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Last active September 20, 2022 10:29
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Solana Anchor Lang Cheatsheet
// ---------------------------------------------------------- //
// Use Anchor Prelude
use anchor_lang::prelude::*;
// - Import mods
pub mod constant;
pub mod states;
use crate::{constant::*, states::*};
// Declare id
pub rent: Sysvar<'info, Rent>,
// Create Program
mod my_program {
use super::*;
pub fn init(ctx: Context<MyContext>) -> Result<()> {
// Create fn
pub fn name(ctx: Context<MyContext>, idx: u8, description: String) -> Result<()> {
// - where <update_account> is a #[derive(Accounts)] > #[account(mut)]
let update_account = &mut ctx.accounts.update_account;
// ReQuire
require!(!update_account.marked, MyError::CustomErrorName);
// - Fill contents with argument
update_account.authority = ctx.accounts.authority.key();
update_account.idx = idx;
update_account.description = description;
// - Increase or decrease count .checked_add/.checked_sub
user_profile.total_likes = user_profile.total_likes
// - Pass to #[instruction(bump: u8)]
pub fn pass_intruction(ctx: Context<MyContext>, _bump: u8) -> Result<()> {
// Create Context
#[instruction(bump: u8)]
pub struct MyContext<'info> {
// Init Account
#[account(init, payer = authority, space = 8)]
pub new_account: Account<'info, NewAccount>,
// Mut Account
pub update_account: Account<'info, NewAccount>,
// - Init with seeds and bump to create PDAs
payer = authority,
space = 8 + std::mem::size_of::<UserProfile>(),
seeds = [b"user_account", authority.key().as_ref(), &[user_profile.last_index as u8].as_ref()],
bump = bump,
pub user_profile: Box<Account<'info, UserProfile>>,
// Signer
pub authority: Signer<'info>,
// System Program
pub system_program: Program<'info, System>,
// Create Account
pub struct MyAccount {
field: u64,
// - Constant for seeds
pub const USER_ACCOUNT: &[u8] = b"user_account";
// Create Custom Error
pub enum MyError {
#[msg("Custom Error Message")]
// ---------------------------------------------------------- //
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