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Last active December 19, 2020 19:46
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Azimuth/Distance calculator
// Algorithm from
// Code ported to Rust by @aeshirey
use core::f64::consts::PI;
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone)]
pub struct Location {
latitude: f64,
longitude: f64,
elevation_meters: f64,
impl From<(f64, f64)> for Location {
fn from(coords: (f64, f64)) -> Self {
Location {
latitude: coords.0,
longitude: coords.1,
elevation_meters: 0.,
impl From<(f64, f64, f64)> for Location {
fn from(coords: (f64, f64, f64)) -> Self {
Location {
latitude: coords.0,
longitude: coords.1,
elevation_meters: coords.2,
impl Location {
fn earth_radius_meters(latitude_radians: f64) -> f64 {
// latitude is geodetic, i.e. that reported by GPS
const EQUATOR: f64 = 6378137.0; // equatorial radius in meters
const POLE: f64 = 6356752.3; // polar radius in meters
let cos = latitude_radians.cos();
let sin = latitude_radians.sin();
let t1 = EQUATOR * EQUATOR * cos;
let t2 = POLE * POLE * sin;
let t3 = EQUATOR * cos;
let t4 = POLE * sin;
((t1 * t1 + t2 * t2) / (t3 * t3 + t4 * t4)).sqrt()
fn to_point(self: Location, oblate: bool) -> Point {
// Convert (lat, lon, elv) to (x, y, z).
let lat = self.latitude * PI / 180.0;
let lon = self.longitude * PI / 180.0;
let (radius, clat) = if oblate {
(Location::earth_radius_meters(lat), geocentric_latitude(lat))
} else {
(6371009.0, lat)
let cos_lon = lon.cos();
let sin_lon = lon.sin();
let cos_lat = clat.cos();
let sin_lat = clat.sin();
// We used geocentric latitude to calculate (x,y,z) on the Earth's ellipsoid.
// Now we use geodetic latitude to calculate normal vector from the surface, to correct for elevation.
let cos_glat = lat.cos();
let sin_glat = lat.sin();
let nx = cos_glat * cos_lon;
let ny = cos_glat * sin_lon;
let nz = sin_glat;
let x = radius * cos_lon * cos_lat + self.elevation_meters * nx;
let y = radius * sin_lon * cos_lat + self.elevation_meters * ny;
let z = radius * sin_lat + self.elevation_meters * nz;
Point {
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone)]
pub struct Point {
x: f64,
y: f64,
z: f64,
radius: f64,
nx: f64,
ny: f64,
nz: f64,
impl Point {
pub fn distance_km(&self, other: Point) -> f64 {
let dx = self.x - other.x;
let dy = self.y - other.y;
let dz = self.z - other.z;
(dx * dx + dy * dy + dz * dz).sqrt()
fn normalize_vector_diff(&self, a: Point) -> Option<Point> {
// Calculate norm(b-a), where norm divides a vector by its length to produce a unit vector.
let dx = self.x - a.x;
let dy = self.y - a.y;
let dz = self.z - a.z;
let dist = dx * dx + dy * dy + dz * dz;
if dist == 0.0 {
return None;
let dist = dist.sqrt();
Some(Point {
x: dx / dist,
y: dy / dist,
z: dz / dist,
radius: 1.,
// ??
nx: f64::NAN,
ny: f64::NAN,
nz: f64::NAN,
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, PartialEq)]
pub struct Results {
distance_km: f64,
altitude: Option<f64>,
azimuth: Option<f64>,
/// Convert geodetic latitude 'lat' to a geocentric latitude 'clat'.
/// Geodetic latitude is the latitude as given by GPS.
/// Geocentric latitude is the angle measured from center of Earth between a point and the equator.
fn geocentric_latitude(lat: f64) -> f64 {
const E2: f64 = 0.00669437999014;
((1.0 - E2) * lat.tan()).atan()
fn rotate_globe(b: Location, a: Location, bradius: f64, _aradius: f64, oblate: bool) -> Point {
// Get modified coordinates of 'b' by rotating the globe so that 'a' is at lat=0, lon=0.
let br = Location {
latitude: b.latitude,
longitude: b.longitude - a.longitude,
elevation_meters: b.elevation_meters,
let brp = br.to_point(oblate);
// Rotate brp cartesian coordinates around the z-axis by a.lon degrees,
// then around the y-axis by degrees.
// Though we are decreasing by degrees, as seen above the y-axis,
// this is a positive (counterclockwise) rotation (if B's longitude is east of A's).
// However, from this point of view the x-axis is pointing left.
// So we will look the other way making the x-axis pointing right, the z-axis
// pointing up, and the rotation treated as negative.
let mut alat = -a.latitude * PI / 180.0;
if oblate {
alat = geocentric_latitude(alat);
let acos = alat.cos();
let asin = alat.sin();
let bx = (brp.x * acos) - (brp.z * asin);
let by = brp.y;
let bz = (brp.x * asin) + (brp.z * acos);
Point {
x: bx,
y: by,
z: bz,
radius: bradius,
nx: f64::NAN,
ny: f64::NAN,
nz: f64::NAN,
pub fn calculate(a: Location, b: Location, oblate: bool) -> Results {
let ap = a.to_point(oblate);
let bp = b.to_point(oblate);
let distance_km = 0.001 * ap.distance_km(bp);
// Let's use a trick to calculate azimuth:
// Rotate the globe so that point A looks like latitude 0, longitude 0.
// We keep the actual radii calculated based on the oblate geoid,
// but use angles based on subtraction.
// Point A will be at x=radius, y=0, z=0.
// Vector difference B-A will have dz = N/S component, dy = E/W component.
let br = rotate_globe(b, a, bp.radius, ap.radius, oblate);
let azimuth = if br.z * br.z + br.y * br.y > 1.0e-6 {
let theta = br.z.atan2(br.y) * 180.0 / PI;
let mut azimuth = 90.0 - theta;
if azimuth < 0.0 {
azimuth += 360.0;
} else if azimuth > 360.0 {
azimuth -= 360.0;
} else {
let altitude = bp.normalize_vector_diff(ap).map(|bma|
// Calculate altitude, which is the angle above the horizon of B as seen from A.
// Almost always, B will actually be below the horizon, so the altitude will be negative.
// The dot product of bma and norm = cos(zenith_angle), and zenith_angle = (90 deg) - altitude.
// So altitude = 90 - acos(dotprod).
90.0 - (180.0 / PI)*(bma.x*ap.nx + bma.y*ap.ny + bma.z*
Results {
fn OnGeoCheck()
// The geostationary checkbox was clicked.
let geomode = $('cb_geo').checked;
if (geomode) {
// Save values so user doesn't lose them on accidental/curiosity click.
save_b_lat = $('b_lat').value;
save_b_elv = $('b_elv').value;
// Fill in the values for geostationary orbit.
$('b_lat').value = '0'; // assume satellite is directly above equator.
$('b_elv').value = '35786000'; // 35,786 km above equator.
// Disable editing of point B latitude and elevation while box is checked.
$('b_lat').disabled = true;
$('b_elv').disabled = true;
} else {
// Restore saved values to edit boxes, so user doesn't lose them.
$('b_lat').value = save_b_lat;
$('b_elv').value = save_b_elv;
// Enable editing of point B latitude and elevation while box is checked.
$('b_lat').disabled = false;
$('b_elv').disabled = false;
mod tests {
use super::*;
fn space_needle_gas_works() {
let space_needle: Location = (47.6215067, -122.3410866).into();
let gas_works: Location = (47.6423433, -122.3395575).into();
let actual = calculate(space_needle, gas_works, true);
let expected = Results {
distance_km: 2.319527511701253,
azimuth: Some(2.8392840177295113),
altitude: Some(-0.010431166135234093),
assert!((actual.distance_km - expected.distance_km).abs() < 0.00000001);
assert!((actual.azimuth.unwrap() - expected.azimuth.unwrap()).abs() < 0.00000001);
assert!((actual.altitude.unwrap() - expected.altitude.unwrap()).abs() < 0.00000001);
fn space_needle_rainier() {
let space_needle: Location = (47.6215067, -122.3410866).into();
let rainier: Location = (46.852202, -121.760314).into();
let actual = calculate(space_needle, rainier, true);
let expected = Results {
distance_km: 96.16937194459534,
azimuth: Some(152.57618897472915),
altitude: Some(-0.4322258796320142),
assert!((actual.distance_km - expected.distance_km).abs() < 0.00000001);
assert!((actual.azimuth.unwrap() - expected.azimuth.unwrap()).abs() < 0.00000001);
assert!((actual.altitude.unwrap() - expected.altitude.unwrap()).abs() < 0.00000001);
fn space_needle_rainier_with_elevation() {
let space_needle: Location = (47.6215067, -122.3410866, 20.).into();
let rainier: Location = (46.852202, -121.760314, 4392.).into();
let actual = calculate(space_needle, rainier, true);
let expected = Results {
distance_km: 96.30194370374271,
azimuth: Some(152.5722091827188),
altitude: Some(2.1697583667351807),
assert!((actual.distance_km - expected.distance_km).abs() < 0.00000001);
assert!((actual.azimuth.unwrap() - expected.azimuth.unwrap()).abs() < 0.00000001);
assert!((actual.altitude.unwrap() - expected.altitude.unwrap()).abs() < 0.00000001);
fn space_needle_to_self() {
let space_needle: Location = (47.6215067, -122.3410866).into();
let actual = calculate(space_needle, space_needle, true);
let expected = Results {
distance_km: 0.,
azimuth: None,
altitude: None,
assert_eq!(actual, expected);
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