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Last active April 19, 2024 14:19
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MSSqlServer TSQL save varbinary to file
DECLARE @local_target_path varchar(50) = 'c:\must\be\local\path'
, @adodb_file_stream int
, @create_instance_error int
, @error int
, @i bigint
, @data varbinary(max)
, @error_count int
, @error_description varchar(255)
, @error_source varchar(255)
, @file_path varchar(max)
, @open_error int
, @save_hresult int
, @write_error int
Use MyDb;
SET @error_count = 0;
declare docs_cursor cursor local forward_only read_only for
select doc_key from mydb.schema.my_documents_table;
open docs_cursor;
fetch next from docs_cursor into @i;
while @@FETCH_STATUS = 0 AND @error_count < 50 begin
@data = [Document],
@file_path = @local_target_path + '\' + replace(replace(replace(replace(rtrim([Doc_FileName]), ' ', '_'), '/', '-'), '\', '-'), ':', '')
FROM mydbo.schema.my_documents_table WHERE [Doc_Num] = @i;
print 'About to store document ' + cast(@i as varchar(max)) + ' to file ' + @file_path + '.';
-- create a stream instance.
-- see:
EXEC @create_instance_error = sp_OACreate 'ADODB.Stream', @adodb_file_stream OUTPUT;
if @create_instance_error = 0 begin
-- tell the stream to expect binary data. The default is 2, text.
-- see:
EXEC sp_OASetProperty @adodb_file_stream, 'Type', 1;
-- open the stream with read-write connection mode. The default mode is 0: unknown.
-- see:
-- we could open with username and pwd.
EXEC @open_error = sp_OAMethod @adodb_file_stream, 'Open', NULL --, 2, -1;
if @open_error <> 0 begin
SET @error_count += 1;
EXEC @error = sp_OAGetErrorInfo @adodb_file_stream, @error_source OUT, @error_description OUT;
if @error = 0 begin
print 'Error ' + cast(@open_error as varchar(max)) + ' in ' + @error_source + ' while opening a file for record ' + cast(@i as varchar(max)) + ' at path ' + @file_path + ': ' + @error_description;
end else begin
print 'Unknown error ' + cast(@open_error as varchar(max)) + ' encountered while opening a file for record ' + cast(@i as varchar(max)) + ' at path ' + @file_path + '.';
end else begin
-- write data to stream
-- see:
EXEC @write_error = sp_OAMethod @adodb_file_stream, 'Write', NULL, @data;
if @write_error <> 0 begin
SET @error_count += 1;
EXEC @error = sp_OAGetErrorInfo @adodb_file_stream, @error_source OUT, @error_description OUT;
if @error = 0 begin
print 'Error ' + cast(@write_error as varchar(max)) + ' in ' + @error_source + ' while writing to file for record ' + cast(@i as varchar(max)) + ' at path ' + @file_path + ': ' + @error_description;
end else begin
print 'Unknown error ' + cast(@write_error as varchar(max)) + ' encountered while writing to file for record ' + cast(@i as varchar(max)) + ' at path ' + @file_path + '.';
end else begin
-- save stream to file with save option create/overwrite.
EXEC @save_hresult = sp_OAMethod @adodb_file_stream, 'SaveToFile', NULL, @file_path, 2;
if @save_hresult = 0 begin
print 'Document ' + cast(@i as varchar(max)) + ' Generated at - '+ @file_path;
end else begin
SET @error_count += 1;
EXEC @error = sp_OAGetErrorInfo @adodb_file_stream, @error_source OUT, @error_description OUT;
if @error = 0 begin
print 'Error ' + cast(@save_hresult as varchar(max)) + ' in ' + @error_source + ' while saving document ' + cast(@i as varchar(max)) + ' to file ' + @file_path + ': ' + @error_description;
end else begin
print 'Unknown error ' + cast(@save_hresult as varchar(max)) + ' encountered while saving document ' + cast(@i as varchar(max)) + ' to file ' + @file_path + '.';
-- close the stream
EXEC sp_OAMethod @adodb_file_stream, 'Close';
-- remove the stream instance from memory
EXEC sp_OADestroy @adodb_file_stream;
end else begin
SET @error_count += 1;
EXEC @error = sp_OAGetErrorInfo @adodb_file_stream, @error_source OUT, @error_description OUT;
if @error = 0 begin
print 'Error ' + cast(@create_instance_error as varchar(max)) + ' in ' + @error_source + ' while creating an ADODB.STREAM instance to store document ' + cast(@i as varchar(max)) + ' to file ' + @file_path + ': ' + @error_description;
end else begin
print 'Unknown error encountered while attempting to create an ADODB.STREAM instance to store document ' + cast(@i as varchar(max)) + ' to file ' + @file_path + '.';
--Reset the variables for next use
, @adodb_file_stream = NULL
, @file_path = NULL
, @error = 0;
fetch next from docs_cursor into @i;
close docs_cursor;
deallocate docs_cursor;
if @error_count >= 50 begin
print cast(@error_count as varchar(max)) + ' Errors encountered. Execution automatically stopped.';
end else begin
print cast(@error_count as varchar(max)) + ' Errors encountered. Execution will stop automatically after 50 errors.'
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Update: now using the documents table's actual row key instead of a random counter that might not exist as that key.

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