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A Powershell GUI using DotNet Windows.Forms to start AWS Lambda Functions and display their output
# To start known AWS Lambda Functions.
# You MUST have the AWS CLI installed. Run this command to install:
# PS$> Install-Module -Name AWS.Tools.Lambda
# You MUST have it configured with an account that has access
# to AWS Lambda Functions.
# @author A.E.Veltstra
# @since 2.24.523.1422
# @version 2.24.614.1946
# "Using" works like an import or require command. It makes it
# so Powershell 3 and up know we need additional functionality.
# That would be the Microsoft Windows Forms and Drawing API. The
# statements don't appear needed in version 5 of Powershell when
# running this script from the Powershell ISE, but are needed
# when running it from a command line or desktop shortcut, if
# the script doesn't use the Add-Type statement later.
using assembly System.Windows.Forms;
using assembly System.Drawing;
using namespace System.Windows.Forms;
# Add-Type works like an import or require command. It makes it
# so Powershell 3 and up know we need additional functionality.
# That would be the Microsoft Windows Forms and Drawing API. The
# statements don't appear needed in version 5 of Powershell when
# running this script from the Powershell ISE, and it also isn't
# needed when running it from a command line or desktop shortcut,
# if you start the script with the using statements.
# Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Windows.Forms;
# Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Drawing;
# Enable visual styles. Makes a difference on my Windows 10 Pro,
# if running a high-contrast visual theme. This helps accessibility.
# Let's create a window. Microsoft calls a window, a form.
$win1 = [Windows.Forms.Form]::new();
# Let's figure out what font the user wants.
# This one changes sizes when the user does in Windows.
$win1.Font = [System.Drawing.SystemFonts]::IconTitleFont;
# Set the window title.
$win1.Text = "Start AWS Lambda Functions";
# Choose an icon for the top left, in the title bar.
$win1.Icon = [System.Drawing.SystemIcons]::Application;
# Give the window a size.
$win1.ClientSize = [System.Drawing.Size]::new(720,480);
# We cannot allow it to size itself automatically, because doing that
# makes it impossible to make it smaller after making it bigger, if
# controls get anchored (which they will, later in this script).
$win1.AutoSize = $false;
$win1.AutoSizeMode = [System.Windows.Forms.AutoSizeMode]::GrowAndShrink;
$win1.AutoScaleMode = [System.Windows.Forms.AutoScaleMode]::FONT;
# Determine a default padding. This will be the distance between
# the window border and the things shown on the window, but also
# between those things.
$padding = [int]15;
$default_txt_width = [int]($win1.ClientSize.width - (2 * $padding));
$default_multiline_text_height = [int]256;
$win1.Margin = 0;
$win1.Padding = 0;
# Let's make it a little translucent.
$win1.Opacity = 0.9;
# Add the ability to show tool tips on form controls:
$tooltip = [System.Windows.Forms.Tooltip]::new();
# Let's add a container to hold the tabs we'll add later.
$tc1 = [System.Windows.Forms.TabControl]::new();
# Let's position it on the window.
$tc1.Left = 0;
$tc1.Top = 0;
$tc1.Margin = 0;
# We don't want this docked: we set the position explicitly.
$tc1.Dock = [System.Windows.Forms.DockStyle]::None;
# Let's add a tab that allows for choosing and starting a function.
$tp_start = [System.Windows.Forms.TabPage]::new();
# Prefixing the L with an & won't turn it into a shortcut key, to
# be used by pressing ALT+L. Instead it will be displayed as &L,
# and Forms won't create the key event listener.
$tp_start.Text = "List";
# Setting this appears to have no impact.
$tp_start.Padding = $padding;
# Let's make a button to load the functions;
$btn_load_functions = [System.Windows.Forms.Button]::new();
# Placing the & turns the L into a shortcut key, that can be used
# by pressing ALT+L. It won't show, visually, until the ALT key is
# pressed. Forms automatically creates the event listener.
$btn_load_functions.Text = "&Load Functions";
# And add it to the tab page so it becomes visible.
$btn_load_functions.Top = $padding;
$btn_load_functions.Left = $padding;
$btn_load_functions.AutoSize = $true;
$btn_load_functions.AccessibleDescription = `
"Fetches Lambda functions in your default account";
# Add a progress bar. It needs to show that the functions
# are being loaded.
$progress_bar = [System.Windows.Forms.ProgressBar]::new();
$progress_bar.Top = $padding;
$progress_bar.Left = $padding;
$progress_bar.Width = $win1.ClientSize.Width - (2 * $padding);
# We don't set a style just yet, as we need to set the Marquee
# style. Once we do that, the progress bar will start animating.
# We want to delay that until needed.
$tooltip.SetToolTip($progress_bar, "Loading...");
$progress_bar.AccessibleDescription = `
"Shows that the program continues to run";
# Let's add a panel for a function chooser and input parameters.
# It will be invisible until the AWS Lambda Functions get loaded.
$panel_functions = [System.Windows.Forms.Panel]::new();
$panel_functions.Top = $btn_load_functions.ClientSize.Bottom;
$panel_functions.Left = 0;
$panel_functions.Padding = 0;
$panel_functions.Margin = 0;
# Let's add a label to explain what the next addition does
$lbl_loaded_functions = [System.Windows.Forms.Label]::new();
# Placing the & turns the c into a shortcut key, that can be used
# by pressing ALT+C. It won't show, visually, until the ALT key is
# pressed. Forms automatically creates the event listener. Labels
# don't activate themselves - they activate the next control.
$lbl_loaded_functions.Text = "Fun&ctions for your AWS account:";
$lbl_loaded_functions.Left = $padding;
$lbl_loaded_functions.Top = $btn_load_functions.Bottom + $padding;
$lbl_loaded_functions.Width = $default_txt_width;
$lbl_loaded_functions.AutoSize = $true;
# Let's add a combobox with choices to tab page 1.
$pick_loaded_functions = [System.Windows.Forms.ComboBox]::new();
$pick_loaded_functions.Items.Add("Load functions first");
$pick_loaded_functions.Left = $padding;
$pick_loaded_functions.Top = $lbl_loaded_functions.Bottom + $padding;
$pick_loaded_functions.Width = $default_txt_width;
# Let's add a label to explain what the next addition does
$lbl_params_input = [System.Windows.Forms.Label]::new();
# Placing the & turns the P into a shortcut key, that can be used
# by pressing ALT+P. It won't show, visually, until the ALT key is
# pressed. Forms automatically creates the event listener. Labels
# don't activate themselves - they activate the next control.
$lbl_params_input.Text = "Input &Parameters:";
$lbl_params_input.Left = $padding;
$lbl_params_input.Top = $pick_loaded_functions.Bottom + $padding;
$lbl_params_input.Width = $default_txt_width;
# We want an input textbox to send parameters to the function
$txt_params_input = [System.Windows.Forms.TextBox]::new();
$txt_params_input.Height = $default_multiline_text_height;
$txt_params_input.Top = $lbl_params_input.Bottom;
$txt_params_input.Left = $padding;
$txt_params_input.Width = $default_txt_width;
$txt_params_input.AccessibleDescription = "Input Parameters";
$txt_params_input.Multiline = $true;
#$txt_params_input.AcceptsReturn = $true;
$txt_params_input.AcceptsTab = $true;
$txt_params_input.ScrollBars = [System.Windows.Forms.ScrollBars]::Vertical;
$txt_params_input.Text = '{"Records": [
"name": "plmapp"
"key": "that.csv"
$txt_params_input.SelectedText = $null;
# Let's make a button to start the functions;
$btn_start_function = [System.Windows.Forms.Button]::new();
$btn_start_function.Text = "Sta&rt";
$btn_start_function.AutoSize = $true;
# And add it to the tab page so it becomes visible.
$btn_start_function.AccessibleDescription = `
"Run the function and fetch its results.";
# We position the button under the input box.
$btn_start_function.Top = $txt_params_input.Bounds.Bottom + $padding;
$btn_start_function.Left = $padding;
# We need the entire panel to be invisible until the time comes to
# allow use, which happens after the AWS Lambda Functions get loaded.
$panel_functions.Visible = $false;
# Let's give the panel a size.
$panel_functions.MinimumSize = New-Object System.Drawing.Size(
($padding + $btn_start_function.Bounds.Bottom)
# Let's calculate how high the tab page should be.
$tp_start_height = (3 * $padding) `
+ $btn_start_function.Bounds.Bottom;
$tp_start_width = $win1.ClientSize.Width;
# Set the minimum size of the tab page.
# Note: it is imperative to use a new Size object, otherwise
# the control refuses to accept any width and height settings.
$tp_start.MinimumSize = New-Object System.Drawing.Size(
# Let's add a tab page to display the results
$tp_results = [System.Windows.Forms.TabPage]::new();
$tp_results.Text = "Results";
$tp_results.Padding = $padding;
# Let's add a label to explain what the next addition does
$lbl_results_statusCode = [System.Windows.Forms.Label]::new();
$lbl_results_statusCode.Text = "Execution Status:";
$lbl_results_statusCode.Left = $padding;
$lbl_results_statusCode.Top = $padding;
$lbl_results_statusCode.Width = $default_txt_width;
# We want a results statusCode textbox
$txt_results_statusCode = [System.Windows.Forms.TextBox]::new();
$txt_results_statusCode.Height = $default_multiline_text_height;
$txt_results_statusCode.Top = $lbl_results_statusCode.Bounds.Bottom;
$txt_results_statusCode.Left = $padding;
$txt_results_statusCode.Width = $default_txt_width;
$txt_results_statusCode.Multiline = $false;
$txt_results_statusCode.AcceptsReturn = $false;
$txt_results_statusCode.AcceptsTab = $false;
$txt_results_statusCode.ScrollBars = [System.Windows.Forms.ScrollBars]::None;
$txt_results_statusCode.Text = "";
$txt_results_statusCode.SelectedText = "";
# Let's add a label to explain what the next addition does
$lbl_results_body = [System.Windows.Forms.Label]::new();
$lbl_results_body.Text = "Function Output:";
$lbl_results_body.Left = $padding;
$lbl_results_body.Top = $txt_results_statusCode.Bounds.Bottom + $padding;
$lbl_results_body.Width = $default_txt_width;
# We also want a results body textbox
$txt_results_body = [System.Windows.Forms.TextBox]::new();
$txt_results_body.Height = $default_multiline_text_height;
$txt_results_body.Top = $lbl_results_body.Bounds.Bottom;
$txt_results_body.Left = $padding;
$txt_results_body.Width = $default_txt_width;
$txt_results_body.Multiline = $true;
$txt_results_body.AcceptsReturn = $true;
$txt_results_body.AcceptsTab = $true;
$txt_results_body.ScrollBars = [System.Windows.Forms.ScrollBars]::Vertical;
$txt_results_body.Text = "";
$txt_results_body.SelectedText = "";
# And place the container on the window.
# Let's calculate how high and wide the results tab page should be.
$tp_results_height = (2 * $padding) `
+ $txt_results_body.Bounds.Bottom;
$tp_results_width = (2 * $padding) + $txt_results_body.ClientSize.Width;
$tp_results.MinimumSize = New-Object System.Drawing.Size(
# Recalculate sizes. We capture it in variables to display later.
$tc1_new_width = [int][Math]::max(
$tc1_new_height = [int][Math]::max(
# Note: it is imperative to use a new Size object, otherwise
# the control refuses to accept any width and height settings.
$tc1.MinimumSize = New-Object System.Drawing.Size(
# And place the tabs into the container.
$tc1.TabPages.AddRange(@($tp_start, $tp_results));
# We want to allow the tabs to be shown in multiple rows,
# if the window width requires it.
$tc1.Multiline = $true;
# Recalculate the size of the window.
$win1_height = $tc1.ClientSize.Height;
$win1_width = $tc1.ClientSize.Width;
# Note: it is imperative to use a new Size object, otherwise
# the control refuses to accept any width and height settings.
$win1.MinimumSize = New-Object System.Drawing.Size( `
$win1_width, `
$win1_height `
$win1.ClientSize = New-Object System.Drawing.Size( `
$win1_width, `
$win1_height `
# And then we want to make sure that the controls resize with the window:
$anchor_all = @(
$anchor_all | % {
$_.Anchor = [System.Windows.Forms.AnchorStyles]::Top `
-bor [System.Windows.Forms.AnchorStyles]::Right `
-bor [System.Windows.Forms.AnchorStyles]::Bottom `
-bor [System.Windows.Forms.AnchorStyles]::Left;
$anchor_trl = @(
$anchor_trl | % {
$_.Anchor = [System.Windows.Forms.AnchorStyles]::Top `
-bor [System.Windows.Forms.AnchorStyles]::Right `
-bor [System.Windows.Forms.AnchorStyles]::Left;
$anchor_tl = @(
$anchor_tl | % {
$_.Anchor = [System.Windows.Forms.AnchorStyles]::Top `
-bor [System.Windows.Forms.AnchorStyles]::Left;
$anchor_bl = @(
$anchor_bl | % {
$_.Anchor = [System.Windows.Forms.AnchorStyles]::Bottom `
-bor [System.Windows.Forms.AnchorStyles]::Left;
# Add the functionality to the buttons
# Reaches out to AWS to fetch the Lambda Function ARNs,
# and lists them in the picker.
try {
# We don't actually know when the load function will complete.
# So we cannot use a traditional progress bar, but have to use
# a marquee, which just moves from left to right and back.
$progress_bar.Style = [System.Windows.Forms.ProgressBarStyle]::Marquee;
# We need this to ensure GUI responsiveness.
if ((Test-Connection -Quiet) -ne $true) {
throw "Error: no internet connection.";
$job = Start-Job -ScriptBlock {
$_xs = @((Get-LMFunctionList -Select Functions).FunctionName);
$_xs | Sort-Object;
# Cannot use Wait-Job $job, because that blocks the GUI.
while ($job.State -ne "Completed") {
# We need this to ensure GUI responsiveness.
Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 200;
$xs = Receive-Job $job;
$xs | % {
# We need this to ensure GUI responsiveness.
# We set the style to continuous to make it stop animating.
$progress_bar.Style = [System.Windows.Forms.ProgressBarStyle]::Continuous;
} catch {
$txt_params_input.Text = $_;
# We set the style to continuous to make it stop animating.
$progress_bar.Style = [System.Windows.Forms.ProgressBarStyle]::Continuous;
# Switches the focus to the results tab and shows the results of
# the started AWS Lambda Function.
$tc1.SelectedIndex = $tp_results.TabIndex;
$txt_results_statusCode.Text = "Running...";
$txt_results_body.Text = "";
# We need this to ensure the GUI will update before starting the
# lambda function.
$globals = @(
try {
$job = Start-Job -InputObject $globals -ScriptBlock {
# The script block runs in its own memory scope:
# it cannot reach the form we just set up. Instead,
# we give it the information it needs as text,
# via the -InputObject argument.
# The $input variable is generated automatically
# and will hold a pipeline of the parameter passed
# in as the -InputObject argument.
# We read the $input pipeline to an array.
$_argv = $input | %{$_};
$_function_name = 0;
$_function_parameters = 1;
$_result = (Invoke-LMFunction `
-FunctionName $_argv[$_function_name] `
-InvocationType RequestResponse `
-Payload $_argv[$_function_parameters]);
# AWS sends the payload in a System.IO.MemoryStream.
# That is great for huge payloads if we want to show
# small amounts at a time. We choose to read all and
# show it all at once.
$_rdr = [System.IO.StreamReader]::new($_result.Payload);
$_payload = $_rdr.ReadToEnd();
$_out = [pscustomobject]@{
StatusCode = $_result.StatusCode
Payload = $_payload
# Cannot use Wait-Job $job, because that blocks the GUI.
while ($job.State -ne "Completed") {
$txt_results_statusCode.Text += ".";
Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 900;
$result = Receive-Job $job;
$result.StatusCode | % { $txt_results_statusCode.Text = $_ };
$result.Payload | % { $txt_results_body.Text = $_ };
} catch {
$txt_results_statusCode.Text = 500;
$txt_results_body.Text = $_;
# Show the window
# If the application starts single-threaded, Windows Forms refuses
# to show a window using [Application]::run($win1). Instead, we
# must use Form::ShowDialog.
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Now added the ability for the font to adapt to the user's font theme and size changes in Windows. It's silly, really: Windows.Forms should do that by itself. But it doesn't, so every programmer has to be aware and make it happen.

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The script is updated to run long-running tasks without freezing the GUI, showing that the application still runs.

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Added a network connection check, so the program won't be trying to read functions from AWS if the computer isn't connected.

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