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Created October 1, 2014 07:26
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Time-based One-time Password Algorithm
Based on the pyotp:
import base64
import hashlib
import hmac
import datetime
import random
import time
import sys
import urllib
def random_base32(length=16, random=random.SystemRandom(),
return ''.join(
for i in xrange(length)
class OTP(object):
def __init__(self, secret, digits=6):
self.secret = secret
def int_to_bytestring(self, int, padding=8):
Turns an integer to the OATH specified
bytestring, which is fed to the HMAC
along with the secret
result = []
while int != 0:
result.append(chr(int & 0xFF))
int = int >> 8
return ''.join(reversed(result)).rjust(padding, '\0')
def generate_otp(self, input):
@param [Integer] input the number used seed the HMAC
Usually either the counter, or the computed integer
based on the Unix timestamp
hmac_hash =
base64.b32decode(self.secret, casefold=True),
offset = ord(hmac_hash[19]) & 0xf
code = ((ord(hmac_hash[offset]) & 0x7f) << 24 |
(ord(hmac_hash[offset + 1]) & 0xff) << 16 |
(ord(hmac_hash[offset + 2]) & 0xff) << 8 |
(ord(hmac_hash[offset + 3]) & 0xff))
# '6' is number of integers in the OTP
return code % 10 ** 6
class TOTP(OTP):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
@option options [Integer] internval (30) the interval in seconds
This defaults to 30 which is standard.
self.interval = kwargs.pop('interval', 30)
super(TOTP, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
def timecode(self, for_time):
i = time.mktime(for_time.timetuple())
return int(i / self.interval)
def now(self):
Generate the current time OTP
@return [Integer] the OTP as an integer
return self.generate_otp(self.timecode(
def at(self, date):
Generate the current time OTP
@return [Integer] the OTP as an integer
return self.generate_otp(self.timecode(date))
def verify(self, otp, for_time=None):
Verifies the OTP passed in against the current time OTP
@param [String/Integer] otp the OTP to check against
if for_time is None:
for_time =
return otp ==
def provisioning_uri(self, name):
Returns the provisioning URI for the OTP
This can then be encoded in a QR Code and used
to provision the Google Authenticator app
@param [String] name of the account
@return [String] provisioning uri
return 'otpauth://totp/%(name)s?secret=%(secret)s' % {
'name': urllib.quote(name, safe='@'),
'secret': self.secret,
if __name__ == "__main__":
unixtime = 0
if len(sys.argv) > 1:
unixtime = int(sys.argv[1])
if unixtime > 1:
date = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(unixtime)
date =
totp = TOTP(secret)
print "TOTP token for secret '%s' at '%s' is: %s" % (
secret, date,
import totp
import qrcode
import datetime
class TotpAuth(object):
def __init__(self, secret=None):
if secret is None:
secret = totp.random_base32()
self.secret = secret
self.totp = totp.TOTP(secret)
def generate_token(self):
def valid(self, token):
token = int(token)
except ValueError:
return False
now =
time30secsago = now + datetime.timedelta(seconds=-30)
valid_now = self.totp.verify(token)
valid_past = self.totp.verify(token, for_time=time30secsago)
return valid_now or valid_past
return False
def qrcode(self, username):
uri = self.totp.provisioning_uri(username)
return qrcode.make(uri, box_size=4)
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