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Function Get-FolderSize {
BEGIN { $fso = New-Object -ComObject Scripting.FileSystemObject }
$path = $input.fullname
$folder = $fso.GetFolder($path)
$size = $folder.size
[PSCustomObject]@{ 'Name' = $path;'Size' = [math]::Round(($size / 1mb), 2) }
Get-ChildItem -Directory -Recurse -EA SilentlyContinue | Get-FolderSize | Where-Object {$_.Size -ge 1} | Sort size | Select -Last 20 | Format-List
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It isn't always easy to find which locations on a computer contain the most stuff, eating up all your disk space. This script is meant to help you analyze.

To use, start Powershell, navigate into any folder, and run. The script kicks back the largest folders. Navigate to the largest, and run again. Repeat until you find the one folder that needs emptying.

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