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Last active December 31, 2015 08:49
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Save aerskine/7962608 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
An example of some confusing highlighting when using HoTT-Agda.
{-# OPTIONS --without-K #-}
Load this file as-is, and Agda will highlight the S m == S n term, and complain:
Sort _4 [ at /Users/allan.erskine/Dev/HoTT-Exercises/Hmm.agda:43,27-37 ]
_A_6 : Set _4 [ at /Users/allan.erskine/Dev/HoTT-Exercises/Hmm.agda:43,31-33 ]
_8 : _A_6 [ at /Users/allan.erskine/Dev/HoTT-Exercises/Hmm.agda:43,27-30 ]
_10 : _A_6 [ at /Users/allan.erskine/Dev/HoTT-Exercises/Hmm.agda:43,34-37 ]
_11 : _8 == _10 [ at /Users/allan.erskine/Dev/HoTT-Exercises/Hmm.agda:44,10-13 ]
_12 : _8 == _10 [ at /Users/allan.erskine/Dev/HoTT-Exercises/Hmm.agda:44,10-13 ]
However, if the import lines 5 - 6 are then commented out and replaced with the directly-copied
code from the HoTT-Agda lib, then everything works fine (no highlighting, no complaints).
module Hmm where
open import lib.Base
open import lib.types.Nat
-- postulate -- Universe levels
-- ULevel : Set
-- lzero : ULevel
-- lsucc : ULevel → ULevel
-- lmax : ULevel → ULevel → ULevel
-- {-# BUILTIN LEVEL ULevel #-}
-- {-# BUILTIN LEVELZERO lzero #-}
-- {-# BUILTIN LEVELSUC lsucc #-}
-- {-# BUILTIN LEVELMAX lmax #-}
-- Type : (i : ULevel) → Set (lsucc i)
-- Type i = Set i
-- Type₀ = Type lzero
-- Type0 = Type lzero
-- Type₁ = Type (lsucc lzero)
-- Type1 = Type (lsucc lzero)
-- data ℕ : Type₀ where
-- O : ℕ
-- S : (n : ℕ) → ℕ
-- {-# BUILTIN ZERO O #-}
-- {-# BUILTIN SUC S #-}
-- infix 3 _==_
-- data _==_ {i} {A : Type i} (a : A) : A → Type i where
-- idp : a == a
-- Path = _==_
S= : {m n : ℕ} → m == n → S m == S n
S= idp = idp
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