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Created August 27, 2012 21:20
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Sunset and Altitude for Shakespeare's Plays
# Caveat, the dates included are Julian but PyEphem and Python only really know about Gregorian.
# Additionally, not all of these performances were at The Globe so we should be moving the Observer
# accordingly. It still largely proves the hypothesis.
import argparse
from datetime import datetime
import ephem
from prettytable import PrettyTable
def shakespeare_had_candles(args):
time_of_day = args.time_of_day
show_altitude = args.show_altitude
hour, minute, second = map(int, time_of_day.split(':'))
plays = [
{'name': 'Henry VI, Part I', 'performance_date': datetime(1592, 03, 03)},
{'name': 'Titus Andronicus', 'performance_date': datetime(1594, 1, 23)},
{'name': 'Taming of the Shrew', 'performance_date': datetime(1594, 6, 13)},
{'name': 'The Comedy of Errors', 'performance_date': datetime(1594, 12, 28)},
{'name': "Love's Labours Lost", 'performance_date': datetime(1597, 12, 26)},
{'name': 'Julius Caesar', 'performance_date': datetime(1599, 10, 21)},
{'name': 'Henry IV, Part I', 'performance_date': datetime(1600, 3, 6)},
{'name': 'Richard II', 'performance_date': datetime(1601, 2, 7)},
{'name': 'Twelfth Night', 'performance_date': datetime(1602, 2, 2)},
{'name': 'Othello', 'performance_date': datetime(1604, 11, 1)},
{'name': 'Troilus and Cressida', 'performance_date': datetime(1604, 2, 7)},
{'name': 'Merry Wives of Windsor', 'performance_date': datetime(1604, 11, 4)},
{'name': 'Measure for Measure', 'performance_date': datetime(1604, 12, 26)},
{'name': 'Henry V', 'performance_date': datetime(1605, 1, 7)},
{'name': 'Merchant of Venice', 'performance_date': datetime(1605, 2, 10)},
{'name': 'King Lear', 'performance_date': datetime(1606, 12, 26)},
{'name': 'The Tempest', 'performance_date': datetime(1611, 11, 1)},
{'name': 'Henry VIII', 'performance_date': datetime(1613, 6, 29)}
globe = ephem.Observer() = '51.5069841'
globe.lon = '-0.0944368'
globe.elevation = 14
sun = ephem.Sun()
table_headers = ['Play',
#'Curtain Up',
'Time Difference',
'Twilight Date',
'T Light']
if show_altitude:
table_headers.append("Sun's Altitude")
x = PrettyTable(table_headers)
x.align['Play'] = 'l'
#x.align['Curtain Up'] = 'r'
x.align['Sunset'] = 'r'
x.align['Time Difference'] = 'l'
x.align['Candles'] = 'l'
x.align['Twilight Date'] = 'r'
x.align['Twilight Candles'] = 'l'
if show_altitude:
x.align["Sun's Altitude"] = 'l'
x.padding_width = 2
candle_plays = 0
twilight_plays = 0
for play in plays:
# set horizon for London/Southwark/The Globe
globe.horizon = '-0:34' = play['performance_date'].replace(hour=hour, minute=minute, second=second).\
isoformat().replace('T', ' ')
start_date =
# compute sun's origin position
# get sun's altitude at highest point in our time range
if show_altitude:
most_light = str(sun.alt)
# get the datetime of the next setting
setting_date = globe.next_setting(sun)
# change horizon so we can calculate twilight (civil)
globe.horizon = '-6'
twilight_date = globe.next_setting(sun, use_center=True)
# determine of time interval means we'll need candles
diff = setting_date.datetime() - start_date.datetime()
if diff.total_seconds() > 10800:
candles = 'N'
candles = 'Y'
candle_plays += 1
# given the dying light of twilight will we still need candles
t_diff = twilight_date.datetime() - start_date.datetime()
if t_diff.total_seconds() > 10800:
twilight_candles = 'N'
twilight_candles = 'Y'
twilight_plays += 1
# add this data to output rows
word_diff = '%d hours, %d minutes' % (diff.seconds // 3600, (diff.seconds // 60) % 60)
row_items = [play['name'],
if show_altitude:
print "Total Performances: %d" % len(plays)
print "Candle Performances: %d" % candle_plays
print "Twilight Candle Performances: %d" % twilight_plays
print x
if __name__ == '__main__':
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Did Shakespeare need candles?.")
parser.add_argument('-t', action="store", dest='time_of_day', type=str,
help="What time of day in (HH:MM:SS) format?")
parser.add_argument('-a', dest='show_altitude', help="Want to see the altitude?",
action="store_true", default=False)
args = parser.parse_args()
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