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Last active January 23, 2019 20:50
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generate a select query for a given table, with optional alias and compaction
create or replace function make_select_query (tablename text, tablealias text default null, compact boolean default false)
returns text
language plpgsql as
rec record;
crec record;
firstrow boolean := true;
result text := '';
talias text := '';
prefix text := '';
len int;
lastwaslf boolean := false;
if coalesce(tablealias,'') <> '' then
talias := quote_ident(tablealias);
prefix := talias || '.';
end if;
select into crec c.oid, quote_ident(nspname) as nspname, quote_ident(relname) as relname
from pg_class c, pg_namespace n
where c.relnamespace = n.oid
and c.oid = tablename::regclass;
for rec in
select quote_ident(attname) as attname, format_type(atttypid,atttypmod) as attype
from pg_attribute
where attrelid = crec.oid
and attnum > 0
and not attisdropped
order by attnum
if firstrow then
result := E'select\n ';
result := result ||
when lastwaslf then ','
when compact then ', '
else ' ,'
end if;
result := result || prefix || rec.attname;
lastwaslf := false;
if not compact
result := result || ' -- ' || rec.attype || E' \n';
len := strpos(reverse(result),E'\n');
if len = 0
len := length(result);
end if;
if len > 60
result := result || E'\n ';
lastwaslf := true;
end if;
end if;
firstrow := false;
end loop;
if compact
result := result || E'\n';
end if;
result := result || 'from ' || crec.nspname ||
'.' || crec.relname;
if talias <> '' then
result := result || ' as ' || talias;
end if;
result := result || E'\n';
return result;
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