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Created January 22, 2020 14:32
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  • Save adz/a118954c98579d0ec8569f6180a18434 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save adz/a118954c98579d0ec8569f6180a18434 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
$ dotnet fake run build.fsx -t ReleaseDocs
Extracted Paket.Restore.targets to: /home/adam/projects/libs/FSharpPlus/.paket/Paket.Restore.targets (Can be disabled with PAKET_SKIP_RESTORE_TARGETS=true)
The last restore is still up to date. Nothing left to do.
run ReleaseDocs
Building project with version: LocalBuild
Shortened DependencyGraph for Target ReleaseDocs:
<== ReleaseDocs
<== All
<== BuildDocs
<== BuildPackage
<== CopyNuGet
<== NuGet
<== RunTests
<== CopyBinaries
<== Build
<== Restore
<== AssemblyInfo
<== Clean
<== GenerateDocs
<== GenerateReferenceDocs
<== GenerateHelp
The running order is:
Group - 1
- Clean
Group - 2
- AssemblyInfo
Group - 3
- Restore
Group - 4
- Build
Group - 5
- CopyBinaries
Group - 6
- GenerateHelp
- RunTests
Group - 7
- GenerateReferenceDocs
- NuGet
Group - 8
- GenerateDocs
- CopyNuGet
Group - 9
- BuildPackage
Group - 10
- BuildDocs
Group - 11
- All
Group - 12
- ReleaseDocs
Starting target 'Clean'
Starting task 'MSBuild': /home/adam/projects/libs/FSharpPlus/FSharpPlus.sln
> "/usr/bin/mono" --version (In: false, Out: true, Err: true)
> "/usr/bin/xbuild" /version /nologo (In: false, Out: true, Err: true)
Could not detect msbuild version from '/usr/bin/xbuild': System.ArgumentException: Version string portion was too short or too long. (Parameter 'input')
at System.Version.ParseVersion(ReadOnlySpan`1 input, Boolean throwOnFailure)
at System.Version.Parse(String input)
at Fake.DotNet.MSBuild.getFromCall@690(String exePath, FSharpFunc`2 callMsbuildExe, Unit unitVar0) in d:\a\1\s\src\app\Fake.DotNet.MSBuild\MSBuild.fs:line 695
msbuild version '' doesn't support binary logger, please set the msbuild argument 'DisableInternalBinLog' to 'true' to disable this warning.
/usr/bin/xbuild /home/adam/projects/libs/FSharpPlus/FSharpPlus.sln /restore /t:Clean /p:RestorePackages=False /p:Optimize=True /p:DebugSymbols=True /p:Configuration=Release "/p:Platform=Any CPU" "/p:PackageReleaseNotes=More Fable support" /p:VersionSuffix=RC1 /p:VersionPrefix=1.1.0 /p:Configuration=Release
/home/adam/projects/libs/FSharpPlus> "/usr/bin/xbuild" /home/adam/projects/libs/FSharpPlus/FSharpPlus.sln /restore /t:Clean /p:RestorePackages=False /p:Optimize=True /p:DebugSymbols=True /p:Configuration=Release "/p:Platform=Any CPU" "/p:PackageReleaseNotes=More Fable support" /p:VersionSuffix=RC1 /p:VersionPrefix=1.1.0 /p:Configuration=Release (In: false, Out: false, Err: false)
>>>> xbuild tool is deprecated and will be removed in future updates, use msbuild instead <<<<
MSBUILD: error MSBUILD0004: Too many project files specified
Finished (Failed) 'MSBuild' in 00:00:00.3864416
Finished (Failed) 'Clean' in 00:00:00.4976231
Build Time Report
Target Duration
------ --------
Clean 00:00:00.4955896 (Exception of type 'Fake.DotNet.MSBuildException' was thrown.)
AssemblyInfo 00:00:00 (skipped)
Restore 00:00:00 (skipped)
Build 00:00:00 (skipped)
CopyBinaries 00:00:00 (skipped)
GenerateHelp 00:00:00 (skipped)
RunTests 00:00:00 (skipped)
GenerateReferenceDocs 00:00:00 (skipped)
NuGet 00:00:00 (skipped)
GenerateDocs 00:00:00 (skipped)
CopyNuGet 00:00:00 (skipped)
BuildPackage 00:00:00 (skipped)
BuildDocs 00:00:00 (skipped)
All 00:00:00 (skipped)
ReleaseDocs 00:00:00 (skipped)
Total: 00:00:00.5630247
Status: Failure
Script reported an error:
-> BuildFailedException: Target 'Clean' failed.
-> One or more errors occurred. (Exception of type 'Fake.DotNet.MSBuildException' was thrown.)
-> MSBuildException: Exception of type 'Fake.DotNet.MSBuildException' was thrown.
Hint: To further diagnose the problem you can run fake in verbose mode `fake -v run ...` or set the 'FAKE_DETAILED_ERRORS' environment variable to 'true'
Hint: Could not find a version in your paket.dependencies file, consider adding 'version 5.241.2' at the top of your dependencies file (/home/adam/projects/libs/FSharpPlus/paket.dependencies).
Read for details.
- Cli parsing: 168 milliseconds
- Packages: 50 milliseconds
- Script analyzing: 16 milliseconds
- Script running: 728 milliseconds
- Script cleanup: 55 milliseconds
- Runtime: 1 second
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