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Last active December 16, 2015 11:49
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exlain_url sql function
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION public.explain_url(query text)
LANGUAGE plperlu
AS $function$
my $query = shift;
elog(ERROR,"not an explain query") unless $query =~ /^\s*explain\s/i;
my $rv = spi_exec_query($query);
my $nrows = $rv->{processed};
my $text = $query . "\n QUERY PLAN\n-------------------\n";
foreach my $rn (0 .. $nrows-1)
$text = $text . "$rv->{rows}[$rn]->{'QUERY PLAN'}\n";
use HTTP::Request::Common qw(POST);
use LWP::UserAgent;
my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new;
my $req = POST '',
[ plan => $text ];
my $resp = $ua->request($req);
my $loc = $resp->header('Location');
$loc =~ s!^/!!;
return $loc;
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