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Created November 17, 2015 12:51
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Save aenario/f2184c8c2a988a0dd845 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Store unit testing
should = require 'should'
path = require 'path'
global.Immutable = require 'immutable'
global.EventEmitter = require('events').EventEmitter
global.t = (x) -> "translated #{x}"
global.__DEV__ = true
global.window = cozyMails:
logAction: ->
customEvent: ->
{ActionTypes} = require '../../client/app/constants/app_constants'
Dispatcher = AccountStore = null
freshRequire = (modulePath) ->
absPath = path.resolve __dirname, modulePath
modulePathResolved = require.resolve(absPath);
delete require.cache[modulePathResolved];
return require modulePathResolved
resetStoreAndDispatcher = (windowVariable) ->
global.window[k] = v for k, v of windowVariable
Dispatcher = freshRequire '../../client/app/app_dispatcher'
AccountStore = freshRequire '../../client/app/stores/account_store'
dispatch = (type, value) -> Dispatcher.handleViewAction {type, value}
label: 'test'
login: 'tester'
describe 'AccountStore initialized without account', ->
before -> resetStoreAndDispatcher accounts: []
it "Then default account is null", ->
should.not.exist AccountStore.getDefault()
it 'When i send a request to create an account', ->
dispatch ActionTypes.ADD_ACCOUNT_REQUEST, {}
it 'Then the default account is still null', ->
should.not.exist AccountStore.getDefault()
it 'Then AccountStore.isWaiting is true', ->
it 'When i receive a successful response (with no mailboxes)', ->
dispatch ActionTypes.ADD_ACCOUNT_SUCCESS, account:
id: 'testid'
label: 'test'
login: 'tester'
mailboxes: []
it 'Then the default account is the one I created', ->
defaultAccount = AccountStore.getDefault()
should.exist defaultAccount Immutable.Map
defaultAccount.get('id').should.equal 'testid'
it 'Then the created account should be selected', ->
AccountStore.getSelected().get('id').should.equal 'testid'
AccountStore.getSelectedOrDefault().get('id').should.equal 'testid'
it 'Then AccountStore.isWaiting is false', ->
it 'Then AccountStore should have a nomailboxes error', ->
noMailboxErr = AccountStore.getErrors().get('nomailboxes')
noMailboxErr.message.should.equal 'translated config error nomailboxes'
it 'When i send a request to create a second account', ->
dispatch ActionTypes.ADD_ACCOUNT_REQUEST, {}
it 'Then the default account is the previously created', ->
AccountStore.getDefault().get('id').should.equal 'testid'
it 'Then AccountStore.isWaiting is true', ->
it 'When i receive an error response', ->
dispatch ActionTypes.ADD_ACCOUNT_FAILURE, error:
name: 'AccountConfigError'
field: 'smtp'
causeFields: ['smtp', 'smtpLogin', 'smtpPort']
it 'Then the default account is still the same', ->
AccountStore.getDefault().get('id').should.equal 'testid'
it 'Then AccountStore.isWaiting is false', ->
it 'Then AccountStore should have some errors', ->
should.exist AccountStore.getErrors().get('smtp')
error = AccountStore.getErrors().get('smtp')
error.message.should.equal 'translated config error smtp'
error.should.equal AccountStore.getErrors().get('smtpLogin')
error.should.equal AccountStore.getErrors().get('smtpPort')
describe 'AccountStore initialized with accounts', ->
before -> resetStoreAndDispatcher accounts: [TEST_ACCOUNT]
it "Then default account is the first", ->
AccountStore.getDefault().get('id').should.equal 'testid'
it "Then selected account should be null", ->
should.not.exist AccountStore.getSelected()
it 'Then selectedOrDefault should be first', ->
AccountStore.getSelectedOrDefault().get('id').should.equal 'testid'
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