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Created May 29, 2013 20:16
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void playWav(char* filename, float samplerate)
if(filename[0]!='-') fp = open(filename, 'r');
//int sz = lseek(fp, 0L, SEEK_END);
//lseek(fp, 0L, SEEK_SET);
//short* data = (short*)malloc(sz);
//read(fp, data, sz);
int bufPtr=0;
float datanew, dataold = 0;
short data;
for (int i=0; i<22; i++)
read(fp, &data, 2); // read past header
while (read(fp, &data, 2)) {
float fmconstant = samplerate * 50.0e-6; // for pre-emphisis filter. 50us time constant
int clocksPerSample = 22500.0/samplerate*1400.0; // for timing
datanew = (float)(data)/32767;
float sample = datanew + (dataold-datanew) / (1-fmconstant); // fir of 1 + s tau
sample = datanew;
float dval = sample*2; // actual transmitted sample. 15 is bandwidth (about 75 kHz)
int intval = (int)(round(dval)); // integer component
float frac = (dval - (float)intval)/2 + 0.5;
unsigned int fracval = frac*clocksPerSample;
// if (intval < 3) printf("%d %d\n",intval, fracval);
while( ACCESS(DMABASE + 0x04 /* CurBlock*/) == (int)(instrs[bufPtr].p)) usleep(1000);
((struct CB*)(instrs[bufPtr].v))->SOURCE_AD = (int)constPage.p + 2048 + intval*4 - 4 ;
while( ACCESS(DMABASE + 0x04 /* CurBlock*/) == (int)(instrs[bufPtr].p)) usleep(1000);
((struct CB*)(instrs[bufPtr].v))->TXFR_LEN = clocksPerSample-fracval;
while( ACCESS(DMABASE + 0x04 /* CurBlock*/) == (int)(instrs[bufPtr].p)) usleep(1000);
((struct CB*)(instrs[bufPtr].v))->SOURCE_AD = (int)constPage.p + 2048 + intval*4+4;
bufPtr=(bufPtr+1) % (1024);
while( ACCESS(DMABASE + 0x04 /* CurBlock*/) == (int)(instrs[bufPtr].p)) usleep(1000);
((struct CB*)(instrs[bufPtr].v))->TXFR_LEN = fracval;
dataold = datanew;
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