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Last active August 29, 2015 14:13
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Save advancedxy/2f619dd1800ddd3d5414 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.'s blog related code
import sys,struct,socket,array,datetime
def ip2str(ip):
return str(ip>>24)+'.'+str((ip>>16)&0xffL)+'.' \
def str2ip(s):
(ip,) = struct.unpack('!I',socket.inet_aton(s))
return ((ip>>24)&0xffL)|((ip&0xffL)<<24) \
def ip_integer_from_string(s):
"Convert dotted IPv4 address to integer."
return reduce(lambda a,b: a<<8 | b, map(int, s.split(".")))
def ip_integer_to_string(ip):
"Convert 32-bit integer to dotted IPv4 address."
return ".".join(map(lambda n: str(ip>>n & 0xFF), [24,16,8,0]))
if __name__ == "__main__":
record_file = open("record_part","wb")
text_db = open("raw_latest_complete_merged",'rb')
index_file = open("index_part","wb")
index_count = 0
for index,line in enumerate(text_db.readlines()):
line = line.decode("utf-8")
items = line.split(";")
start,prefixlen = items[0].split('/')
print start,
end = ip_integer_from_string(start) + 2**(32-int(prefixlen)) -1
#end = str2ip(ip_integer_to_string(end))
start = ip_integer_from_string(start)
#start = str2ip(start)
# start = ip_integer_from_string(start)
start = start
end = end
print ip_integer_to_string(end)
#print ip2str(start),ip2str(end)
offset = record_file.tell() + 8
# print hex(offset)
#offset will be represented as 3 byte ,so we need to split the offset into 2 parts.
highbyte = (offset & 0x00ff0000) >> 16
# print hex(highbyte)
# print hex(offset)
middlebyte = (offset & 0x0000ff00) >> 8
lowbyte = offset & 0x000000ff
print hex(offset), hex(highbyte), hex(middlebyte), hex(lowbyte)
#write the ip record, we use the 0x01 mode
#write the redirect mode
area = items[2]
isp = items[4]
if items[1] != u'中国':
area = items[1]
isp = u'亚马逊'
area = bytes(area.encode('GBK'))
isp = bytes(isp.encode('GBK'))
record_file.write(struct.pack(len(area)*'s', *area))
record_file.write(struct.pack(len(isp)*'s', *isp))
index_count = index
index_count = index_count + 1
offset = record_file.tell() + 8
highbyte = (offset & 0xff0000) > 16
low2bytes = offset & 0xffff
start = ip_integer_from_string('')
end = ip_integer_from_string('')
area = 'lalala'
record_file.write(struct.pack(len(area)*'s', *area))
index_offset_start = record_file.tell() + 8
index_offset_end = index_offset_start + 7 * index_count
header_file = open("header_part",'wb')
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import requests
import sys
base_taobao_url = ""
base_sina_url = ""
def query_ip(ip, base_url = None):
if base_url == None:
url_list = [ base_taobao_url, base_sina_url ]
url_list = [ base_url ]
payload = {"ip":ip}
resultL = []
for url in url_list:
if url == base_sina_url:
payload["format"] = "json"
payload.pop("format", 0)
result = requests.get(url, params=payload)
if result.status_code == 200:
json = result.json()
if url == base_taobao_url and not json["code"]:
if url == base_sina_url and json["ret"] == 1:
print "There is an error, maybe ask to fast"
if resultL:
rjson = reduce(lambda d1,d2: dict(d1.items() + { k:v for k,v in d2.items() if v }.items()), resultL)
rjson = reduce(lambda d1,d2: dict(d1.items() + { k:v for k,v in d2.items() if v }.items()), resultL,{})
if rjson:
if not rjson.get("province", ""):
rjson["province"] = rjson.get("region", "")
rjson["city"] = rjson.get("city", "")
rjson["isp"] = rjson.get("isp", "")
#print rjson
return rjson
if __name__ == "__main__":
if len(sys.argv) >= 2:
ip = sys.argv[1]
ip = ""
print query_ip(ip, base_sina_url)
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