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Last active May 19, 2023 20:30
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convert labeled tiff to Qupath geojson v0.3.2
from geojson import Point, Feature, FeatureCollection, Polygon
import geojson
import numpy as np
import tifffile
import sys
import pandas as pd
from tqdm import tqdm
import cv2
from skimage.morphology import binary_dilation
from skimage import io
# Requires (pip install) opencv-python==4.6.0, tifffile, geojson==2.5.0, tqdm, pandas, scikit-image
# Labeled tif requires 1-based indexing, stored as uint32 values
# i.e., labeled image 0: background, everything else is an object
# labels in labeled image are unit32 values starting at 1 and are in sequential order
# Example usage: python --mask /path/to/tiff
# Example usage: python --mask /path/to/tiff --pxSize 0.3774 --objType d --annotCSV /path/to/annotdf.csv --output /path/to/output.geojson
from tifffile import imread
from skimage.measure import label, regionprops, regionprops_table
import pandas as pd
import argparse
def get_parser() -> argparse.ArgumentParser:
:return: an argparse ArgumentParser object for parsing command
line parameters
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
description='Run pathway reconstruction pipeline.')
parser.add_argument('--mask','-m', default='mask.tif',
help='Path to tif file',required=True)
parser.add_argument('--pxSize','-p', default=1.0,type=float,
help='Pixel size',required=False)
parser.add_argument('--objType','-t', default='d',
help='Qupath object type a=annotation, d=detection',required=False)
parser.add_argument('--annotCSV','-a', default=None,
help='Path to csv file with cell coordinate data',required=False)
parser.add_argument('--output','-o', default='output.geojson',)
return parser
def parse_arguments():
Initialize a parser and use it to parse the command line arguments
:return: parsed dictionary of command line arguments
parser = get_parser()
opts = parser.parse_args()
return opts
# the function below does all the heavy lifting
def getOutline(labeled_image, idx, offsetX, offsetY):
subIm = binary_dilation(labeled_image==idx+1)*255
polygons = cv2.findContours(subIm.astype(np.uint8), cv2.RETR_LIST, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE, offset=(-1, -1))
pts = polygons[0][0].flatten().reshape(-1, 2).round().astype(int)
poly = [(offsetX+float(x[0]),offsetY+float(x[1])) for x in pts]
poly = [poly]
return poly
def mask_to_geojson(
labeled_image: np.ndarray,
pxSize = 1,
objType = 'PathDetectionObject',
inDF = None,
output_file = ''):
features = [None]*labeled_image.max()
for idx,row in tqdm(inDF.iterrows(), total=inDF.shape[0]):
# change it to another column with centroid's x and y coordinates
# convert it to pixel ID form um.
x0 = round(row['spatial_X']/pxSize)
y0 = round(row['spatial_Y']/pxSize)
# Assumption: Largest object is 200 pixels wide.
# larger values are slower
# This could be improved by using the bounding box of the object instead
width = 200
# width/2 since offset is calculated from centroid
imgOffset0 = int(min([x0,y0,width/2]))
imgOffset1 = width-imgOffset0
subImg = labeled_image[y0-imgOffset0:y0+imgOffset1,x0-imgOffset0:x0+imgOffset1]
#print(x0, y0, x0-imgOffset0,x0+imgOffset1,y0-imgOffset0,y0+imgOffset1)
#print(idx+1, sum(sum(subImg==idx+1)),'\n')
poly = getOutline(subImg,idx, x0-imgOffset0,y0-imgOffset0, )
# Change from row.phenotype to another column name if needed
# To add other metadata, pass it as a dictionary of measurement key-value pairs
features[idx] = Feature(geometry=Polygon(poly),
properties= {'object_type':objType,"classification": {"name": str(row.phenotype)},
"isLocked": False})
features = [val for val in features if val is not None]
feature_collection = FeatureCollection(features)
# write geojson
with open(output_file, "w") as fp:
geojson.dump(feature_collection, fp, indent=2)
import sys
opts = parse_arguments()
iF = tifffile.imread(opts.mask).astype(np.uint32)
pxSize = opts.pxSize
objType = opts.objType
if opts.annotCSV is None:
inDF = pd.DataFrame(regionprops_table(iF.T,properties=['label','centroid']))
inDF.loc[:,'phenotype'] = 'cells'
inDF.columns = ['CellID','spatial_X','spatial_Y','phenotype']
# read in csv file with cell coordinate data
inDF = pd.read_csv(annotCSV)
if objType == 'a':
objType = 'PathAnnotationObject'
elif objType == 'd':
objType = 'PathDetectionObject'
sys.exit('Err. objType must be a or d')
mask_to_geojson(iF, pxSize = pxSize,
objType=objType,inDF=inDF, output_file= opts.output,)
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