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Last active September 26, 2017 17:06
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* Write some code, that will flatten an array of arbitrarily nested arrays of integers into a
* flat array of integers. e.g. [[1,2,[3]],4] -> [1,2,3,4].
* forEach solution
const FlatLinerFE = function(arr) {
let flatline = [];
let flattFE = function(set) {
set.forEach( currVal => Array.isArray(currVal) ? flattFE(currVal) : flatline.push(currVal) );
// check if arr is array if not bail out early
Array.isArray(arr) ? flattFE(arr) : flatline = arr;
return flatline;
* Map solution
const FlatLinerMap = function(arr) {
let flatline = [];
let flattMap = (set) => {,v,c) => {
Array.isArray(a) ? flattMap(a) : flatline.push(a);
// check if arr is array if not bail out early
Array.isArray(arr) ? flattMap(arr) : flatline = arr;
return flatline;
* Reduce recursive solution
const FlatLinerReduceRecursive = function(arr) {
let flattReduce = set => set.reduce ((newArr, currVal ) => {
return newArr.concat(Array.isArray(currVal) ? flattReduce(currVal) : currVal), []);
// check if arr is array if not bail out early
return Array.isArray(arr) ? flattReduce(arr) : arr;
* Reduce non-recursive solution
const FlatLinerReduceStraight = function(arr) {
let flattReduce = set => set.reduce ((newArr, currVal ) => {
return newArr.concat(currVal), []);
// check if arr is array if not bail out early
return Array.isArray(arr) ? flattReduce(arr) : arr;
* toString + reduce solution
const FlattenToString = function(A) {
return A
.reduce( (a,c) => {
let i = parseFloat(c);
c = (!Number.isNaN(i)) ? i : c;
return a;
}, []);
* JSON stringify solution
* thanks to:
* from this thread:
const FlattenJSON = function(A) {
let B = JSON.parse(`[${JSON.stringify(A).replace(/\[|]/g,'')}]`);
return B;
let single = "hello, paprika";
let arr = [1, [2, 3, [4, [5, [6] ] ] ] ];"Testing with array");
console.log("forEach:", FlatLinerFE(arr));
console.log("Map:", FlatLinerMap(arr));
console.log("Reduce Recursive:", FlatLinerReduceRecursive(arr));
console.log("Reduce Straight:", FlatLinerReduceStraight(arr));
console.log("Flatten toString + reduce:", FlattenToString(arr));
console.log("Flatten JSON:", FlattenJSON(arr));
console.groupEnd();"Testing with non array");
console.log("forEach:", FlatLinerFE(single));
console.log("Map:", FlatLinerMap(single));
console.log("Reduce:", FlatLinerReduce(single));
console.log("Reduce Recursive:", FlatLinerReduceRecursive(single));
console.log("Reduce Straight:", FlatLinerReduceStraight(single));
console.log("Flatten toString + reduce:", FlattenToString(single));
console.log("Flatten JSON:", FlattenJSON(single));
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