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Created December 30, 2018 16:02
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`default_nettype none
`include "hvsync_generator.v"
module top(clk, reset, hsync, vsync, rgb);
input clk, reset;
output reg hsync, vsync;
output reg [2:0] rgb;
wire display_on;
wire [8:0] hpos;
wire [8:0] vpos;
wire hsync0, vsync0;
hvsync_generator hvsync_gen(
// delay 1 clk
always @(posedge clk)
{ hsync, vsync } <= { hsync0, vsync0 };
// init
reg sel = 0;
//-- En flanco de subida sacamos un "1" por la salida
always @(posedge(clk))
sel <= 1;
reg [5:0] row = 0;
wire [63:0] data;
wire pixel_on;
image image0 (
// read ports
.clk( clk ),
.row( hpos[8:3] ),
.col( vpos[8:3] ),
.data( pixel_on ),
// write ports
.rowW( row ),
.dataW( data )
parameter RULE = 126;
parameter SEED = 64'b10000000000000000000000000000000000000000; // seed for first line
wire [7:0] w_rule;
assign w_rule = RULE;
wire [63:0] rin;
automaton #(.WIDTH(64)) AUTOMATON ( .in(data), .rule(w_rule), .out(rin));
assign data = (sel == 0) ? SEED : rout;
reg [63:0] rout;
always @(posedge(clk))
row <= (row == 59) ? 0 : ( row + 1 );
rout <= rin; // Pasamos la salida del Cellular Automaton a la salida del registro en cada positive edge
assign rgb = {pixel_on,pixel_on,pixel_on};
module image (
// Read ports:
input wire clk,
input wire [5:0] row,
input wire [5:0] col,
output reg data,
// Write ports
input wire [5:0] rowW, // line number we write
input wire [63:0] dataW // full 80 bits of the line
// 60 rows of 64 bits
reg [63:0] rom [0:59];
// Read Rom Logic
always @(posedge clk) begin
data <= rom[row][col];
//reg [6:0] counter = 0;
// Write logic
always @(posedge clk) begin
if (rowW != row) begin // don't write rowW if we are reading the same row.
rom [rowW] <= dataW;
module automaton #(parameter WIDTH = 8)
( input wire [WIDTH-1:0] in,
input wire [7:0] rule,
output wire [WIDTH-1:0] out
genvar i;
for (i=0; i<WIDTH; i=i+1)
begin : automaton_cell
automaton_cell acell ( { in[ (i==0) ? WIDTH-1 : (i-1) ], in[i], in[ ( i == (WIDTH-1) ) ? 0 : i+1 ] }, rule, out[i] );
module automaton_cell(in, rule, out);
input wire[2:0] in;
input wire[7:0] rule;
output wire out;
assign out = rule[in];
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