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Last active July 8, 2022 05:56
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Python to generate SMT-LIB for scheduling scouts in tents
# Blog post here:
# Run this as:
# ./ > scout-camp.smt2
# Then check satisfiability with:
# z3 scout-camp.smt2 > solved.txt
# This will output something like:
# ...
# (define-fun tent0 ((x!0 Int)) Int
# (ite (= x!0 2) 5
# (ite (= x!0 3) 6
# (- 1))))
# This indicates that for tent0,
# position 2 (= x!0 2) is occupied by scout 5
# position 3 (= x!0 3) is occupied by scout 6
# other positions are -1 (unoccupied)
# (Positions are irrelevant in this implementation)
# If any of the constraints can't be met, this version simply returns unsatisfiable.
# In other words, all constraints are treated as HARD requirements and not simply lofty
# goals. Saying we don't want Abe & Dave to be together REQUIRES that they not be put
# together. Maybe a future version will allow these to be goals but not requirements.
print(f'; Config:')
print(f'; NUM_TENTS = {NUM_TENTS}')
print(f'; MAX_AGE_DIFF = {MAX_AGE_DIFF}')
# The list of scouts with their age and binary gender.
scouts = [
('Abe', 14, 'm'), # 0
('Brian', 13, 'm'), # 1
('Charlie', 14, 'm'), # 2
('Dave', 13, 'm'), # 3
('Eddie', 14, 'm'), # 4
('Lily', 15, 'f'), # 5
('Megan', 14, 'f'), # 6
#('Navin', 13, 'm') # 7 -- Navin is the Jerk -- no one wants to be with him
# Who we *want* to be together
want_together = [
('Abe', 'Charlie'),
('Brian', 'Dave'),
#('Eddie', 'Lily'), # this causes unsat b/c it requires they be together, but the gender requirement requires they not be
# Who we *don't want* to be together
dont_want_together = [
('Abe', 'Dave'),
#('Navin', 'Abe'),
#('Navin', 'Brian'),
#('Navin', 'Charlie'),
#('Navin', 'Dave'),
#('Navin', 'Eddie'),
print(f'(define-fun name ((i Int)) String ',)
for (i,scout) in enumerate(scouts):
print(f'(ite (= i {i}) "{scout[0]}" ',)
print(' "(empty)"')
print(f'(declare-const num_scouts Int)')
print(f'(assert (= num_scouts {len(scouts)}))')
print('(define-fun toInt ((b Bool)) Int (ite b 1 0)) ; convert bool to int')
# Generate the tent functions
print(f'; Tent# is provided with the position and returns which scout is there or -1 for empty')
print(f'; Where position is 0-{TENT_CAPACITY}')
for i in range(NUM_TENTS):
print(f'(declare-fun tent{i} (Int) Int)')
print('(declare-fun tent_contains (Int Int) Bool)')
for scout in range(len(scouts)):
for tent in range(NUM_TENTS):
conds = ' '.join(f'(= (tent{tent} {i}) {scout})' for i in range(TENT_CAPACITY))
print(f'(assert (= (tent_contains {tent} {scout}) (or {conds}))); {scouts[scout][0]}')
print('; Every position in every tent must be empty or a valid scout')
print('; Also, for simpler SMT-LIB code, the values are kept sorted ASC (so empty slots come earlier)')
for tent in range(NUM_TENTS):
for position in range(TENT_CAPACITY):
print(f'''(assert (and (<= -1 (tent{tent} {position})) (< (tent{tent} {position}) num_scouts)))''')
if position > 0:
print(f'(assert (<= (tent{tent} {position-1}) (tent{tent} {position})))')
print('; Define gender functions')
print('(declare-fun is_male (Int) Bool)')
print('(declare-fun is_female (Int) Bool)')
for (i, scout) in enumerate(scouts):
if scout[2] == 'm':
print(f'(assert (is_male {i}))')
print(f'(assert (not (is_female {i})))')
elif scout[2] == 'f':
print(f'(assert (is_female {i}))')
print(f'(assert (not (is_male {i})))')
raise ValueError("Expected binary gender")
print('; Define age functions')
print('(declare-fun age (Int) Int)')
for (i, scout) in enumerate(scouts):
print(f'(assert (= (age {i}) {scout[1]})) ; {scout[0]}')
print('; Each scout must be represented exactly once')
for (i, scout) in enumerate(scouts):
print(f'; {scout[0]} is scout #{i}')
slots = [ f'(toInt (= {i} (tent{tent} {position})))' for tent in range(NUM_TENTS) for position in range(TENT_CAPACITY) ]
slots = ' '.join(slots)
print(f'(assert (= 1 (+ {slots})))')
print('; Every tent must be single gender')
for tent in range(NUM_TENTS):
print('(assert (or')
# Either they're all empty/male
print(' (and')
for position in range(1, TENT_CAPACITY):
print(f' (not (is_female (tent{tent} {position})))')
print(' )')
# Or they're all empty/female
print(' (and')
for position in range(1, TENT_CAPACITY):
print(f' (not (is_male (tent{tent} {position})))')
print(' )')
print(' ))')
print(f'; Max age difference is {MAX_AGE_DIFF}')
for tent in range(NUM_TENTS):
for position1 in range(TENT_CAPACITY-1):
for position2 in range(position1+1, TENT_CAPACITY):
print(f'(assert (or (= -1 (tent{tent} {position1})) (= -1 (tent{tent} {position2})) (< (abs (- (age (tent{tent} {position1})) (age (tent{tent} {position2})))) 3)))')
print(f'; Separate individuals')
for (name1, name2) in dont_want_together:
# Get the number for these scouts
sep1 = next(i for (i,s) in enumerate(scouts) if s[0] == name1)
sep2 = next(i for (i,s) in enumerate(scouts) if s[0] == name2)
# For simpler SMT-LIB code, make sure sep1 comes before sep2
if sep1 > sep2:
sep1, sep2 = sep2, sep1
name1, name2 = name2, name1
print(f'; {name1} & {name2}')
for tent in range(NUM_TENTS):
print(f'(assert (not (and (tent_contains {tent} {sep1}) (tent_contains {tent} {sep2}))))')
print(f'; Combine individuals')
for (name1, name2) in want_together:
# Get the number for these scouts
sep1 = next(i for (i,s) in enumerate(scouts) if s[0] == name1)
sep2 = next(i for (i,s) in enumerate(scouts) if s[0] == name2)
# For simpler SMT-LIB code, make sure sep1 comes before sep2
if sep1 > sep2:
sep1, sep2 = sep2, sep1
name1, name2 = name2, name1
print(f'; {name1} & {name2}')
for tent in range(NUM_TENTS):
print(f'(assert (= (tent_contains {tent} {sep1}) (tent_contains {tent} {sep2})))')
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