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Created May 7, 2018 20:40
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Compiling zerox v0.1.0 (file:///home/aep/proj/radiant/zerox/zerox)
error[E0308]: mismatched types
--> src/
112 | futures::done(self.get_blob(format!("obj/{}", request.get_ref().id))
| _______________________^
113 | | .map(|o|o.content().to_vec())
114 | | .map_err(|_|{
115 | | tower_grpc::Error::Grpc(tower_grpc::Status::NOT_FOUND, http::HeaderMap::new())
... |
120 | | Response::new(Box::new(stream))
121 | | }))
| |______________^ expected trait futures::Stream, found struct `futures::IntoStream`
= note: expected type `std::result::Result<tower_grpc::Response<std::boxed::Box<futures::Stream<Error=tower_grpc::Error, Item=zeroxproto::v1::Chunk>>>, tower_grpc::Error<()>>`
found type `std::result::Result<tower_grpc::Response<std::boxed::Box<futures::IntoStream<futures::FutureResult<zeroxproto::v1::Chunk, _>>>>, tower_grpc::Error<_>>`
error: aborting due to previous error
error: Could not compile `zerox`.
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