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Last active April 30, 2024 21:40
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backtrack search algorithm in python

Backtrack Searching in Python

This program basically uses backtrack searching to assign variables to domain values given a few sets of constraints. Its pretty straightforward. Modifications to the constraints can be made to experiment with this program. For the given sets we get the expected output:

{'A': 'Monday', 'B': 'Tuesday', 'C': 'Wednesday', 'D': 'Wednesday', 'E': 'Monday', 'F': 'Tuesday', 'G': 'Wednesday'}
Naive backtrack searching without any heuristics or inference
VARIABLES = ["A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G"]
DOMAIN_VALUES = ["Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday"]
("A", "B"),
("A", "C"),
("B", "C"),
("B", "D"),
("B", "E"),
("D", "E"),
("C", "E"),
("C", "F"),
("E", "F"),
("E", "G"),
("F", "G"),
def BACKTRACK(assignment):
if len(assignment) == len(VARIABLES):
return assignment
var = SELECT_UNASSIGNED_VAR(assignment)
for value in DOMAIN_VALUES:
if consistent(var, value, assignment):
assignment[var] = value
result = BACKTRACK(assignment)
if result is not None:
return result
if var in assignment:
del assignment[var]
return None
def SELECT_UNASSIGNED_VAR(assignment):
for variable in VARIABLES:
if variable not in assignment:
return variable
return None
def consistent(var, value, assignment):
for (x, y) in CONSTRAINTS:
if var == x and y in assignment and assignment[y] == value:
return False
if var == y and x in assignment and assignment[x] == value:
return False
return True
solution = BACKTRACK(dict())
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