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Created January 16, 2016 19:32
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NOT USED - 11615005 - ady1 -
NOT USED - 12077784 - nds - northcliff dragon squad
NOT USED - 12089047 - mw - macho warriors
NOT USED - 11596346 - jfb - justice for blood
NOT USED - 9026921 - tf - the faction
NOT USED - 7869626 - bdd - blue diamond dragons
NOT USED - 12276210 - groo - groo's raven
NOT USED - 12318571 - exw - excaliburs wrath
NOT USED - 12319293 - gog - group of girls
NOT USED - 12328725 - pdg - pdg test
NOT USED - 12394189 - esq - elite squad 130
NOT USED - 12552936 - aus - australian
NOT USED - 11917392 - tap - the after party
NOT USED - 12608074 - ded - ded guild
NOT USED - 12670518 - hh - hammers hammer
NOT USED - 11622411 - ace - carnivorous swarm
NOT USED - 10164616 - elf - elf
NOT USED - 13004840 - urd - under the rising dragons
NOT USED - 13007946 - rpk - the replacement killers
NOT USED - 13012242 - fpk - fun phoenix knights
NOT USED - 13025283 - spa - spartacus army
NOT USED - 13044755 - h25 - hawk's25
NOT USED - 13091960 - bfs - bloodlust freedom smashers
NOT USED - 13095674 - cp9 - cp9
NOT USED - 9342695 - wat - we are titans
NOT USED - 13158438 - k2t - knights of the 2 tablets
NOT USED - 13248834 - bao - battalion one
NOT USED - 7922992 - ft$ - fairytail
NOT USED - 13352052 - rksb - royalknightssamuraiblood
NOT USED - 13404737 - fov - fun of valhalla
NOT USED - 13430259 - gtl - time lords
NOT USED - 13486000 - koa - knights of asgard
NOT USED - 13547240 - kwsn - knights who say neigh
NOT USED - 13648288 - as - avengers sheath
NOT USED - 13744742 - cbd - crypt of the black dragon
NOT USED - 13749235 - uk - ultimate kingdoms
NOT USED - 13752915 - tfa - tiny fierce angels
NOT USED - 13758701 - dgb - dragonborn
NOT USED - 13767898 - tgt - the golden table
NOT USED - 13770595 - tob - tavern of bonuses
NOT USED - 13770540 - tck - the crusader knights
NOT USED - 8119588 - no1 - tuanno1
NOT USED - 13772686 - muf - muff marauders
NOT USED - 13780058 - geco - gecoguild
NOT USED - 13777702 - rp - rising phoenix
NOT USED - 13782102 - rdd - red dawn dragons
NOT USED - 13783182 - iwg - immortal warriors guild
NOT USED - 13794812 - fun3 - forumunitednation3
NOT USED - 13808983 - tkc - the kings and crusaders
NOT USED - 13818838 - fun3 - fun3
NOT USED - 13880075 - kel - keepers of eternal light
NOT USED - 13994997 - fib2 - fun in black 2
NOT USED - 13995104 - edi - evil deeds inc
NOT USED - 14031477 - hf1 - hellsfire
NOT USED - 7255549 - tnw - the night's watch
NOT USED - 14057954 - fib2 - fun in black 2
NOT USED - 14061800 - wpl - wolfpack legends
NOT USED - 13808608 - trp - foxes risen from theashes
NOT USED - 14066925 - fwi - jaywalkers
NOT USED - 14067847 - dds - dragon daggers
NOT USED - 9923417 - ror - riders of rohan
NOT USED - 14140124 - gwm - global war machine
NOT USED - 14252290 - vct - victorious secret
NOT USED - 14262996 - mmm - mishaps minions
NOT USED - 14146811 - fib - fun in black
NOT USED - 14388435 - mom - minions of mayhem
NOT USED - 14393658 - rns - royal nutty samurai
NOT USED - 12648729 - ksf - kingdom strike force
NOT USED - 14487517 - rpm - raiding pirate minions
NOT USED - 7965932 - dkb - devious killer bees
NOT USED - 14573762 - fk - french kingdom
NOT USED - 14729194 - er - english roses
NOT USED - 14730459 - cms - chaotic minds
NOT USED - 6206661 - pcrp - pirates cove
NOT USED - 14732732 - out - outlanders
NOT USED - 14733010 - t-o - the outlanders
NOT USED - 14737321 - pxc - phoenix connection
NOT USED - 14748039 - sa - silent assault
NOT USED - 14760424 - tgg - the generals guild
NOT USED - 14768640 - fib3 - fun in black 3
NOT USED - 14823058 - rsg - royal samurai gods
NOT USED - 14866146 - thf - the happy few
NOT USED - 14867052 - trj - the raiding jedi alliance
NOT USED - 14921188 - drh - dark hellfire
NOT USED - 15007882 - fra - fr ali
NOT USED - 14828559 - drp - dragon riders of pern
NOT USED - 15116462 - uod - underbelly of the dog
NOT USED - 15116551 - fib-iii - fun in black iii
NOT USED - 15125512 - blues - bot for cleanups
NOT USED - 15192005 - cg - gecoguild
NOT USED - 15392829 - lod - legends of dreams
NOT USED - 15446608 - fqk - frost queens knights
NOT USED - 15470286 - vv - valiant vikkngs
NOT USED - 15482468 - tom - time lord tom baker
NOT USED - 7565716 - ab - alpha beta
NOT USED - 16054407 - dw2 - royal dragons
NOT USED - 16413003 - wy - warlord yetis
NOT USED - 16536965 - usa2 - usa2
NOT USED - 16690541 - sbv - built for war
NOT USED - 16726048 - kg3 - kingdoms gate 3
NOT USED - 17153255 - rev - revolutions
NOT USED - 17224302 - pds - pds raven room
NOT USED - 17240146 - drs - dark striders
NOT USED - 17994723 - gwm - global war machine
NOT USED - 18050522 - rev - revolutions
NOT USED - 18053284 - mfb - my fishing buddies
NOT USED - 18070518 - kar - king arthur roundtable
NOT USED - 18218188 - ac - animal crackers
NOT USED - 18357758 - caw - celtic angel warriors
NOT USED - 18398869 - hot - the house of the teak's
NOT USED - 18716248 - mbk - metro, boulot, ka
NOT USED - 18752617 - trl - thin red line
NOT USED - 18961880 - buc - buccaneers
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