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Last active May 26, 2020 17:48
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What is the value of a checklist?

Checklists are important for staying organized and maintaining an overview of what needs to be accomplished. Checklists provide a safe-guard for repetitive tasks that ensure important steps are not skipped or forgotten. Many times, large tasks can be overwhelming but creating a checklist can break the task down into digestible steps that can assist with motivation and efficiency at reaching your goal. In addition, checklists can help you idenitify repetitive points in your process or steps that need to be added for moving on to your next step and overall accomplishment of your goal.

What do you plan to improve upon while at Turing?

At Turing, my goal is to improve upon my technical skills in writing and understanding code. I have worked through various tutorials on my own but the value of an in-person education and collaborative environment best matches my personality and study skills. I also hope to improve my confidence and faith in myself and skills while struggling through difficult topics. I tend to be a perfectionist and am very hard on myself which can sometimes create an inner dialogue that is damaging and non-productive for me. I also hope to develop skills and techniques for networking and collaborating with others in the field so that I can constantly refine my own skills, learn from others and engage in current topics within the field. I am switching careers from healthcare which is a field that does not require a lot of networking and social connection with others beyond educations and trainings. I am excited to learn, cultivate and implement these skills in my future.

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