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Last active July 13, 2017 14:00
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Create a separate dot-vim configurations for alternate users or re-building your own.

Manage multiple dot-vim configurations

The final repo is available here.

This technique is useful to:

  • Refresh your vim configuration but keep using the old one until ready to cut over.
  • Give another user (pair programmer) thier own vim configuration on your account
  • Have an alternate configuration for a special purpose

Create a new .vim2 directory for your configuration

mkdir .vim2
cd .vim2
mkdir bundle autoload
curl  > autoload/pathogen.vim
git init
vim ~/.vim2/vimrc ~/.vim2/gvimrc

Set up your new vimrc with a line to change your trtp (run time path/dir) to your new dot-vim repo and load pathogen or your package manager of choice:

let &rtp = substitute(&rtp, '\.vim\>', '.vim2', 'g')
set nocompatible
execute pathogen#infect()
syntax on
filetype plugin indent on
" Add your configurations below this...

You will need a gvimrc of you use the GUI editor, otherwise the .gvimrc may still be loaded. Minimally, I use:

set guifont=Monaco:h14
set guioptions-=T               " Turn off toolbar
set vb                          " Visual Bell

Add your pluigins of choice. Vim Awesome is a great place to find curated plugins. Use git submodules, repo clones, or extracts.

cd ~/.vim2/bundle
git submodule add
# ... etc.

As you add plugins, check the README for configuration options and set them in your ~/.vim2/vimrc file.

To set up the alternate configuration, create some alias' for vim and your gvim of choice. I placed these in my ~/.bashrc or ~/.zshrc file.

alias vim2='vim -u ~/.vim2/vimrc'
alias mvim2='mvim -u ~/.vim2/vimrc -U ~/.vim2/gvimrc'

Then, cross your fingers and try it out. (Of course I tried it out after each step to check for errors.)

vim2 myfile
mvim2 myotherfile

Once satisfied, Save the repo to one you just created on github.

cd ~/.vim2
git commit -a
git remote add origin
git push -u origin master

To do: Write a "vim configuration switcher" script that will swap links for .vim, .vimrc, and .gvimrc to .vim-$VERSION, .vim-$VERSION/vimrc, and .vim-$VERSION/gvimrc respectively. Until then, the above alias' are sufficient.


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