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Created April 13, 2020 16:11
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Nexus3 Openshift Configuration
# Configure Nexus3 after installation
# Call this script with parameters:
# $1: Nexus UserID
# $2: Nexus Password
# $3: Nexus URL
# Add a NPM Proxy Repo to Nexus3
# add_nexus3_proxy_repo [repo-id] [repo-url] [nexus-username] [nexus-password] [nexus-url]
function add_nexus3_npmproxy_repo() {
local _REPO_ID=$1
local _REPO_URL=$2
local _NEXUS_USER=$3
local _NEXUS_PWD=$4
local _NEXUS_URL=$5
read -r -d '' _REPO_JSON << EOM
"name": "$_REPO_ID",
"type": "groovy",
"content": "repository.createNpmProxy('$_REPO_ID','$_REPO_URL')"
curl -v -H "Accept: application/json" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d "$_REPO_JSON" -u "$_NEXUS_USER:$_NEXUS_PWD" "${_NEXUS_URL}/service/rest/v1/script/"
curl -v -X POST -H "Content-Type: text/plain" -u "$_NEXUS_USER:$_NEXUS_PWD" "${_NEXUS_URL}/service/rest/v1/script/$_REPO_ID/run"
# Add a Proxy Repo to Nexus3
# add_nexus3_proxy_repo [repo-id] [repo-url] [nexus-username] [nexus-password] [nexus-url]
function add_nexus3_proxy_repo() {
local _REPO_ID=$1
local _REPO_URL=$2
local _NEXUS_USER=$3
local _NEXUS_PWD=$4
local _NEXUS_URL=$5
read -r -d '' _REPO_JSON << EOM
"name": "$_REPO_ID",
"type": "groovy",
"content": "repository.createMavenProxy('$_REPO_ID','$_REPO_URL')"
curl -v -H "Accept: application/json" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d "$_REPO_JSON" -u "$_NEXUS_USER:$_NEXUS_PWD" "${_NEXUS_URL}/service/rest/v1/script/"
curl -v -X POST -H "Content-Type: text/plain" -u "$_NEXUS_USER:$_NEXUS_PWD" "${_NEXUS_URL}/service/rest/v1/script/$_REPO_ID/run"
# Add a Release Repo to Nexus3
# add_nexus3_release_repo [repo-id] [nexus-username] [nexus-password] [nexus-url]
function add_nexus3_release_repo() {
local _REPO_ID=$1
local _NEXUS_USER=$2
local _NEXUS_PWD=$3
local _NEXUS_URL=$4
# Repository createMavenHosted(final String name,
# final String blobStoreName,
# final boolean strictContentTypeValidation,
# final VersionPolicy versionPolicy,
# final WritePolicy writePolicy,
# final LayoutPolicy layoutPolicy);
read -r -d '' _REPO_JSON << EOM
"name": "$_REPO_ID",
"type": "groovy",
"content": "import\nimport\nimport\nimport\nrepository.createMavenHosted('$_REPO_ID',BlobStoreManager.DEFAULT_BLOBSTORE_NAME, false, VersionPolicy.RELEASE, WritePolicy.ALLOW, LayoutPolicy.PERMISSIVE)"
curl -v -H "Accept: application/json" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d "$_REPO_JSON" -u "$_NEXUS_USER:$_NEXUS_PWD" "${_NEXUS_URL}/service/rest/v1/script/"
curl -v -X POST -H "Content-Type: text/plain" -u "$_NEXUS_USER:$_NEXUS_PWD" "${_NEXUS_URL}/service/rest/v1/script/$_REPO_ID/run"
# add_nexus3_group_proxy_repo [comma-separated-repo-ids] [group-id] [nexus-username] [nexus-password] [nexus-url]
function add_nexus3_group_proxy_repo() {
local _REPO_IDS=$1
local _GROUP_ID=$2
local _NEXUS_USER=$3
local _NEXUS_PWD=$4
local _NEXUS_URL=$5
read -r -d '' _REPO_JSON << EOM
"name": "$_GROUP_ID",
"type": "groovy",
"content": "repository.createMavenGroup('$_GROUP_ID', '$_REPO_IDS'.split(',').toList())"
curl -v -H "Accept: application/json" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d "$_REPO_JSON" -u "$_NEXUS_USER:$_NEXUS_PWD" "${_NEXUS_URL}/service/rest/v1/script/"
curl -v -X POST -H "Content-Type: text/plain" -u "$_NEXUS_USER:$_NEXUS_PWD" "${_NEXUS_URL}/service/rest/v1/script/$_GROUP_ID/run"
# Add a Docker Registry Repo to Nexus3
# add_nexus3_docker_repo [repo-id] [repo-port] [nexus-username] [nexus-password] [nexus-url]
function add_nexus3_docker_repo() {
local _REPO_ID=$1
local _REPO_PORT=$2
local _NEXUS_USER=$3
local _NEXUS_PWD=$4
local _NEXUS_URL=$5
read -r -d '' _REPO_JSON << EOM
"name": "$_REPO_ID",
"type": "groovy",
"content": "repository.createDockerHosted('$_REPO_ID',$_REPO_PORT,null)"
curl -v -H "Accept: application/json" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d "$_REPO_JSON" -u "$_NEXUS_USER:$_NEXUS_PWD" "${_NEXUS_URL}/service/rest/v1/script/"
curl -v -X POST -H "Content-Type: text/plain" -u "$_NEXUS_USER:$_NEXUS_PWD" "${_NEXUS_URL}/service/rest/v1/script/$_REPO_ID/run"
# Main body of the script
# $1: Nexus3 User ID
# $2: Nexus3 Password
# $3: Nexus3 URL
# Red Hat Proxy Repos
add_nexus3_proxy_repo redhat-ga $1 $2 $3
#add_nexus3_proxy_repo jboss $1 $2 $3
# Repo Group to include all proxy repos
#add_nexus3_group_proxy_repo redhat-ga,jboss,maven-central,maven-releases,maven-snapshots maven-all-public $1 $2 $3
add_nexus3_group_proxy_repo redhat-ga,maven-central,maven-releases,maven-snapshots maven-group $1 $2 $3
# NPM Proxy Repo
add_nexus3_npmproxy_repo npm $1 $2 $3
# Private Docker Registry
add_nexus3_docker_repo docker 5000 $1 $2 $3
# Maven release Repo
add_nexus3_release_repo releases $1 $2 $3
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