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Last active August 29, 2015 13:57
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Save adunstan/9770065 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Vacuum a PostgreSQL schema's tables via dblink
-- requires dblink extension the be installed
-- vacuum a schema via dblink
create or replace function vacuum_schema(schemaname text)
returns void
language plpgsql
rec record;
-- fix connstr here to suit
perform dblink_connect('dbname='|| current_database());
for rec in
select relname
from pg_class c
join pg_namespace n
on c.relnamespace = n.oid
and n.nspname = schemaname
where c.relkind in ('r','m')
perform dblink('VACUUM ' || quote_ident(schemaname) || '.'
|| quote_ident(rec.relname));
end loop;
perform dblink_disconnect();
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