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Created May 11, 2017 00:43
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// This file is a part of pomerol - a scientific ED code for obtaining
// properties of a Hubbard model on a finite-size lattice
// Copyright (C) 2010-2014 Andrey Antipov <>
// Copyright (C) 2010-2014 Igor Krivenko <>
// pomerol is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// pomerol is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with pomerol. If not, see <>.
/** \file prog/anderson.cpp
** \brief Diagonalization of the Anderson impurity model (1 impurity coupled to a set of non-interacting bath sites)
** \author Andrey Antipov (
#include <boost/lexical_cast.hpp>
#include <boost/program_options.hpp>
#include <boost/mpi.hpp>
#include <string>
#include <iostream>
#include <algorithm>
#include <pomerol.h>
#ifdef POMEROL_CXX11
#undef DEBUG
#include <gftools.hpp>
using gftools::tools::is_float_equal;
using gftools::grid_object;
using gftools::fmatsubara_grid;
using gftools::bmatsubara_grid;
using gftools::real_grid;
using gftools::FMatsubara;
using gftools::BMatsubara;
using gftools::FMatsubaraIndex;
using gftools::BMatsubaraIndex;
namespace po = boost::program_options;
void print_section (const std::string& str, boost::mpi::communicator comm = boost::mpi::communicator());
//boost::mpi::environment env;
using namespace Pomerol;
#define mpi_cout if(!comm.rank()) std::cout
template <typename T>
po::options_description define(po::options_description& opts, std::string name, T def_val, std::string desc) {
opts.add_options()(name.c_str(), po::value<T>()->default_value(T(def_val)), desc.c_str()); return opts; }
template <typename T>
po::options_description define_vec(po::options_description& opts, std::string name, T&& def_val, std::string desc) {
opts.add_options()(name.c_str(), po::value<T>()->multitoken()->default_value(T(def_val),""), desc.c_str()); return opts; }
// cmdline parser
po::variables_map cmdline_params(int argc, char* argv[])
po::options_description p("Full-ED of the Anderson model");
//po::variables_map p(argc, (const char**)argv);
define_vec <std::vector<double> > (p, "levels", { }, "energy levels of the bath sites");
define_vec <std::vector<double> > (p, "hoppings", { }, "hopping to the bath sites");
define<double> (p, "U", 10.0, "Value of U");
define<double> (p, "beta", 1, "Value of inverse temperature");
define<double> (p, "ed", 0.0, "Value of energy level of the impurity");
define<int>(p, "calc_gf", false, "Calculate Green's functions");
define<int>(p, "calc_2pgf", false, "Calculate 2-particle Green's functions");
define<int>(p, "wf_min", -20, "Minimum fermionic Matsubara freq");
define<int>(p, "wf_max", 20, "Maximum fermionic Matsubara freq (4x for GF)");
define<int>(p, "wb_min", 0, "Minimum bosonic Matsubara freq");
define<int>(p, "wb_max", 0, "Maximum bosonic Matsubara freq");
define<double>(p, "gf.eta", 0.05, "GF: Offset from the real axis for Green's function calculation");
define<double>(p, "gf.step", 0.01, "GF: step of the real-freq grid");
define<double>(p, "gf.D", 6, "GF: length of the real-freq grid");
define<int>(p, "gf.ntau", 100, "GF: amount of points on the imag-time grid");
define<double>(p, "2pgf.reduce_tol", 1e-5, "Energy resonance resolution in 2pgf");
define<double>(p, "2pgf.coeff_tol", 1e-12, "Tolerance on nominators in 2pgf");
define<size_t>(p, "2pgf.reduce_freq", 1e5, "How often to reduce terms in 2pgf");
define<double>(p, "2pgf.multiterm_tol", 1e-6, "How often to reduce terms in 2pgf");
define_vec<std::vector<size_t> >(p, "2pgf.indices", std::vector<size_t>({0, 0, 0, 0 }), "2pgf index combination");
po::variables_map vm;
//po::store(po::parse_command_line(argc, argv, p), vm);
po::store(po::command_line_parser(argc, argv).options(p).style(
po::command_line_style::unix_style ^ po::command_line_style::allow_short).run(), vm);
if (vm.count("help")) { std::cerr << p << "\n"; MPI_Finalize(); exit(0); }
return vm;
int ceil_div2( int M )
return ( M - 1000000 ) / 2 + 500000;
int floor_div2( int M )
return ( M + 1000000 ) / 2 - 500000;
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
boost::mpi::environment env(argc,argv);
boost::mpi::communicator comm;
print_section("Anderson model ED");
// all the params of the model
RealType e0, U, beta;
bool calc_gf, calc_2pgf;
size_t L;
std::vector<double> levels;
std::vector<double> hoppings;
po::variables_map p = cmdline_params(argc, argv);
U = p["U"].as<double>();
e0 = p["ed"].as<double>();
boost::tie(beta, calc_gf, calc_2pgf) = boost::make_tuple(
p["beta"].as<double>(), p["calc_gf"].as<int>(), p["calc_2pgf"].as<int>());
calc_gf = calc_gf || calc_2pgf;
if (p.count("levels")) {
levels = p["levels"].as<std::vector<double>>();
hoppings = p["hoppings"].as<std::vector<double>>();
if (levels.size() != hoppings.size()) {MPI_Finalize(); throw (std::logic_error("number of levels != number of hoppings")); }
L = levels.size();
mpi_cout << "Diagonalization of 1+" << L << " sites" << std::endl;
/* Add sites */
Lattice Lat;
Lat.addSite(new Lattice::Site("A",1,2));
LatticePresets::addCoulombS(&Lat, "A", U, e0);
std::vector<std::string> names(L);
for (size_t i=0; i<L; i++)
std::stringstream s; s << i;
Lat.addSite(new Lattice::Site(names[i],1,2));
LatticePresets::addHopping(&Lat, "A", names[i], hoppings[i]);
LatticePresets::addLevel(&Lat, names[i], levels[i]);
int rank = comm.rank();
mpi_cout << "Sites" << std::endl;
if (!rank) Lat.printSites();
if (!rank) {
mpi_cout << "Terms with 2 operators" << std::endl;
mpi_cout << "Terms with 4 operators" << std::endl;
IndexClassification IndexInfo(Lat.getSiteMap());
// Create index space
if (!rank) { print_section("Indices"); IndexInfo.printIndices(); };
int index_size = IndexInfo.getIndexSize();
print_section("Matrix element storage");
IndexHamiltonian Storage(&Lat,IndexInfo);
// Write down the Hamiltonian as a symbolic formula
mpi_cout << Storage << std::endl;
Symmetrizer Symm(IndexInfo, Storage);
// Find symmetries of the problem
// Introduce Fock space and classify states to blocks
StatesClassification S(IndexInfo,Symm);
// Hamiltonian in the basis of Fock Space
Hamiltonian H(IndexInfo, Storage, S);
// enter the Hamiltonian matrices
// compute eigenvalues and eigenvectors
// Save spectrum
if (!rank) {
gftools::grid_object<double, gftools::enum_grid> evals1(gftools::enum_grid(0, S.getNumberOfStates()));
RealVectorType evals (H.getEigenValues());
std::sort(, + H.getEigenValues().size());
std::copy(, + S.getNumberOfStates(),;
//savetxt("spectrum.dat", evals); // dump eigenvalues
DensityMatrix rho(S,H,beta); // create Density Matrix
rho.compute(); // evaluate thermal weights with respect to ground energy, i.e exp(-beta(e-e_0))/Z
ParticleIndex d0 = IndexInfo.getIndex("A",0,down); // find the indices of the impurity, i.e. spin up index
ParticleIndex u0 = IndexInfo.getIndex("A",0,up);
if (!rank) {
// get average total particle number
mpi_cout << "<N> = " << rho.getAverageOccupancy() << std::endl;
// get average energy
mpi_cout << "<H> = " << rho.getAverageEnergy() << std::endl;
// get double occupancy
mpi_cout << "<N_{" << IndexInfo.getInfo(u0) << "}N_{"<< IndexInfo.getInfo(u0) << "}> = " << rho.getAverageDoubleOccupancy(u0,d0) << std::endl;
// get average total particle number per index
for (ParticleIndex i=0; i<IndexInfo.getIndexSize(); i++) {
std::cout << "<N_{" << IndexInfo.getInfo(i) << "[" << i <<"]}> = " << rho.getAverageOccupancy(i) << std::endl;
double n_av = rho.getAverageOccupancy();
// Green's function calculation starts here
FieldOperatorContainer Operators(IndexInfo, S, H); // Create a container for c and c^+ in the eigenstate basis
if (calc_gf) {
int ntau; double eta, step, hbw;
boost::tie(ntau, eta, step, hbw) = boost::make_tuple(p["gf.ntau"].as<int>(), p["gf.eta"].as<double>(), p["gf.step"].as<double>(), p["gf.D"].as<double>());
int wf_min, wf_max, wb_min, wb_max;
boost::tie(wf_min, wf_max, wb_min, wb_max) = boost::make_tuple(p["wf_min"].as<int>(), p["wf_max"].as<int>(), p["wb_min"].as<int>(), p["wb_max"].as<int>());
mpi_cout << "1-particle Green's functions calc" << std::endl;
std::set<ParticleIndex> f; // a set of indices to evaluate c and c^+
std::set<IndexCombination2> indices2; // a set of pairs of indices to evaluate Green's function
// Take only impurity spin up and spin down indices
indices2.insert(IndexCombination2(d0,d0)); // evaluate only G_{\down \down}
Operators.computeAll(); // evaluate c, c^+ for chosen indices
GFContainer G(IndexInfo,S,H,rho,Operators);
G.prepareAll(indices2); // identify all non-vanishing block connections in the Green's function
G.computeAll(); // Evaluate all GF terms, i.e. resonances and weights of expressions in Lehmans representation of the Green's function
if (!comm.rank()) // dump gf into a file
// loops over all components (pairs of indices) of the Green's function
for (std::set<IndexCombination2>::const_iterator it = indices2.begin(); it != indices2.end(); ++it) {
IndexCombination2 ind2 = *it;
const GreensFunction & GF = G(ind2);
mpi_cout << "Saving imfreq G" << ind2 << " on "<< 4*wf_max << " Matsubara freqs. " << std::endl;
grid_object<std::complex<double>, fmatsubara_grid> gf_imfreq (fmatsubara_grid(wf_min, wf_max*4, beta));
std::string ind_str = boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(ind2.Index1)+ boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(ind2.Index2);
for (auto p : gf_imfreq.grid().points()) { gf_imfreq[p] = GF(p.value()); }
gf_imfreq.savetxt("gw_imfreq_"+ ind_str +".dat");
real_grid freq_grid(-hbw, hbw, 2*hbw/step+1, true);
grid_object<std::complex<double>, real_grid> gf_refreq(freq_grid);
for (auto p : freq_grid.points()) {
ComplexType val = GF(ComplexType(p.value()) + I*eta);
gf_refreq[p] = val;
gf_refreq.savetxt("gw_refreq_"+ ind_str +".dat");
// Start Two-particle GF calculation
if (calc_2pgf) {
print_section("2-Particle Green's function calc");
std::vector<size_t> indices_2pgf = p["2pgf.indices"].as<std::vector<size_t> >();
if (indices_2pgf.size() != 4) throw std::logic_error("Need 4 indices for 2pgf");
// a set of four indices to evaluate the 2pgf
IndexCombination4 index_comb(indices_2pgf[0], indices_2pgf[1], indices_2pgf[2], indices_2pgf[3]);
std::set<IndexCombination4> indices4;
// 2PGF = <T c c c^+ c^+>
std::string ind_str = boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(index_comb.Index1)
+ boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(index_comb.Index2)
+ boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(index_comb.Index3)
+ boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(index_comb.Index4);
AnnihilationOperator const& C1 = Operators.getAnnihilationOperator(index_comb.Index1);
AnnihilationOperator const& C2 = Operators.getAnnihilationOperator(index_comb.Index2);
CreationOperator const& CX3 = Operators.getCreationOperator(index_comb.Index3);
CreationOperator const& CX4 = Operators.getCreationOperator(index_comb.Index4);
TwoParticleGF G4(S, H, C1, C2, CX3, CX4, rho);
/* Some knobs to make calc faster - the larger the values of tolerances, the faster is calc, but rounding errors may show up. */
/** A difference in energies with magnitude less than this value is treated as zero - resolution of energy resonances. */
G4.ReduceResonanceTolerance = p["2pgf.reduce_tol"].as<double>();
/** Minimal magnitude of the coefficient of a term to take it into account - resolution of thermal weight. */
G4.CoefficientTolerance = p["2pgf.coeff_tol"].as<double>();
/** Knob that controls the caching frequency. */
G4.ReduceInvocationThreshold = p["2pgf.reduce_freq"].as<size_t>();
/** Minimal magnitude of the coefficient of a term to take it into account with respect to amount of terms. */
G4.MultiTermCoefficientTolerance = p["2pgf.multiterm_tol"].as<double>();
comm.barrier(); // MPI::BARRIER
std::vector<boost::tuple<ComplexType, ComplexType, ComplexType> > freqs_2pgf;
fmatsubara_grid fgrid(wf_min, wf_max, beta);
bmatsubara_grid bgrid(wb_min, wb_max + 1, beta);
freqs_2pgf.reserve(fgrid.size() * fgrid.size() * bgrid.size());
for (auto W : bgrid.values()) {
for (auto w3 : fgrid.values()) {
for (auto w2 : fgrid.values()) {
int M = BMatsubaraIndex(W, beta);
int n = FMatsubaraIndex(w3, beta);
int np = FMatsubaraIndex(w2, beta);
ComplexType w1t = FMatsubara(floor_div2(M)-np-1,beta);
ComplexType w2t = FMatsubara(ceil_div2(M)+np,beta);
ComplexType w3t = FMatsubara(ceil_div2(M)+n,beta);
mpi_cout << "2PGF : " << freqs_2pgf.size() << " freqs to evaluate" << std::endl;
// ! The most important routine - actually calculate the 2PGF
auto chi_freq_data = G4.compute(true, freqs_2pgf, comm);
// dump 2PGF into files - loop through 2pgf components
if (!comm.rank()) {
mpi_cout << "Saving 2PGF " << index_comb << std::endl;
grid_object<std::complex<double>, bmatsubara_grid, fmatsubara_grid, fmatsubara_grid> full_vertex(std::forward_as_tuple(bgrid, fgrid, fgrid));
grid_object<std::complex<double>, fmatsubara_grid, fmatsubara_grid> full_vertex_1freq(std::forward_as_tuple(fgrid, fgrid));
size_t w_ind = 0;
for (auto W : bgrid.points()) {
int M = BMatsubaraIndex(W, beta);
for (auto w3 : fgrid.points()) {
for (auto w2 : fgrid.points()) {
std::complex<double> val = chi_freq_data[w_ind];
full_vertex[W][w3.index()][w2.index()] = val;
full_vertex_1freq[w3.index()][w2.index()] = val;
int np = FMatsubaraIndex(w2, beta);
if (!is_float_equal(boost::get<0>(freqs_2pgf[w_ind]), FMatsubara(floor_div2(M)-np-1,beta))) throw std::logic_error("2pgf freq mismatch");
std::string fv1_name = "chi_pp_shift"+ind_str+"_W"+boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(M)+".dat";
// with the help of alpscore grid_object could be dumped to hdf5 - see save_grid_object(alps::hdf5::archive&, grid_object const&, group)
void print_section (const std::string& str, boost::mpi::communicator comm)
mpi_cout << std::string(str.size(),'=') << std::endl;
mpi_cout << str << std::endl;
mpi_cout << std::string(str.size(),'=') << std::endl;
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