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Created October 14, 2018 15:42
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Migrate PrivateBin from filesystem to PostgreSQL
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
require 'awesome_print'
require 'pg'
require 'json'
con = PG.connect host: 'localhost', user: 'postgres', password: 'postgres', dbname: 'privatebin'
files = Dir['**/*.php'].sort
con.exec 'TRUNCATE TABLE paste'
pastes = files.reject { |f| f.include? '.discussion/' }
pastes.each do |paste|
id = File.basename paste, '.php'
paste = paste
#paste = paste.split("\n")[1..-1].join "\n"
paste = paste.split("\n")[1]
paste = JSON.parse paste
meta = paste['meta']
postdate = meta.delete 'postdate'
expiredate = meta.delete 'expire_date'
opendiscussion = meta.delete 'opendiscussion' == true
burnafterreading = meta.delete 'burnafterreading' == true
attachment = meta.delete 'attachment'
attachmentname = meta.delete 'attachmentname'
meta = JSON.dump meta
data = paste['data']
puts "Migrate paste #{id}"
con.exec_params 'INSERT INTO paste(dataid, data, postdate, expiredate, opendiscussion, burnafterreading, meta, attachment, attachmentname) VALUES($1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7, $8, $9)', [id, data, postdate, expiredate, opendiscussion, burnafterreading, meta, attachment, attachmentname]
rescue => e
ap e
con.exec 'TRUNCATE TABLE comment'
comments = { |f| f.include? '.discussion/' }
comments.each do |comment|
id = File.basename comment, '.php'
id = id.split('.')[1]
comment = comment
#comment = comment.split("\n")[1..-1].join "\n"
comment = comment.split("\n")[1]
comment = JSON.parse comment
meta = comment['meta']
pasteid = meta.delete 'pasteid'
parentid = meta.delete 'parentid'
nickname = meta.delete 'nickname'
vizhash = meta.delete 'vizhash'
postdate = meta.delete 'postdate'
meta = JSON.dump meta
data = comment['data']
puts "Migrate comment #{id}"
con.exec_params 'INSERT INTO comment(dataid, pasteid, parentid, data, nickname, vizhash, postdate) VALUES($1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7)', [id, pasteid, parentid, data, nickname, vizhash, postdate]
rescue => e
ap e
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