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Created August 29, 2018 21:14
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Fetch transactions receipt
const ipcPath = process.env['HOME'] + '/.local/share/io.parity.ethereum/jsonrpc.ipc'
const net = require('net')
const Web3 = require('web3')
const web3 = new Web3()
web3.setProvider(new web3.providers.IpcProvider(ipcPath, net))
function parseHrtimeToSeconds (hrtime) {
var seconds = (hrtime[0] + (hrtime[1] / 1e9)).toFixed(3)
return seconds
async function getBlockTransactionsAsync () {
let transactions = []
try {
let blocksPromises = []
let index
let startTime = process.hrtime()
// fetch all blocks async
for (index = 4832000; index < 4832100; index++) {
// fetch full block, include transactions
blocksPromises.push(web3.eth.getBlock(index, true))
}`getBlockTransactionsAsync waiting for blocks 4832000 - 4832099 requests`)
// wait for blocks
let resBlocks = await Promise.all(blocksPromises)
let elapsedSeconds = parseHrtimeToSeconds(process.hrtime(startTime))`getBlockTransactionsAsync got blocks, duration in sec:, ${elapsedSeconds}`)
// for every block, handle transactions
let startTimeTransactions = process.hrtime()
let transactionCount = 0
for (let blockIndex = 0; blockIndex < resBlocks.length;) {
let block = resBlocks[blockIndex]
if (block) {
let txstartTime = process.hrtime()
let transactionReceiptPromises = []
// fetch all transactions async
for (let index = 0; index < block.transactions.length; index++) {
}`wait for ${block.transactions.length} transactions receipt requests .`)
let resTransactionReceipt = await Promise.all(transactionReceiptPromises)
let elapsedTxSeconds = parseHrtimeToSeconds(process.hrtime(txstartTime))`getTransactionsFromBlockAsync for block: ${block.number}, txs: ${resTransactionReceipt.length}, duration in sec:, ${elapsedTxSeconds}`)
transactionCount += block.transactions.length
let elapsedSecondsTransactions = parseHrtimeToSeconds(process.hrtime(startTimeTransactions))`getting ${transactionCount} txs, duration in sec:, ${elapsedSecondsTransactions}`)
} catch (error) {
getBlockTransactionsAsync().then(async () => {'done')
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