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Last active March 4, 2022 15:59
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Standalone script to send message on STDIN via QMQP. Useful as a Postfix QMQP Transport.
#!/usr/bin/env perl
# sendqmqp - Qmail QMQP Command-Line Interface/Client
# (c) 2022 and Allen M. Fair. All rights reserved.
# Usage: ip:port sender recipients... < message
package SendQMQP;
use strict 'vars', 'refs';
#use Getopt::Long;
use IO::Socket;
#use JSON;
sub command_line {
my %opt;
#GetOptions(\%opt, qw( debug recipientfile help ));
my ($ip_port, $sender, @recipients) = @ARGV;
unless (scalar @recipients) {
print "Usage: sendqmqp me\ you\ ... < messsage\n";
my $rc;
eval {
my $qmqp = SendQMQP->new(%opt);
$rc = $qmqp->send(queue=>$ip_port, return_path=>$sender, to=>\@recipients, message_fh=>\*STDIN);
print "$qmqp->{response}\n" if $qmqp->{response};
if ($@) {
my $msg = $@ =~ m|^(.+) at /| ? $1 : $@;
print "ERROR: $msg\n";
exit 1;
$rc ? 0 : 1; # Exit code
sub new {
my ($class, %opt) = @_;
my $self = {%opt};
bless $self, $class;
# Sends out an email via QMQP directly to a queue. Replaces qm_insert
# Params: queue=>ip:port, queue_class=name, return_path=>email, verp=>true_Default, to=>email|[emails],
# recipient_file=>name, message=>string, message_file=>name
# QMQP Format: totlen:msglen:message,rplen:returnpath,reciplen:recipient,reciplen:recipient,...,
sub send {
my ($self, %params) = @_;
my $rcount = $self->create_qmqp_file(%params);
my $rc = $self->send_qmqp_file(%params, rcount=>$rcount);
#`cp $params{qmqp_file} ~/out` if $params{qmqp_file}; # For testing
unlink($self->{qmqp_file}) if -f $self->{qmqp_file};
$rc; # Success Code
# Called from qmqp(), takes a message for delivery and returns a QMQP-formatted temp data file. Returns (file, recipcount)
sub create_qmqp_file {
my ($self, %params) = @_;
$self->{qmqp_file} = "/tmp/BL.$$.qmqp_file";
open(my $fh, ">", $self->{qmqp_file}) or die "Can't open $self->{qmqp_file}!";
my ($buff);
# Message: message=>data or message_file=>name. Encode as a Netstring (length:data,)
if ($params{message_fh}) {
my $in = $params{message_fh};
my @lines = <$in>;
$params{message} = join("", @lines); #?? \r\n ??
@lines = ();
if ($params{message}) {
$fh->print( (length($params{message}) + 1) . ':' . $params{message} . "\n,");
elsif ($params{message_file}) {
my @mstat = stat $params{message_file};
$fh->print(($mstat[7]+1) . ':');
open(my $mf, "<", $params{message_file}) or die "Could not open $params{message_file} to read!";
while (read($mf, $buff, 50000)) { $fh->print($buff); }
close $mf;
# Return Path (with VERP unless turned off). Encode as a Netstring (length:data,)
$params{return_path} .= '-@[]' unless (exists($params{verp}) && !$params{verp}) || $params{return_path} =~ /-\@\[\]$/;
$fh->print( length($params{return_path}) . ':' . $params{return_path} . ',');
# Recipients: to=>email, to=>[email,...], or recipient_file=>name. Encode as Netstrings (length:data,)
my $rcount = 0;
if ( $params{recipient_file} && -f $params{recipient_file} ) {
open(my $rf, "<", $params{recipient_file}) or die "Could not open $params{recipient_file} to read!";
while (my $r = <$rf>) {
chomp $r;
$fh->print(length($r) . ':' . $r . ',' );
close $rf;
} elsif ($params{to} && ref($params{to}) eq 'ARRAY' ) {
foreach my $r (@{$params{to}}) { $fh->print( length($r) . ':' . $r . ',' ); ++$rcount; }
} elsif ($params{to}) {
$fh->print( length($params{to}) . ':' . $params{to} . ',' ); ++$rcount;
return ($rcount);
# Send the QMQP-formatted file to: queue=>ip:port or queue_class=>name (we look up the ip:port)
sub send_qmqp_file {
my ($self, %params) = @_;
my $fn = $self->{qmqp_file};
my @fstat = stat $self->{qmqp_file};
# $params{queue} = "";dput \%params; #test bad IP
if (!$params{queue} || $params{queue} !~ /\d\./) {
open (my $qs, "<", "/var/qmail/control/qmqpservers") or die "No Queue given, qmqpservers file not available";
my @qmqpservers = <$qs>;
$params{queue} = shift @qmqpservers;
my ($ip, $port) = split(/:/, $params{queue});
$port ||= 628; # Default QMQP Port
$port += 630 if $port < 100; # queue number to port number
# Open network connection to the Queue
# Write the file as a Netstring (length:data,) to the QMQPD process.
my $socket = new IO::Socket::INET( PeerAddr=>$ip, PeerPort=>$port, Proto=>'tcp', Type=>SOCK_STREAM )
or die "Unable to open socket to $ip:$port!";
$socket->print( "$fstat[7]:" );
open(my $mf, "<", $self->{qmqp_file}) or die "Could not open $self->{qmqp_file} to read!";
my $buff;
while (read($mf, $buff, 50000)) { $socket->print($buff); }
close $mf;
$socket->print( ',' );
my $response = <$socket>;
$response = $1 if $response =~ /^\d+:(.*),$/;
$self->{response} = $response;
return $response =~ /^K/ ? 1 : 0
exit command_line(@ARGV) if $0 =~ /\$/;
1; # End of Package
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