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$servers = @{
"netbui-server-name" = @("\task\scheduler\path\*"),
"other-netbui-server" = @(
$outputFolder = "C:\Users\Me\Documents\scheduled-task-exports\";
foreach ($h in $servers.Keys) {
$c = New-CimSession -ComputerName $h;
foreach ($p in $servers[$h]) {
Write-Output "Host: $h";
Write-Output "Task path: $p";
Get-ScheduledTask -CimSession $c -TaskPath $p | foreach {
$outputPath = "$($outputFolder)\$($h)\$($_.TaskPath)";
if (!(Test-Path $outputPath)) {
New-Item -Path $outputPath -ItemType Directory;
Export-ScheduledTask -CimSession $c -TaskName $_.TaskName -TaskPath $_.TaskPath | Out-File (
Join-Path "$($outputPath)\" "$($_.TaskName).xml"
) -Force;
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aev-mambro2 commented Jul 19, 2021

Use this Powershell script to export scheduled tasks from 1 or more remote Microsoft Windows servers and write each task to a file on your local computer.

Supply which servers to visit. For each server, supply all scheduled tasks paths to export. Path GLOB patterns are allowed.
Supply a local output folder. The script will attempt to create it if it does not yet exist.

The script will store each task in a folder structure aligned with its task scheduler path. It will create folders if they don't yet exist.

File contents is formatted as XML. Thus the files get named with the xml extension.

Existing files will be overwritten. It is advised to add a date to the local output folder.

After export, use the import script to migrate the tasks to a different server:

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