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Last active November 8, 2018 12:11
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NativeScript + Phoenix Channels

I have been struggling (unnecessarily) to make my NativeScript app work seamlessly with Phoenix Channels.

I'm sure this is not the perfect solution, but after trying a lot of other solutions and none of them worked, this one worked for me like a charm.

I'm using:

  • macOS 10.12.6
  • phoenix 1.3.0
  • NativeScript 3.1.3

1. Install the nativescript-websockets package (current version as of this writing is 1.3.3)

You can do this with tns plugins add nativescript-websockets

2. Copy the phoenix.js that gets generated with a new phoenix project and paste it in your NativeScript project.

You can also download it from

I pasted the file into a "phoenix" folder. So project_root/phoenix/phoenix.js, but you can put it wherever you want.

3. Remove all browser-related code from phoenix.js which is about 7-9 lines.

Line 739, remove the reference to the window object:

This this.transport = opts.transport || window.WebSocket || LongPoll;

Becomes this.transport = opts.transport || WebSocket || LongPoll;

The nativescript-websockets package provides the WebSocket class.

Comment out the lines from 1165 to 1172.

Those lines are for the if (window.XDomainRequest) { ... } block of code.

They create a browser websocket object which we don't need here after including the nativescript-websockets package.

That's it. You're all set.

Now you can use Phoenix Channels as expected:

var Phx = require("../phoenix/phoenix"); // <- this depends on where you put your file

// to create a socket connection
var socket = Phx.Socket("http://localhost:4000/socket", {params: {userToken: "123"}});

// to create a channel
channel ="room:lobby", {});

// listen for "shout" events
channel.on("shout", payload => {
  // do your own thing

// join the channel, with success and failure callbacks
  .receive("ok", resp => console.log("Joined channel successfully", resp) )
  .receive("error", resp => console.log("Failed to join channel", resp) );

// to send messages
channel.push("shout", {body: "This is a shoutout!"});

// to leave a channel

NOTE: thanks to @pete.k and @markosko from the NativeScript community slack channel for the suggestions and guidance in reaching this solution.

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lyoung83 commented Mar 19, 2018

Thanks for putting this out here!
Just linking the un-minified version of the file here

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Phoenix 1.4 release here

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whossname commented Nov 8, 2018

I have a different process for Phoenix 1.4. First in step 1 you replace this line:

var socket = Phx.Socket("http://localhost:4000/socket", {params: {userToken: "123"}});

With this:

var socket = new Phx.Socket("http://localhost:4000/socket", { params: {userToken: "123"}, transport: WebSocket});

Adding the transport argument.

Then you only need to delete the first line of code in step 3, the one that says:

const global = typeof self !== "undefined" ? self : window

With this we are very close to getting it to work straight from npm. Changing that line to this:

if(typeof global === "undefined") {
  var global = typeof self !== "undefined" ? self : window

is enough for the existing script to work.

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