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Last active March 17, 2022 16:34
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Save aezarebski/346684e01831be9293ef1830350a4d97 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Tool to use ape (R package) to simulate from the BDSCOD process.
#!/usr/bin/env Rscript
VERSION <- c(0,1,6)
#' =============
#' ape-sim-0.1.6
#' =============
#' Use the ape package to simulate the BDSCOD process from the command line.
#' Simulations are conditioned on there being more than one sequenced sample. If
#' no satisfactory simulation is generated in 100 replicates then the program
#' will crash. The parameters for the simulation are read in from an XML file as
#' demonstrated below.
#' Usage
#' =====
#' The following will simulate without either a catastrophe or a disaster:
#' $ ./ape-sim.R --verbose demo.xml
#' where the \code{demo.xml} file should like the following
#' <ape version="0.1.2">
#' <configuration>
#' <parameters birthRate="3.0"
#' deathRate="1.0"
#' samplingRate="0.5"
#' occurrenceRate="0.5"
#' duration="4.0"/>
#' <options seed="2"
#' writeNewick="true"
#' makePlots="true"
#' outputDirectory="out"
#' simulateSequences="false"
#' seq_agg_times=""
#' occ_agg_times="1.0 4.0 1.0"/>
#' </configuration>
#' </ape>
#' The parameters tag can also take "nu" and "rho" as parameters if you want
#' there to be a scheduled sample at the end of the simulation. For the time
#' being the only real schema for the XML is the \code{parse_xml_configuration}
#' function.
#' Help
#' ====
#' $ ./ape-sim.R --help
#' ChangeLog
#' =========
#' - 0.1.6
#' + Include additional checks that configuration is valid.
#' + Fix typo which was breaking sequence simulation.
green_hex_colour <- "#1b9e77"
purple_hex_colour <- "#7570b3"
#' Parse the XML configuration of the simulation. See the documentation above
#' for an example.
parse_xml_configuration <- function(filepath) {
xml_input <- xmlToList(xmlParse(filepath))
xml_opts <- as.list(xml_input$configuration$options)
xml_params <- as.list(xml_input$configuration$parameters)
params = list(
birth_rate = as.numeric(xml_params$birthRate),
death_rate = as.numeric(xml_params$deathRate),
sampling_rate = as.numeric(xml_params$samplingRate),
occurrence_rate = as.numeric(xml_params$occurrenceRate),
duration = as.numeric(xml_params$duration)
if (is.element("rho", names(xml_params))) {
params$rho <- as.numeric(xml_params$rho)
} else {
params$rho <- NULL
if (is.element("nu", names(xml_params))) {
params$nu <- as.numeric(xml_params$nu)
} else {
params$nu <- NULL
if (is.element("substitutionRate", names(xml_params))) {
params$substitution_rate <- as.numeric(xml_params$substitutionRate)
if (is.element("seqLength", names(xml_params))) {
params$seq_length <- as.numeric(xml_params$seqLength)
params$net_rem_rate <- params$death_rate + params$sampling_rate + params$occurrence_rate
params$net_per_capita_event_rate <- params$birth_rate + params$net_rem_rate
params$sampling_prob <- params$sampling_rate / params$net_rem_rate
params$occurrence_prob <- params$occurrence_rate / params$net_rem_rate
params$prob_observed <- params$sampling_prob + params$occurrence_prob
params$prob_sampled_given_observed <-
params$sampling_prob / params$prob_observed
opts <- list(
seed = as.integer(xml_opts$seed),
output_directory = xml_opts$outputDirectory,
make_plots = as.logical(xml_opts$makePlots),
write_newick = as.logical(xml_opts$writeNewick),
simulate_sequences = as.logical(xml_opts$simulateSequences))
if (is.element("seq_agg_times", names(xml_opts))) {
opts$seq_agg_times <- parse_from_to_by(xml_opts$seq_agg_times)
} else {
opts$seq_agg_times <- NULL
if (is.element("occ_agg_times", names(xml_opts))) {
opts$occ_agg_times <- parse_from_to_by(xml_opts$occ_agg_times)
} else {
opts$occ_agg_times <- NULL
params = params,
options = opts)
# create parser object
parser <- ArgumentParser()
action = "store_true",
default = FALSE,
help = "Print version"
action = "store_true",
default = FALSE,
help = "Verbose output"
type = "character",
help = "Filepath to XML configuration"
#' Repeatedly run the simulation until there is a satisfactory realisation
#' obtained.
#' @param params is a list of the model parameters such as birth rate.
#' @param options is a list of configuration parameters such as output
#' directory.
#' @param is_verbose is a logical for whether to print messages.
run_conditioned_simulation <- function(params, options, is_verbose) {
max_iterations <- 100
has_solution <- FALSE
curr_iter <- 0
while ((!has_solution) & (curr_iter < max_iterations)) {
result <- tryCatch(
run_simulation(params, options, is_verbose),
error = function(c) "run_simulation returned a bad simulation..."
if (class(result) != "character") {
has_solution <- TRUE
} else {
cat("\trepeating simulation...\n")
if (options$simulate_sequences) {
if (is_verbose) {
cat("simulating the sequences on the reconstructed tree...\n")
result$seq_sim <- sequence_simulation(result$reconstructed_tree,
#' Simulate sequences on the given tree.
#' @param tree is a phylo object
#' @param len is the length of the sequence
#' @param sub_rate is the substitution rate
#' @details Simulate sequences using the Jukes-Cantor model which is the default
#' behaviour of \code{simSeq} when given a \code{phylo} object.
sequence_simulation <- function(tree, len, sub_rate) {
if (class(tree) != "phylo") {
stop("tree must be a phylo object.")
if (is.null(len)) {
stop("sequence length must be positive integer.")
return(simSeq(tree, l = len, rate = sub_rate))
#' Run a simulation and stop if something goes wrong.
#' @param params is a list of the model parameters such as birth rate.
#' @param options is a list of configuration parameters such as output
#' directory.
#' @param is_verbose is a logical for whether to print messages.
run_simulation <- function(params, options, is_verbose) {
time_eps <- 1e-10
if (is_verbose) {
cat("simulating tmrca and phylogeny...\n")
## because the trees generated by rlineage start from the TMRCA rather than
## the origin we need to simulate the length of the root first and subtract
## this from the duration.
tmrca <- rexp(n = 1, rate = params$net_per_capita_event_rate)
stopifnot(params$duration > tmrca)
phy <- rlineage(
Tmax = params$duration - tmrca,
eps = time_eps
if (is_verbose) {
cat("extracting tip times and labels...\n")
## because we are going to be subsampling the tips it is useful to have some
## easier ways to refer to them. To simplify post-processing of the simulation
## data we update the tip labels to include the absolute time (forward from
## the origin) of the tip.
num_tips <- length(phy$tip.label)
tip_ix <-
tip_times <- head(ape::node.depth.edgelength(phy), num_tips)
phy$tip.label <- sprintf("%s_%f",
tip_times + tmrca)
tip_labels <- phy$tip.label
## TODO we can find the tips that are still extant in the simulation but it is
## unclear if we can use strict equality here of if we need to account for
## potential error in the branch lengths. It seems like this is safe...
extant_mask <- (tip_times + tmrca) == params$duration
extant_labels <- tip_labels[extant_mask]
num_extant <- length(extant_labels)
if (is_verbose) {
cat("\tthere appear to be ", num_extant, " lineages at the end of the simulation\n")
extinct_labels <- tip_labels[!extant_mask]
num_extinct <- length(extinct_labels)
## We need to do a the appropriate sampling at the end of the simulation if
## either a rho- or nu-sample has been requested, otherwise we need to
## propagate the null values.
if (is.null(c(params$rho, params$nu))) {
if (is_verbose) {
cat("skipping rho-sampling\n")
cat("skipping nu-sampling\n")
num_rho_sampled <- NULL
rho_sampled_labels <- NULL
num_nu_sampled <- NULL
nu_sampled_labels <- NULL
} else if (is.null(params$nu)) {
if (is_verbose) {
cat("performing rho sampling...\n")
cat("skipping nu-sampling\n")
num_rho_sampled <- rbinom(
n = 1,
size = num_extant,
prob = params$rho
rho_sampled_labels <- sample(
x = extant_labels,
size = num_rho_sampled,
replace = FALSE
num_nu_sampled <- NULL
nu_sampled_labels <- NULL
} else {
if (is_verbose) {
cat("skipping rho-sampling\n")
cat("performing nu sampling...\n")
num_rho_sampled <- NULL
rho_sampled_labels <- NULL
num_nu_sampled <- rbinom(
n = 1,
size = num_extant,
prob = params$nu
nu_sampled_labels <- sample(
x = extant_labels,
size = num_nu_sampled,
replace = FALSE
## We can select from the extinct lineages which will be designated as deaths,
## samples and occurrences by binomially sampling with the correct
## probabilities and then uniformly selecting this many.
num_observed <- rbinom(
n = 1,
size = num_extinct,
prob = params$prob_observed
num_sampled <- rbinom(
n = 1,
size = num_observed,
prob = params$prob_sampled_given_observed
observed_labels <- sample(
x = extinct_labels,
size = num_observed,
replace = FALSE
sampling_labels <- sample(
x = observed_labels,
size = num_sampled,
replace = FALSE
occurrence_labels <- setdiff(observed_labels, sampling_labels)
num_occurrences <- length(occurrence_labels)
unobserved_labels <- setdiff(extinct_labels, observed_labels)
## It is useful to have a vector describing what happened to each of the tips
## so we will generate this.
outcome <- character(num_tips)
for (ix in tip_ix) {
tl <- tip_labels[ix]
outcome[ix] <-
if (is.element(tl, extant_labels)) {
if (is.null(c(rho_sampled_labels, nu_sampled_labels))) {
} else if (is.element(tl, rho_sampled_labels)) {
} else if (is.element(tl, nu_sampled_labels)) {
} else {
} else if (is.element(tl, unobserved_labels)) {
} else if (is.element(tl, sampling_labels)) {
} else if (is.element(tl, occurrence_labels)) {
} else {
stop("unaccounted for tip: ", tl)
## We then drop the lineages that did not result in a sampled lineage and the
## remaining tree is the reconstructed tree.
rt_tip_labels <- c(sampling_labels, rho_sampled_labels)
num_rt_tips <- length(rt_tip_labels)
if (num_rt_tips < 2) {
rep("-", 60),
rep("-", 60),
collapse = ""))
rt <- ape::keep.tip(phy, rt_tip_labels)
rt_tip_and_node_depths <- ape::node.depth.edgelength(rt)
rt_tip_depths <- head(rt_tip_and_node_depths, num_rt_tips)
rt_node_depths <- tail(rt_tip_and_node_depths, -num_rt_tips)
## The depths of the nodes and tips is relative to the TMRCA so we need to
## adjust for this when computing the exact times that they occurred at. Since
## the TMRCA in the reconstructed tree may be different to the one of the
## whole tree we cannot simply re-use the previous rootlength.
true_first_sample_time <-
min(tip_times[outcome == "sampling" | outcome == "rho"])
depth_first_in_rt <- min(rt_tip_depths)
rt_offset <- true_first_sample_time - depth_first_in_rt
## we can put all of this information into a single dataframe which is more
## convenient for export and subsequent usage.
event_times_df <- data.frame(
time = c(-tmrca,
tip_times[outcome == "occurrence"],
tip_times[outcome == "sampling"],
tip_times[outcome == "rho"],
tip_times[outcome == "nu"],
rt_node_depths + rt_offset
event = c("origin",
c("occurrence", "sampling", "rho", "nu", "birth"),
times = c(num_occurrences,
ifelse(is.null(num_rho_sampled), 0, num_rho_sampled),
ifelse(is.null(num_nu_sampled), 0, num_nu_sampled),
ifelse(is.null(num_rho_sampled), num_sampled - 1, num_rt_tips - 1)))))
## Compute the prevalence of infection at the end of the simulation. If there
## is no rho-sampling and no nu-sampling then this is just the number of
## extant lineages otherwise we need to subtract the number that were
## rho-sampled or nu-sampled depending on which was carried out.
if (is.null(c(params$rho, params$nu))) {
final_prevalence <- num_extant
} else if (is.null(params$nu)) {
final_prevalence <- num_extant - num_rho_sampled
} else {
final_prevalence <- num_extant - num_nu_sampled
if (is_verbose) {
cat("checking output from run_simulation...\n")
## We can do a quick check of the results to make sure that some invariants
## have been preserved. Note that one of the checks here will fail a small
## percent of the time because it is not exact.
dur_0 <- params$duration
dur_1 <- max(tip_times[outcome == "sampling" | outcome == "rho" | outcome == "nu"]) + tmrca
dur_2 <- max(rt_tip_depths) + rt_offset + tmrca
dur_3 <- max(tip_times[outcome == "extant" | outcome == "rho" | outcome == "nu"]) + tmrca
## these should be equal up to numerical error.
fudge <- 1e-3
if (!(abs(dur_0 - dur_1) < fudge * params$duration)) {
cat("measure 1 is ", dur_1, "\n")
stop("measures of simulation duration 1 is too different from requested duration.")
if (!(abs(dur_0 - dur_2) < fudge * params$duration)) {
cat("measure 2 is ", dur_2, "\n")
stop(c("Measures of simulation duration 2 is too different from requested duration.\n",
"Something may have gone wrong with the reconstructed tree."))
if (!(abs(dur_0 - dur_3) < fudge * params$duration)) {
cat("measure 3 is ", dur_3, "\n")
stop("measures of simulation duration 3 is too different from requested duration.")
## TODO The aggregation code below should probably be refactored and applied
## as a post-simulation step rather than being included here.
## If there is aggregation that needs to be carried out then this needs to be
## done now just before the simulation results are returned. This operation is
## only defined when there are no rho-samples and no nu-samples at the end of
## the simulation (which should be enforced by the validation of the
## parameters...)
if (is.null(c(params$rho, params$nu)) &&
(!is.null(options$occ_agg_times) | !is.null(options$seq_agg_times))) {
## There is a little extra book keeping involved because the times are
## relative to the TMRCA rather than the origin. To keep things consistent
## with the TMRCA relative times we need to adjust the aggregation times.
## This is why we need to subtract the TMRCA from the given aggregation
## times to get the TMRCA relative aggregation times. We add a column for
## size to count the number of individuals that were removed in the mock
## scheduled event.
origin_event_row <- filter(event_times_df, event == "origin")
origin_event_row$size <- NA
birth_rows <- filter(event_times_df, event == "birth")
birth_rows$size <- NA
if (!is.null(options$seq_agg_times)) {
sampling_times <- event_times_df |> filter(event == "sampling") |> select(time)
tmrca_rel_seq_agg_times <- options$seq_agg_times - tmrca
num_agg_obs <- length(tmrca_rel_seq_agg_times) - 1
if (max(options$seq_agg_times) < max(sampling_times)) {
stop("There are sequenced samples after the last given aggregation time. It is unclear how to account for the births related to these sequences so you probably want to include another aggregation point to capture them.")
tmp_time <- numeric(num_agg_obs)
tmp_size <- numeric(num_agg_obs)
for (ix in {
tmp_time[ix] <- tmrca_rel_seq_agg_times[ix+1]
tmp_size[ix] <- sampling_times |>
filter(tmrca_rel_seq_agg_times[ix] < time,
time <= tmrca_rel_seq_agg_times[ix+1]) |>
seq_rows <- data.frame(time = tmp_time,
event = "rho",
size = tmp_size)
} else {
## If there are not any sequence aggregation times then the sequenced
## samples still need to be represented by sampling events so we pull
## these values out and store them in an appropriate data frame for
## subsequent use.
seq_rows <- event_times_df[event_times_df$event == "sampling", ]
seq_rows$size <- NA
if (!is.null(options$occ_agg_times)) {
occurrence_times <- event_times_df |> filter(event == "occurrence") |> select(time)
tmrca_rel_occ_agg_times <- options$occ_agg_times - tmrca
num_agg_obs <- length(tmrca_rel_occ_agg_times) - 1
tmp_time <- numeric(num_agg_obs)
tmp_size <- numeric(num_agg_obs)
for (ix in {
tmp_time[ix] <- tmrca_rel_occ_agg_times[ix+1]
tmp_size[ix] <- occurrence_times |>
filter(tmrca_rel_occ_agg_times[ix] < time,
time <= tmrca_rel_occ_agg_times[ix+1]) |>
unseq_rows <- data.frame(time = tmp_time,
event = "nu",
size = tmp_size)
} else {
unseq_rows <- event_times_df[event_times_df$event == "occurrence", ]
unseq_rows$size <- NA
agg_event_times_df <- rbind(origin_event_row,
} else {
agg_event_times_df <- NULL
event_times_df = event_times_df,
aggregated_event_times_df = agg_event_times_df,
final_prevalence = final_prevalence,
phylo = phy,
reconstructed_tree = rt,
outcome = outcome,
tip_ix = tip_ix,
num_extinct = num_extinct,
num_extant = num_extant,
num_sampled = num_sampled,
num_rho_sampled = num_rho_sampled,
num_nu_sampled = num_nu_sampled,
num_observed = num_observed,
num_occurrences = num_occurrences))
write_plot <- function(simulation_results,
is_verbose) {
hist_plt_df <- data.frame(
outcome = c("death",
empirical =
c(simulation_results$num_extinct - simulation_results$num_observed,
theory =
c(qbinom(p = 0.5,
size = simulation_results$num_extinct,
prob = 1 - parameters$sampling_prob - parameters$occurrence_prob),
qbinom(p = 0.5,
size = simulation_results$num_extinct,
prob = parameters$sampling_prob),
qbinom(p = 0.5,
size = simulation_results$num_extinct,
prob = parameters$occurrence_prob)),
theory_min =
c(qbinom(p = 0.025,
size = simulation_results$num_extinct,
prob = 1 - parameters$sampling_prob - parameters$occurrence_prob),
qbinom(p = 0.025,
size = simulation_results$num_extinct,
prob = parameters$sampling_prob),
qbinom(p = 0.025,
size = simulation_results$num_extinct,
prob = parameters$occurrence_prob)),
theory_max =
c(qbinom(p = 0.975,
size = simulation_results$num_extinct,
prob = 1 - parameters$sampling_prob - parameters$occurrence_prob),
qbinom(p = 0.975,
size = simulation_results$num_extinct,
prob = parameters$sampling_prob),
qbinom(p = 0.975,
size = simulation_results$num_extinct,
prob = parameters$occurrence_prob))
if (!is.null(parameters$rho)) {
rho_row <- data.frame(
outcome = "rho",
empirical = simulation_results$num_rho_sampled,
theory = qbinom(p = 0.5,
size = simulation_results$num_extant,
prob = parameters$rho),
theory_min = qbinom(p = 0.025,
size = simulation_results$num_extant,
prob = parameters$rho),
theory_max = qbinom(p = 0.975,
size = simulation_results$num_extant,
prob = parameters$rho)
hist_plt_df <- rbind(hist_plt_df, rho_row)
if (!is.null(parameters$nu)) {
nu_row <- data.frame(
outcome = "nu",
empirical = simulation_results$num_nu_sampled,
theory = qbinom(p = 0.5,
size = simulation_results$num_extant,
prob = parameters$nu),
theory_min = qbinom(p = 0.025,
size = simulation_results$num_extant,
prob = parameters$nu),
theory_max = qbinom(p = 0.975,
size = simulation_results$num_extant,
prob = parameters$nu)
hist_plt_df <- rbind(hist_plt_df, nu_row)
tmp <- data.frame(outcome = "extant",
empirical = simulation_results$num_extant,
theory = NA,
theory_min = NA,
theory_max = NA)
hist_plt_df <- rbind(hist_plt_df, tmp)
hist_plt_df$outcome <- factor(hist_plt_df$outcome, levels = c("death", "occurrence", "sampling", "extant", "rho", "nu"))
plt5 <- ggplot(hist_plt_df) +
geom_col(mapping = aes(x = outcome, y = empirical)) +
geom_point(mapping = aes(x = outcome, y = theory)) +
geom_errorbar(mapping = aes(x = outcome, ymin = theory_min, ymax = theory_max)) +
labs(y = "Count", x = NULL) +
plt6 <- ggplot(data = hist_plt_df) +
geom_col(mapping = aes(x = outcome, y = empirical), colour = "#636363", fill = "#bdbdbd") +
labels = c(
"extant" = "Prevalence",
"death" = "Unobserved",
"sampling" = "Sequenced",
"occurrence" = "Unsequenced")) +
labs(y = NULL, x = NULL) +
is_observed <- is.element(simulation_results$outcome, c("sampling", "occurrence", "rho", "nu"))
tip_annotations <- tibble(
node = simulation_results$tip_ix,
outcome = simulation_results$outcome,
is_observed = is_observed
tr <- tidytree::treedata(phylo = simulation_results$phylo, data = tip_annotations)
plt4 <- ggplot(tr, mapping = aes(x, y)) +
geom_tippoint(mapping = aes(colour = outcome, shape = is_observed),
size = 3) +
geom_nodepoint() +
geom_vline(data = simulation_results$event_times_df, aes(xintercept = time, colour = event)) +
geom_tree() +
labs(colour = "Tip outcome",
shape = "Observed") +
theme_tree2(legend.position = "top")
plt7 <- ggplot(tr, mapping = aes(x, y)) +
geom_tree(alpha = 0.3) +
geom_tippoint(mapping = aes(colour = is_observed),
size = 2.5) +
scale_colour_manual(values = c("#bdbdbd", green_hex_colour), labels = c("TRUE" = "Observed", "FALSE" = "Not observed")) +
labs(colour = NULL) +
theme_tree(legend.position = "top")
#' TODO This figure needs fixing because it does not represent rho-samples
#' properly in the histogram!
if (is_verbose) {
cat("writing visualistion to file...\n")
filename = paste(
sep = "/"
plot = plot_grid(plt4, plt5, nrow = 1, rel_widths = c(2, 1)),
width = 25,
height = 15,
units = "cm"
saveRDS(object = list(plt6, plt7),
file = paste(
sep = "/")
write_aggregated_plot <- function(simulation_results,
is_verbose) {
plot_df <- filter(
is.element(event, c("rho", "nu"))
g <- ggplot(
data = plot_df,
mapping = aes(x = time, y = size, colour = event)
) +
geom_line() +
geom_point() +
breaks = c("nu", "rho"),
values = c(purple_hex_colour, green_hex_colour)
) +
labs(y = "Count", x = "Day", colour = "Observation type") +
filename = paste(
sep = "/"
plot = g,
width = 14.8,
height = 10.5,
units = "cm"
g2 <- ggplot(
data = plot_df,
mapping = aes(x = time, y = size, shape = event)
) +
colour = purple_hex_colour
) +
colour = purple_hex_colour,
size = 3
) +
values = c(1, 2),
labels = c("nu" = "Weekly unsequenced", "rho" = "Daily sequenced")
) +
scale_y_sqrt() +
labs(y = "Count (square root scale)", x = "Day", shape = "Observation type") +
theme_classic() +
theme(legend.position = c(0.2, 0.8))
saveRDS(object = list(g2),
file = paste(
sep = "/")
#' Parse a string \"FROM TO BY\" into a linear vector of values.
parse_from_to_by <- function(from_to_by_string) {
if (from_to_by_string == "") {
} else {
tmp <- as.numeric(unlist(strsplit(x = from_to_by_string, split = " ")))
stopifnot(length(tmp) == 3)
seq(from = tmp[1], to = tmp[2], by = tmp[3])
#' Predicate for the configuration read from XML being valid.
configuration_is_valid <- function(config) {
params <- config$params
opts <- config$options
if ((!is.null(params$rho)) && (!is.null(params$seq_agg_times))) {
if (is.element("rho", names(params))) {
if (params$rho > 1.0 || 0.0 > params$rho) {
warning("rho parameter should be a probability")
if (!is.null(opts$seq_agg_times)) {
warning("cannot have sequence aggregation times and rho-sampling.")
if (is.element("nu", names(params))) {
if (params$nu > 1.0 || 0.0 > params$nu) {
warning("nu parameter should be a probability")
if (!is.null(opts$occ_agg_times)) {
warning("cannot have unsequenced aggregation times and nu-sampling.")
## If we are being asked to use a particular output directory it should exist.
if (!dir.exists(opts$output_directory)) {
warning("missing output directory: ", opts$output_directory)
## If we are simulating sequences we need the data to do this.
if (opts$simulate_sequences) {
if (is.null(params$substitution_rate)) {
stop("cannot simulate sequences without a substitution rate.")
if (is.null(params$seq_length)) {
stop("cannot simulate sequences without a sequence length.")
main <- function(args, config) {
if (args$version) {
paste(as.character(VERSION), collapse = "."),
"\n"), collapse = ""))
if (!configuration_is_valid(config)) {
if (args$verbose) {
cat("reading parameters from", args$xml, "\n")
## Awkward because you cannot assign NULL via ifelse so you need to have a
## full conditional to do this.
if (is.null(config$params$rho)) {
maybe_rho <- NULL
} else {
maybe_rho <- config$params$rho
if (is.null(config$params$nu)) {
maybe_nu <- NULL
} else {
maybe_nu <- config$params$rho
if (args$verbose) {
if (is.null(maybe_rho)) {
cat("without rho sampling at the end of the simulation\n")
} else {
cat("with rho sampling at the end of the simulation\n")
if (is.null(maybe_nu)) {
cat("without nu sampling at the end of the simulation\n")
} else {
cat("with nu sampling at the end of the simulation\n")
## the default simulator can produce simulations where the tree is not valid
## (because it only has a single tip) so we use the conditioned simulator to
## repeat the simulation if this happens.
sim_result <- run_conditioned_simulation(config$params, config$options, args$verbose)
if (file.access(config$options$output_directory, mode = 2) != 0) {
stop("Cannot write to output directory: ", config$options$output_directory)
} else {
output_filepath <- function(n) {
paste(config$options$output_directory, n, sep = "/")
## record the events that happened in the simulation
if (args$verbose) {
cat("writing output to csv...\n")
write.table(x = sim_result$event_times_df,
file = output_filepath("ape-sim-event-times.csv"),
sep = ",",
row.names = FALSE)
if (config$options$write_newick) {
if (args$verbose) {
cat("writing the newick for the reconstructed tree...\n")
write.tree(phy = sim_result$reconstructed_tree,
file = output_filepath("ape-sim-reconstructed-tree.newick"))
if (config$options$simulate_sequences) {
if (args$verbose) {
cat("writing the sequence simulation...\n")
file = output_filepath("ape-sim-sequences.fasta"),
format = "fasta")
## if there are aggregated simulation results then these should also be
## recorded.
if (!is.null(sim_result$aggregated_event_times_df)) {
if (args$verbose) {
cat("writing aggregated output to csv...\n")
write.table(x = sim_result$aggregated_event_times_df,
file = output_filepath("ape-sim-aggregated-event-times.csv"),
sep = ",",
row.names = FALSE)
## record the final prevalence accounting for the number of lineages that
## may have been removed in a rho sample at the very end of the simulation.
if (args$verbose) {
cat("writing final prevalence to json...\n")
x = sim_result$final_prevalence,
path = output_filepath("ape-sim-final-prevalence.json")
if (config$options$make_plots) {
write_plot(sim_result, config$params, config$options$output_directory, args$verbose)
if (!is.null(sim_result$aggregated_event_times_df)) {
write_aggregated_plot(sim_result, config$params, config$options$output_directory, args$verbose)
if (!interactive()) {
args <- parser$parse_args()
config <- parse_xml_configuration(args$xml)
main(args, config)
} else {
## This branch demonstrates how to construct an appropriate XML configuration
## and simulate from it. This is particularly useful for development but may
## be useful as a way to run the code...
args <- list(
verbose = TRUE,
version = FALSE,
xml = tempfile()
parameters_node <- xmlNode(
attrs = list(birthRate = "3.0",
deathRate = "1.0",
samplingRate = "0.5",
occurrenceRate = "0.5",
nu = "0.5",
## rho = "-1.0",
duration = "4.0"))
options_node <- xmlNode(
attrs = list(seed = "1",
writeNewick = "true",
makePlots = "true",
outputDirectory = "out",
simulateSequences = "false",
seq_agg_times = "",
occ_agg_times = ""))
input_node <- xmlNode(
z <- xmlNode(
attrs = list(version = "0.1.2")
file = args$xml,
prefix = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\" standalone=\"no\"?>\n"
config <- parse_xml_configuration(args$xml)
main(args, config)
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