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Last active March 26, 2016 18:19
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Save aeons/7432713 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Path of Exile item level and DPS calculations, shown in a tooltip. Cleaned up/enchanced version of this script:
; This script is a cleaned up and enhanced version of the one found here:
#NoEnv ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases.
#Persistent ; Stay open in background
SendMode Input ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability.
StringCaseSense, On ; Match strings with case.
; Options
; Pixels mouse must move to auto-dismiss tooltip
MouseMoveThreshold := 40
; Font size for the tooltip, leave empty for default
FontSize :=
; Menu tooltip
Menu, tray, Tip, Path of Exile Itemlevel and DPS Display (fork by Aeons)
; Create font for later use
FixedFont := CreateFont()
; Creates a font for later use
global FontSize
Options :=
If (!(FontSize = ""))
Options = s%FontSize%
Gui Font, %Options%, Courier New
Gui Font, %Options%, Consolas
Gui Add, Text, HwndHidden,
SendMessage, 0x31,,,, ahk_id %Hidden%
return ErrorLevel
; Sets the font for a created ahk tooltip
SendMessage, 0x30, Font, 1,, ahk_class tooltips_class32 ahk_exe autohotkey.exe
; Parse elemental damage
ParseDamage(String, DmgType, ByRef DmgLo, ByRef DmgHi)
IfInString, String, %DmgType% Damage
IfNotInString, String, increased
StringSplit, Arr, String, %A_Space%
StringSplit, Arr, Arr2, -
DmgLo := Arr1
DmgHi := Arr2
; Parse clipboard content for item level and dps
NameIsDone := False
ItemName :=
ItemLevel := -1
IsWeapon := False
PhysLo := 0
PhysHi := 0
Quality := 0
AttackSpeed := 0
PhysMult := 0
ChaoLo := 0
ChaoHi := 0
ColdLo := 0
ColdHi := 0
FireLo := 0
FireHi := 0
LighLo := 0
LighHi := 0
Loop, Parse, Clipboard, `n, `r
; Clipboard must have "Rarity:" in the first line
If A_Index = 1
IfNotInString, A_LoopField, Rarity:
; Get name
If Not NameIsDone
If A_LoopField = --------
NameIsDone := True
ItemName := ItemName . A_LoopField . "`n" ; Add a line of name
; Get item level
IfInString, A_LoopField, Itemlevel:
StringSplit, ItemLevelArray, A_LoopField, %A_Space%
ItemLevel := ItemLevelArray2
; Get quality
IfInString, A_LoopField, Quality:
StringSplit, Arr, A_LoopField, %A_Space%, +`%
Quality := Arr2
; Get total physical damage
IfInString, A_LoopField, Physical Damage:
IsWeapon = True
StringSplit, Arr, A_LoopField, %A_Space%
StringSplit, Arr, Arr3, -
PhysLo := Arr1
PhysHi := Arr2
; These only make sense for weapons
If IsWeapon
; Get attack speed
IfInString, A_LoopField, Attacks per Second:
StringSplit, Arr, A_LoopField, %A_Space%
AttackSpeed := Arr4
; Get percentage physical damage increase
IfInString, A_LoopField, increased Physical Damage
StringSplit, Arr, A_LoopField, %A_Space%, `%
PhysMult := Arr1
; Parse elemental damage
ParseDamage(A_LoopField, "Chaos", ChaoLo, ChaoHi)
ParseDamage(A_LoopField, "Cold", ColdLo, ColdHi)
ParseDamage(A_LoopField, "Fire", FireLo, FireHi)
ParseDamage(A_LoopField, "Lightning", LightLo, LightHi)
If ItemLevel = -1 ; Something without an itemlevel
; Get position of mouse cursor
global X
global Y
MouseGetPos, X, Y
; All items should show name and item level
; Pad to 3 places
ItemLevel := " " + ItemLevel
StringRight, ItemLevel, ItemLevel, 3
TT = %ItemName%Item lvl: %ItemLevel%
; DPS calculations
If IsWeapon {
SetFormat, FloatFast, 5.1
PhysDps := ((PhysLo + PhysHi) / 2) * AttackSpeed
EleDps := ((ChaoLo + ChaoHi + ColdLo + ColdHi + FireLo + FireHi + LighLo + LighHi) / 2) * AttackSpeed
TotalDps := PhysDps + EleDps
ItemLevel := " " + ItemLevel
StringRight, ItemLevel, ItemLevel, 3
TT = %TT%`nPhys DPS: %PhysDps%`nElem DPS: %EleDps%`nTotal DPS: %TotalDps%
; Only show Q20 values if item is not Q20
If Quality < 20
TotalPhysMult := (PhysMult + Quality + 100) / 100
BasePhysDps := PhysDps / TotalPhysMult
Q20Dps := BasePhysDps * ((PhysMult + 120) / 100) + EleDps
TT = %TT%`nQ20 DPS: %Q20Dps%
; Show tooltip, with fixed width font
ToolTip, %TT%, X + 35, Y + 35
global FixedFont
; Set up count variable and start timer for tooltip timeout
global ToolTipTimeout := 0
SetTimer, ToolTipTimer, 100
; Tick every 100 ms
; Remove tooltip if mouse is moved or 5 seconds pass
ToolTipTimeout += 1
MouseGetPos, CurrX, CurrY
MouseMoved := (CurrX - X)**2 + (CurrY - Y)**2 > MouseMoveThreshold**2
If (MouseMoved or ToolTipTimeout >= 50)
SetTimer, ToolTipTimer, Off
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There is a typo in line 158
ParseDamage(A_LoopField, "Lightning", LightLo, LightHi)
ParseDamage(A_LoopField, "Lightning", LighLo, LighHi)

otherwise you get incorrect results

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KCIV commented Mar 26, 2016

How does this work?

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