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Last active January 9, 2018 06:35
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Decorator for creating memoized versions of functions in TypeScript
* @author adufilie
let UNDEFINED = {} as any;
type AnyFunction = (...args:any[])=>any;
function isPrimitive(value:any):boolean
return value === null || typeof value !== 'object';
* Provides Map-like interface that uses Map for primitive keys and WeakMap for non-primitive keys.
class Cache<K,V>
private map = new Map<any, V>();
private weakMap = new WeakMap<any, V>();
return isPrimitive(key) ? : this.weakMap.has(key);
return isPrimitive(key) ? : this.weakMap.get(key);
set(key:K, value:V):this
if (isPrimitive(key)), value);
this.weakMap.set(key, value);
return this;
* Provides a multi-dimensional Map-like interface
class HyperMap<T>
let cache:Cache<any, any>|undefined = this.getCache(args.length);
if (args.length > 1)
cache = this.traverse(cache, args.slice(0, args.length - 1)) as any;
return cache !== undefined && cache.has(args[args.length - 1]);
get(args:any[]):T | undefined
return this.traverse(this.getCache(args.length), args);
set(args:any[], value:T):void
this.traverse(this.getCache(args.length), args, value);
// gets the Cache designated for a specific key length
private getCache(numArgs:number)
let cache = this.map_numArgs_cache.get(numArgs);
if (!cache)
this.map_numArgs_cache.set(numArgs, cache = new Cache());
return cache;
// used to avoiding the varying-key-length limitation of the traverse() function below
private map_numArgs_cache = new Map<number, Cache<any, any>>();
// dual-purpose setter/getter
// note: does not work if subsequent calls vary the length of the keys array for the same cache param
private traverse(cache:Cache<any, any>, keys:any[], value?:T):T|undefined
if (keys.length == 0)
return undefined;
if (keys.length == 1)
if (value === undefined)
return cache.get(keys[0]);
return void cache.set(keys[0], value);
let nextCache = cache.get(keys[0]);
if (nextCache === undefined)
cache.set(keys[0], nextCache = new Cache());
return this.traverse(nextCache, keys.slice(1), value);
class Memoizer<Result, Transform extends (...args:any[])=>Result>
private transform:Transform;
private cache = new HyperMap<Result>();
constructor(transform:Transform, getAdditionalArgs?:()=>any[], fixedArgsLength?:number)
this.transform = transform;
let cache = this.cache;
this.get = function(...args:any[]) {
if (fixedArgsLength !== undefined)
args.length = fixedArgsLength;
let thisArgs = [this];
if (getAdditionalArgs)
thisArgs = thisArgs.concat(, args);
thisArgs = thisArgs.concat(args);
let result = cache.get(thisArgs);
if (result === undefined && !cache.has(thisArgs))
cache.set(thisArgs, UNDEFINED);
result = transform.apply(this, args);
if (result !== undefined)
cache.set(thisArgs, result);
return result === UNDEFINED ? undefined : result;
} as Transform;
export type MemoizeParams<F extends AnyFunction> = {
function: F,
getAdditionalArgs?: ()=>any[],
fixedArgsLength?: number,
* Creates a memoized version of a function.
export default function memoize<F extends AnyFunction>(params:MemoizeParams<F>):F;
* A method decorator that creates a memoized version of a method.
export default function memoize<T extends AnyFunction>(target: Object, propertyKey: string | symbol, descriptor: TypedPropertyDescriptor<T>):TypedPropertyDescriptor<T> | void;
export default function memoize<T extends AnyFunction>():TypedPropertyDescriptor<T> | void
// called as decorator, target is prototype; return modified descriptor
if (arguments.length == 3)
let [target, propertyKey, descriptor] = Array.from(arguments) as [Object, string|symbol, TypedPropertyDescriptor<T>];
return decorate(descriptor);
// called as function
let params = arguments[0] as MemoizeParams<T>;
if (typeof params === 'function')
params = {function: params};
if (arguments.length == 1 && params && typeof params.function === 'function')
return new Memoizer(params.function, params.getAdditionalArgs, params.fixedArgsLength).get;
throw new Error("Usage: memoize(params:{ function:Function, getAdditionalArgs?:()=>any[], fixedArgsLength?:number })");
type DecorateMemoizeParams<T extends AnyFunction> = Partial<Pick<MemoizeParams<T>, 'getAdditionalArgs' | 'fixedArgsLength'>>;
function decorate<T extends AnyFunction>(descriptor:TypedPropertyDescriptor<T>, params?:DecorateMemoizeParams<T>)
if (descriptor && typeof descriptor.value === 'function')
descriptor.value = new Memoizer(descriptor.value, params && params.getAdditionalArgs, params && params.fixedArgsLength).get;
else if (descriptor && (descriptor.set || descriptor.get))
throw new Error('memoize cannot be used as a decorator for a setter or getter');
return descriptor;
// /**
// * Generates a method decorator that creates a memoized version of a function with additional args to control memoization
// * @param getAdditionalMemoizeArgs A function that returns additional arguments for controlling memoization.
// * If this is an inline function, it must be defined like
// * <code>function() { return [this.a, this.b]; }</code>
// * rather than
// * <code>() => [this.a, this.b]</code>
// * because when decorators are evaluated the 'this' context is undefined.
// */
// export function memoizeWith<T, TARGET>(getAdditionalMemoizeArgs:(this:TARGET, self:TARGET)=>any[])
// :<T>(
// target: TARGET,
// propertyKey: string | symbol,
// descriptor: TypedPropertyDescriptor<T>
// ) => TypedPropertyDescriptor<T> | void
// {
// return (target: Object, propertyKey: string | symbol, descriptor: TypedPropertyDescriptor<T>):TypedPropertyDescriptor<T> => {
// return decorate(descriptor, getAdditionalMemoizeArgs);
// };
// }
* Generates a method decorator that creates a memoized version of a function with additional args to control memoization
* @param getMemoizeParams_propName The name of another class method that returns additional arguments for controlling memoization.
export function memoizeWith<T extends AnyFunction, P extends string, TARGET extends {[X in P]: (this:TARGET)=>any[]}>(getMemoizeParams_propName:P)
target: TARGET,
propertyKey: string | symbol,
descriptor: TypedPropertyDescriptor<T>
) => TypedPropertyDescriptor<T> | void
return (target: TARGET, propertyKey: string | symbol, descriptor: TypedPropertyDescriptor<T>):TypedPropertyDescriptor<T> => {
return decorate(
getAdditionalArgs: function(this:TARGET) {
let fn:()=>any[] = this[getMemoizeParams_propName] as any;
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