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Created October 20, 2021 15:28
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Quickly scaffold for meta block in html head tag of a page (VueJS or NuxtJS)
// Utils file can be found here
// Just download and keep in same folder as this.(i.e meta-utils.js)
import { withHttp } from './utils'
// This util makes it faster to implement meta:Open Graph, Twitter
// All these variable are overbidden if passed with meta param
const type = 'Website'
let url = process.env.SITE_URL // From env
const title = 'SiteTitle and Short Description Goes Here'
const siteName = 'SiteTitle or ShortName'
const description = 'Long Description Goes Here'
let mainImage = '/webclip.png' // grab from the url
const twitterCard = 'summary' // summary, summary_large_image, app, or player.
const twitterHandle = '@sitetwitterhandle'
export default (meta) => {
url = meta && meta.url ? withHttp(meta.url) : withHttp(url)
if (!(mainImage.includes('http://') || mainImage.includes('https://'))) {
mainImage =
meta && meta.mainImage ? withHttp(meta.mainImage) : url + mainImage
return [
charset: 'utf-8'
name: 'viewport',
content: 'width=device-width, initial-scale=1'
name: 'theme-color',
property: 'theme-color',
content: '#37A476'
hid: 'description',
name: 'description',
content: (meta && meta.description) || description
hid: 'og:type',
property: 'og:type',
content: (meta && meta.type) || type
hid: 'og:url',
property: 'og:url',
content: url
name: 'og:site_name',
property: 'og:site_name',
content: (meta && meta.site_name) || siteName
hid: 'og:title',
property: 'og:title',
content: (meta && meta.title) || title
hid: 'og:description',
property: 'og:description',
content: (meta && meta.description) || description
hid: 'og:image',
property: 'og:image',
content: mainImage
name: 'twitter:card',
content: (meta && meta.twitterCard) || twitterCard
name: 'twitter:site',
content: (meta && meta.twitterSite) || twitterHandle
hid: 'twitter:url',
name: 'twitter:url',
content: url
hid: 'twitter:title',
name: 'twitter:title',
content: (meta && meta.title) || title
hid: 'twitter:description',
name: 'twitter:description',
content: (meta && meta.description) || description
hid: 'twitter:image',
name: 'twitter:image',
content: mainImage
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