodId:String, paramsJson:Object):Object
ExternalInterface.marshallExceptions = true; // let the external code handle errors
var method:Function = _jsonReviver('', methodId) as Function;
if (method == null)
throw new Error('No method with id="' + methodId + '"');
// json to object
var params:Array;
if (json)
params = json.parse(paramsJson, _jsonReviver);
params = (paramsJson as Array).map(_mapJsonReviver);
var result:* = method.apply(null, params);
// object to json
var resultJson:*;
if (json)
resultJson = json.stringify(result, _jsonReplacer) || 'null';
resultJson = result is Array ? (result as Array).map(_mapJsonReplacer) : _jsonReplacer('', result);
// work around unescaped backslash bug
if (resultJson is String && backslashNeedsEscaping && (resultJson as String).indexOf('\\') >= 0)
resultJson = (resultJson as String).split('\\').join('\\\\');
return resultJson;
private static function _mapJsonReplacer(value:*, i:*, a:*):* { return _jsonReplacer('', value); }
private static function _mapJsonReviver(value:*, i:*, a:*):* { return _jsonReviver('', value); }
* Preserves primitive values not supported by JSON: NaN, Infinity, -Infinity
* Also looks up or generates an ID corresponding to a Function value.
private static function _jsonReplacer(key:String, value:*):*
// Function -> ID
if (value is Function)
var id:String = _jsonLookup[value] as String;
if (!id)
id = JSON_FUNCTION_PREFIX + (++_functionCounter);
_jsonLookup[value] = id;
_jsonLookup[id] = value;
_needsReviving = true;
value = id;
else if (value is Number && !isFinite(value as Number))
_needsReviving = true;
value = value + JSON_SUFFIX;
for each (var extension:Object in _jsonExtensions)
if (extension[NEEDS_REVIVING] is Function && extension[NEEDS_REVIVING](key, value))
_needsReviving = true;
if (extension[JSON_REPLACER] is Function)
value = extension[JSON_REPLACER](key, value);
return value;
* Preserves primitive values not supported by JSON: undefined, NaN, Infinity, -Infinity
* Also looks up or generates a Function corresponding to its ID value.
private static function _jsonReviver(key:String, value:*):*
if (value is String)
if (_jsonLookup.hasOwnProperty(value))
value = _jsonLookup[value];
else if ((value as String).substr(0, JSON_FUNCTION_PREFIX.length) == JSON_FUNCTION_PREFIX)
value = _cacheProxyFunction(value as String); // ID -> Function
for each (var extension:Object in _jsonExtensions)
if (extension[JSON_REVIVER] is Function)
value = extension[JSON_REVIVER](key, value);
return value;
* Caches a new proxy function for a JavaScript function in _jsonLookup.
* @param id The ID of the JavaScript function.
* @return The proxy function.
private static function _cacheProxyFunction(id:String):Function
var params:Object = {"id": id, "catch": false };
var script:String = [
"var func = this." + JSON_REVIVER + "('', id);",
"return func.apply(func['this'], args);"
var func:Function = function():*{
params['args'] = arguments;
return exec(params, script);
} as Function;
_jsonLookup[func] = id;
_jsonLookup[id] = func;
return func;
* Extends JavaScript JSON communication to support new types of objects passed between ActionScript and JavaScript.
* This only extends the ActionScript side. Corresponding JavaScript code must written if specialized JavaScript
* Objects are to be supported.
* @param replacer function(key:String, value:*):* ; Replaces an Object with a JSON-serializable representation.
* @param reviver function(key:String, value:*):* ; Revives an Object from its JSON representation.
* @param needsReviving function(key:String, value:*):Boolean ; Determines if a value requires reviving in JavaScript once replaced in ActionScript.
* @see #jsonAvailable
* @example Example JavaScript code (func1 and func2 should be function definitions)
* <listing version="3.0">
* JavaScript.exec(
* 'this[JSON_EXTENSIONS].push({"replacer": func1, "reviver": func2});'
* );
* </listing>
public static function extendJson(replacer:Function, reviver:Function, needsReviving:Function):void
var extension:Object = {};
extension[JSON_REPLACER] = replacer;
extension[JSON_REVIVER] = reviver;
extension[NEEDS_REVIVING] = needsReviving;
* Exposes a method to JavaScript.
* @param methodName The name to be used in JavaScript.
* @param method The method.
public static function registerMethod(methodName:String, method:Function):void
if (!initialized)
"methodName": methodName,
"jsonId": _jsonReplacer('', method)
"this[methodName] = this[JSON_REVIVER]('', jsonId);"
* This will execute JavaScript code inside a function(){} wrapper.
* @param paramsAndCode A list of lines of code, optionally including an
* Object containing named parameters to be passed from ActionScript to JavaScript.
* Inside the code, you can use the "this" variable to access this flash object.
* If instead you prefer to use a variable name other than "this", supply an Object
* like <code>{"this": "yourDesiredVariableName"}</code>.
* By default, a JavaScript Error will be marshalled to an ActionScript Error.
* To disable this behavior, supply an Object like <code>{"catch": false}</code>.
* You can also provide an ActionScript function to handle errors: <code>{"catch": myErrorHandler}</code>.
* @return The result of executing the JavaScript code.
* @example Example 1
* <listing version="3.0">
* var sum = JavaScript.exec({x: 2, y: 3}, "return x + y");
* trace("sum:", sum);
* </listing>
* @example Example 2
* <listing version="3.0">
* trace( JavaScript.exec("return;") );
* </listing>
* @example Example 3
* <listing version="3.0">
* JavaScript.registerMethod("testme", trace);
* JavaScript.exec({"this": "self"}, "self.testme(;");
* </listing>
public static function exec(...paramsAndCode):*
if (!initialized)
if (paramsAndCode.length == 1 && paramsAndCode[0] is Array)
paramsAndCode = paramsAndCode[0];
var pNames:Array = json ? null : [];
var pValues:Array = json ? null : [];
var code:Array = [];
var marshallExceptions:Object = true;
// separate function parameters from code
for each (var item:Object in paramsAndCode)
if (getQualifiedClassName(item) == 'Object')
// We assume that all the keys in the Object are valid JavaScript identifiers,
// since they are to be used in the code as variables.
for (var key:String in item)
var value:* = item[key];
if (key == 'this')
// put a variable declaration at the beginning of the code
var thisVar:String = value as String;
if (thisVar)
if (!_objectID)
code.unshift("var " + thisVar + " = this;");
else if (key == 'catch')
// save error handler
marshallExceptions = value;
else if (json)
// put a variable declaration at the beginning of the code
var jsValue:String;
if (value === null || value === undefined || value is Number || value is Boolean)
jsValue = String(value);
else if (value is Function)
jsValue = 'this.' + JSON_REVIVER + '("", ' + json.stringify(value, _jsonReplacer) + ')';
else if (typeof value === 'object')
_needsReviving = false;
jsValue = json.stringify(value, _jsonReplacer);
if (_needsReviving)
jsValue = 'JSON.parse(' + json.stringify(jsValue) + ', this.' + JSON_REVIVER + ')';
jsValue = json.stringify(value);
code.unshift("var " + key + " = " + jsValue + ";");
// JSON unavailable
value = _jsonReplacer('', value);
// work around unescaped backslash bug
// this backwards compatibility code doesn't handle Strings inside Objects.
if (value is String && backslashNeedsEscaping)
value = (value as String).split('\\').join('\\\\');
const CODE_PARAM:String = '__code_from_flash__';
const ARGS_PARAM:String = '__arguments_from_flash__';
const RESULT_VAR:String = '__result_for_flash__';
// if the code references "this", we need to use Function.apply() to make the symbol work as expected
var appliedCode:String;
if (json)
appliedCode = '(function(){\n' + code.join('\n') + '\n}).apply(' + JS_this + ')';
appliedCode = '(function(' + pNames.join(',') + '){\n' + code.join('\n') + '\n}).apply(' + JS_this + ', ' + ARGS_PARAM + ')';
var result:* = undefined;
var prevMarshallExceptions:Boolean = ExternalInterface.marshallExceptions;
ExternalInterface.marshallExceptions = !!marshallExceptions;
// we need to use eval() in order to receive syntax errors
const TRY_CODE:String = json
? 'return JSON.stringify(window.eval(' + CODE_PARAM + '), ' + JS_this + '.' + JSON_REPLACER + ');'
: 'var ' + RESULT_VAR + ' = eval(' + CODE_PARAM + '); return ' + JS_this + '.' + JSON_REPLACER + '("", ' + RESULT_VAR + ');';
const CATCH_CODE:String = marshallExceptions
? 'if (e.toString() == "[object Error]") e.toString = function(){ return + ": " + this.message; }; throw e;'
: 'e.message += "\\n" + ' + CODE_PARAM + '; if (typeof console != "undefined") console.error(e);';
var evalFunc:String = 'function(' + CODE_PARAM + ', ' + ARGS_PARAM + '){ try {\n' + TRY_CODE + '\n} catch (e) {\n' + CATCH_CODE + '\n} }';
// work around unescaped backslash bug
if (backslashNeedsEscaping && appliedCode.indexOf('\\') >= 0)
appliedCode = appliedCode.split('\\').join('\\\\');
result =, appliedCode, pValues);
// parse stringified results
if (json)
if (result)
result = json.parse(result, _jsonReviver);
result = _jsonReviver('', result);
catch (e:*)
if (marshallExceptions is Function)
ExternalInterface.marshallExceptions = prevMarshallExceptions;
throw e;
// we can't put this in a finally{} block because it prevents catch() from happening if set to false.
ExternalInterface.marshallExceptions = prevMarshallExceptions;
return result;
private static const POLYFILLS:String = <![CDATA[
if (!Array.isArray)
Array.isArray = function(arg) { return === '[object Array]'; };
if (! = function(callback, thisArg) {
var T, A, k;
if (this == null)
throw new TypeError(" this is null or not defined");
var O = Object(this);
var len = O.length >>> 0;
if (typeof callback !== "function")
throw new TypeError(callback + " is not a function");
if (arguments.length > 1)
T = thisArg;
A = new Array(len);
k = 0;
while (k < len) {
var kValue, mappedValue;
if (k in O) {
kValue = O[k];
mappedValue =, kValue, k, O);
A[k] = mappedValue;
return A;
if (!Object.keys)
Object.keys = (function () {
'use strict';
var hasOwnProperty = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty,
hasDontEnumBug = !({toString: null}).propertyIsEnumerable('toString'),
dontEnums = [
dontEnumsLength = dontEnums.length;
return function (obj) {
if (typeof obj !== 'object' && (typeof obj !== 'function' || obj === null))
throw new TypeError('Object.keys called on non-object');
var result = [], prop, i;
for (prop in obj)
if (, prop))
if (hasDontEnumBug)
for (i = 0; i < dontEnumsLength; i++)
if (, dontEnums[i]))
return result;
if (!Function.prototype.bind)
Function.prototype.bind = function (oThis) {
if (typeof this !== "function")
throw new TypeError("Function.prototype.bind - what is trying to be bound is not callable");
var aArgs =, 1),
fToBind = this,
fNOP = function () {},
fBound = function () {
return fToBind.apply(this instanceof fNOP && oThis
? this
: oThis,
fNOP.prototype = this.prototype;
fBound.prototype = new fNOP();
return fBound;
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