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Created January 25, 2024 18:49
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A contract for Factory, which will support multiple implementations
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.20;
import "@openzeppelin/contracts/proxy/Clones.sol";
import "@openzeppelin/contracts/access/AccessControl.sol";
import "@openzeppelin/contracts-upgradeable/proxy/utils/Initializable.sol";
/// @title MultiFactory Contract for creating clones of multiple implementations
/// @dev Extends AccessControl and Initializable from OpenZeppelin
contract MultiFactory is AccessControl, Initializable {
bytes32 public constant UPDATER_ROLE = keccak256("UPDATER_ROLE");
/// Mapping from contract names to their versions and implementation addresses
mapping(bytes32 => mapping(uint32 => address)) public implementations;
/// Mapping from contract names to their latest versions
mapping(bytes32 => uint32) public lastVersions;
/// Emitted when a new implementation address is stored
event ImplementationStored(string name, uint32 version, address indexed implementation);
/// Emitted when a new clone is created
event CloneCreated(string name, uint32 version, address indexed cloneAddress);
/// @notice Initializes the contract
/// @dev Sets up the DEFAULT_ADMIN_ROLE
function initialize() public initializer {
_grantRole(DEFAULT_ADMIN_ROLE, msg.sender);
_grantRole(UPDATER_ROLE, msg.sender);
/// @notice Updates the address of a specific implementation
/// @param newImplementation The address of the new implementation contract
/// @param name The name of the contract
/// @dev Requires UPDATER_ROLE; increments version and emits ImplementationStored event
function updateImplementation(address newImplementation, string memory name) public onlyRole(UPDATER_ROLE) {
_setImplementation(newImplementation, name);
/// @notice Internal function to set the implementation address
/// @param newImplementation The address of the new implementation contract
/// @param name The name of the contract
/// @dev Validates the new address, updates the mapping, and increments the version
function _setImplementation(address newImplementation, string memory name) internal {
require(newImplementation != address(0), "Invalid implementation address");
bytes32 nameHash = keccak256(abi.encodePacked(name));
uint32 currentVersion = lastVersions[nameHash] + 1;
implementations[nameHash][currentVersion] = newImplementation;
lastVersions[nameHash] = currentVersion;
emit ImplementationStored(name, currentVersion, newImplementation);
/// @notice Clones a specific implementation using a deterministic address
/// @param name The name of the contract to clone
/// @param salt The salt value used for predictable cloning
/// @return The address of the newly created clone
/// @dev Uses the latest version of the implementation; uses OpenZeppelin's Clones library
function clone(string memory name, bytes32 salt) public returns (address) {
bytes32 nameHash = keccak256(abi.encodePacked(name));
address implementation = implementations[nameHash][lastVersions[nameHash]];
address clone = Clones.cloneDeterministic(implementation, salt);
emit CloneCreated(name, lastVersions[nameHash], clone);
return clone;
/// @notice Initializes a cloned contract with provided data
/// @param cloneAddress The address of the cloned contract
/// @param initData The initialization data to be sent to the cloned contract
/// @dev Calls the cloned contract with provided data; requires success
function init(address cloneAddress, bytes calldata initData) public {
(bool success, ) =;
require(success, "Initialization failed");
/// @notice Predicts the address of a clone created with a specific implementation and salt
/// @param name The name of the contract to clone
/// @param salt The salt value to be used in the deterministic cloning process
/// @return The predicted address of the new clone contract
/// @dev Utilizes the keccak256 hash of the concatenation of a prefix, the factory contract address, salt, and the implementation bytecode for prediction
function predictCloneAddress(string memory name, bytes32 salt) public view returns (address) {
bytes32 nameHash = keccak256(abi.encodePacked(name));
address implementation = implementations[nameHash][lastVersions[nameHash]];
bytes memory bytecode = abi.encodePacked(
bytes32 hash = keccak256(
return address(uint160(uint256(hash)));
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