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Created September 30, 2021 18:06
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Multithreaded Analyze Scheduled Task Run Durations (Windows Powershell, DevOps)
<# Analyze normal run duration of scheduled tasks.
# Gathers insight into how long tasks run, analyzes
# which tasks run shorter or longer than normal,
# reports back to console, and writes out its report
# as a CSV (spreadsheet).
# The script assumes that the user account running it
# has access to the computer and is allowed to read
# its event log.
# Author: A.E.Veltstra
# Version: 2.21.927.1051
$safeDateTimeFormat = "%Y%m%dT%H%M%S";
$gather = {
Param (
$hostTaskRuns = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList;
# Gather the events.
Get-WinEvent -ComputerName $h -FilterHashtable $eventFilter -ea SilentlyContinue | foreach {
# Filter by name,
$instanceId,$taskName = $_.GetPropertyValues($propertySelector);
if ($taskName.StartsWith($taskNameStartsWith)) {
$getEndTimeFilter = @{
LogName = $logName
Id = 102
Data = $instanceId
$taskEndTime = $(Get-WinEvent -ComputerName $h -FilterHashtable $getEndTimeFilter -ea SilentlyContinue).TimeCreated;
if($null -ne $taskEndTime) {
# Create and return custom objects.
Host = $h
TaskName = $taskName
StartTime = $_.TimeCreated
EndTime = $taskEndTime
# Return to invoker.
Return $hostTaskRuns;
# Supply the host names of the Windows-operated API servers to query.
$hosts = @(
$logName = 'Microsoft-Windows-TaskScheduler/Operational';
# PropertySelector for the Correlation id (the InstanceId) and task name
[string[]]$props = @(
$propertySelector = New-Object System.Diagnostics.Eventing.Reader.EventLogPropertySelector @(,$props);
# Specify which tasks to profile.
$taskNameStartsWith = "\Microsoft";
[int32]$daysBack = 7;
$maxThreads = $hosts.Count;
$threads = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList;
$threadPool = [RunspaceFactory]::CreateRunspacePool(1, $maxThreads);
$now = Get-Date -DisplayHint DateTime -UFormat $safeDateTimeFormat;
Write-Output "$now : Creating $maxThreads threads for gathering info...";
foreach ($h in $hosts) {
# Event filter for the initial query for all "Start" events in the last week.
# My localhost has no log with ProviderName = 'TaskScheduler'
$eventFilter = @{
LogName = $logName
Id = 100
Level = 4
StartTime = [datetime]::Now.AddDays(-1 * $daysBack)
#EndTime = [datetime]::Now.AddDays(-1 * $to) #adding this filter criterium causes the return of no events at all.
Write-Output "$now : Starting work on host $h, from $daysBack days back.";
$f = [powershell]::Create().
$f.RunspacePool = $threadPool;
Host = $h
DaysBack = [int32]$daysBack
Function = $f
Invocation = $f.BeginInvoke()
Do {
Write-Host "." -NoNewline
Start-Sleep -Seconds 30
} While ( $threads.Invocation.IsCompleted -contains $false );
Write-Host ".";
$taskRuns = @();
foreach ($t in $threads) {
$taskRuns += $t.Function.EndInvoke($t.Invocation);
$now = Get-Date -DisplayHint DateTime -UFormat $safeDateTimeFormat;
$amount = $taskRuns.Count;
Write-Output "$now : All $amount tasks gathered.";
[int32]$zero = 0;
if ($zero -eq $taskRuns.Count) {
Write-Output "$now : Found no qualifying tasks. Exiting.";
exit 0;
# Specify which durations to discard. This affects how many runs get flagged as outliers.
# Supply an amount in minutes. Short run durations are for when no input data exists or
# when the network goes down.
$lowerDurationThreshold = 2.5;
Write-Output "`r`n`r`n$now : Sorting, grouping, and calculating durations in minutes. Runs with no end time will be reported separately. Runs with duration times shorter than $lowerDurationThreshold minutes will get ignored.";
$sorted = $taskRuns | select Host, TaskName, StartTime, EndTime | sort-object -Property Host, TaskName, StartTime;
$taskRuns = $null;
$groups = [ordered]@{};
$name = '';
$lastGroupName = '';
$taskRuns = $null;
$unfinished = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList;
foreach($record in $sorted) {
$name = $record.Host + $record.TaskName;
if ($name -ne $lastGroupName) {
$lastGroupName = $name;
$groups[$name] = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList;
# some events have no end time recorded. It is not yet clear why.
if ($null -eq $record.EndTime) {
Task = $name
Start = $record.StartTime
} else {
# negative durations indicate that the task hasn't ended yet.
$duration = $record.EndTime.Subtract($record.StartTime).TotalMinutes
if ($duration -lt $zero) {
Task = $name
Start = $record.StartTime
# durations shorter than the threshold are for when no data exists or
# when the network is down.
elseif ($lowerDurationThreshold -lt $duration) {
Start = $record.StartTime
Duration = $duration
$amount = $unfinished.Count;
$now = Get-Date -DisplayHint DateTime -UFormat $safeDateTimeFormat;
if ($zero -ne $amount) {
Write-Output "$now : Found $amount unfinished tasks. Exporting as file.";
$outputPath = "$HOME\Documents\api-task-run-unfinished-$now.csv";
Write-Output "`r`n`r`n$now : Creating CSV: '$outputPath'...";
$unfinished | ForEach-Object {
$_ | Select Task, Start | Export-CSV -Path $outputPath -NoTypeInformation -NoClobber -Append;
$unfinished = $null;
$amount = $groups.Count;
$now = Get-Date -DisplayHint DateTime -UFormat $safeDateTimeFormat;
if ($zero -eq $amount) {
Write-Output "$now : Done sorting and grouping. 0 groups remain. Exiting.";
exit 0;
Write-Output "$now : Done sorting and grouping. $amount groups remain. Durations calculated. Calculating outliers...";
# Outliers will be a list of records with named values, so it can be exported as CSV.
$outliers = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList;
$lastGroup = '';
$timeFormat = "{0:hh\:mm\:ss}";
$differenceThreshold = 1;
foreach($group in $groups.Keys) {
#$now = Get-Date -DisplayHint DateTime -UFormat $safeDateTimeFormat;
#Write-Output "$now : Calculating outliers for task $group...";
$records = $groups[$group];
# calculate the mean
$n = 0;
$sumDuration = 0;
foreach($record in $records) {
$n += 1;
$sumDuration += $record.Duration;
#correct the amount for follow-up divisions
$n = if ($n -lt 1) { 1 } else { $n };
$μ = $sumDuration / $n;
# calculate the standard deviation
$sumDifference = 0;
foreach($record in $records) {
$diff = [math]::Pow([math]::Abs($record.Duration - $μ), 2);
$sumDifference += $diff;
$α = [math]::Sqrt($sumDifference / $n);
# outliers: all records whose duration is further from μ than 2 α.
foreach($record in $records) {
$diff = $record.Duration - $μ;
if ([math]::Abs($diff) -gt $differenceThreshold) {
$isOutlier = [math]::Abs($diff) -gt (2*$α);
if ($isOutlier) {
Task = $group
Start = $record.Start
Difference = ($timeFormat -f [timespan]::FromMinutes($diff))
Duration = ($timeFormat -f [timespan]::FromMinutes($record.Duration))
Mean = ($timeFormat -f [timespan]::FromMinutes($μ))
StandardDeviation = ($timeFormat -f [timespan]::FromMinutes($α))
DoubleDeviation = ($timeFormat -f [timespan]::FromMinutes(2*$α))
$groups = $null;
$amount = $outliers.Count;
$now = Get-Date -DisplayHint DateTime -UFormat $safeDateTimeFormat;
if ($zero -eq $amount) {
Write-Output "`r`n`r`n$now : No outliers found. Exiting.";
Exit 0;
$outliers = $outliers | Sort-Object -Property Difference -Descending;
$outputPath = "$HOME\Documents\api-task-run-outliers-$now.csv";
Write-Output "`r`n`r`n$now : Creating CSV: '$outputPath'...";
$outliers | ForEach-Object {
$_ | Select Task, Start, Difference, Duration, Mean, StandardDeviation, DoubleDeviation | Export-CSV -Path $outputPath -NoTypeInformation -NoClobber -Append;
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This is a multi-threading upgrade from analyze-scheduled-task-run-durations.ps1.

Instead of analyzing each host one at a time, this script creates a separate process for each host. If your hosts log a lot of task starts, this can drastically cut the script's runtime.

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