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Created May 16, 2012 09:29
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Solutions to ICP1 Homework 2
Introdcution to Computer Programming 1
Homework 2 Solutions
Advait Shinde
Note: I tried to keep my solutions well documented. Notice the
triple quote documentation in each function body. This is pretty standard
in the Python world - a great way to show what your implementation does
and how somebody else can use it!
# Problem 1
def isPalindrome(s):
"""Is s a palindrome?
s String to test
True iff s is a palindrome. False otherwise.
return s == s[::-1] # Super slicing :)
# Problem 1 Test Cases
# assert is a great way to make sure your code works properly
# If you try to assert a boolean false value, you will see an error!
# We'll go over this more in class!
assert isPalindrome("")
assert isPalindrome("9")
assert isPalindrome("racecar")
assert isPalindrome("not ton")
assert not isPalindrome("was it a rat i saw")
assert not isPalindrome("Malayalam")
# Problem 2
def isMultiple(i):
"""Returns True iff i is a multiple of both 3 and 4.
i Integer to test
True iff i is a multiple of both 3 and 4. False otherwise.
return (i % 3 == 0) and (i % 4 == 0)
def sumOfMultiples(i):
"""Returns the sum of all numbers less than i that are multiples of
both three and four.
i Integer the upper limit to sum
Integer sum
return sum([n for n in range(i) if isMultiple(n)])
# Problem 2 Test Cases
assert isMultiple(0)
assert isMultiple(12)
assert isMultiple(24)
assert not isMultiple(13)
assert sumOfMultiples(0) == 0
assert sumOfMultiples(1) == 0
assert sumOfMultiples(13) == 12
assert sumOfMultiples(30) == 36
# Problem 3
def fib(n):
"""returns the nth fibonacci number
n Integer zero-based index of the fibonacci list
Integer the nth fibonacci number
a = 1 # Temporary variables to hold last two fib numbers
b = 1
for temp in range(n):
# We don't care about the value of temp.
# We just want to loop n times
(a, b) = (b, a+b) # Tuple unpacking :)
return b
def sumFib(n):
"""Returns the sum of the first n fibonacci numbers.
n Integer the number of fibs to sum up
Integer sum
s = 0
a = 1
b = 1
for temp in range(n):
# Note that this solution doesn't use fib().
# Why is this method more efficient?
s += b
(a, b) = (b, a+b)
return s
# Problem 3 Test Cases
assert fib(0) == 1
assert fib(1) == 2
assert fib(2) == 3
assert fib(3) == 5
assert fib(4) == 8
assert sumFib(0) == 0
assert sumFib(1) == 1
assert sumFib(2) == 3
assert sumFib(3) == 6
assert sumFib(4) == 11
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