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Last active January 29, 2016 10:46
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  • Save aetos382/904de73e793e5f1699a5 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save aetos382/904de73e793e5f1699a5 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop. が変な風に進化したらこうなった。
$OutputHistoryContext = [PSCustomObject] @{
Enabled = $true
DisabledTemporary = $false
Count = -1
Queue = New-Object 'System.Collections.Queue'
LastOutputVariableName = ''
function Out-Default {
[PSObject] $InputObject,
[Switch] $Transcript)
begin {
$context = $OutputHistoryContext
$wrappedCmdlet = $ExecutionContext.InvokeCommand.GetCmdlet('Microsoft.PowerShell.Core\Out-Default')
$sb = { & $wrappedCmdlet @PSBoundParameters }
$p = $sb.GetSteppablePipeline()
$outputs = @()
process {
Get-OutputHistory 内で DisabledTemporary を設定するより先に begin ブロックが実行されてしまうので
$enabled を begin ブロックで初期化してはいけない
$enabled = $context.Enabled -and !$context.DisabledTemporary
if ($_ -and $enabled) {
$outputs += $_
end {
if ($outputs -and $enabled) {
$q = $context.Queue
if ($context.Count -ge 0) {
while ($q.Count -gt $context.Count) {
[void] $q.Dequeue()
if ($context.LastOutputVariableName) {
New-Variable -Name $context.LastOutputVariableName -Value $outputs -Scope Global -Option ReadOnly -Force
$context.DisabledTemporary = $false
function Get-OutputHistory {
param([switch] $LogHistory)
$array = $OutputHistoryContext.Queue.ToArray()
if (!$LogHistory) {
$OutputHistoryContext.DisabledTemporary = $true
return $array
function Clear-OutputHistory {
function Enable-OutputHistory {
$OutputHistoryContext.Enabled = $true
function Disable-OutputHistory {
$OutputHistoryContext.Enabled = $false
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