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Last active December 5, 2021 06:07
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  • Save aegis1980/7824e54f482fc842e2b1b7cc4e10586a to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save aegis1980/7824e54f482fc842e2b1b7cc4e10586a to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
"anytime" : [
"Hey there sexy!"
"morning" : [
"Good morning, sunshine!",
"Who needs coffee when you have your smile?",
"Go get 'em, Tiger!"
"afternoon" : [
"Hitting your stride!",
"You are making a difference!",
"You're more fun than bubble wrap!"
"evening" : [
"You made someone smile today, I know it.",
"You are making a difference.",
"The day was better for your efforts."
"....-07-04": [
"Happy Birthday, Bozo!"
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