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Created October 18, 2023 12:55
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Modern Command Line

Modern Command Line

Links from my recent dive into exploring a modern terminal setup. I've shared videos I've seen as well as kids these days to that instead of blog posts.

Modern Terminal

  • iTerm2 - (I now like the "Tango Dark" Theme that ships with iTerm)
  • - Cross-platform terminal (Mac, Linux, BSD) with required features
  • Remember to use 256-color mode terminal and Unicode/locale modes! (see fonts)

Modern Font

These fonts have been patched to include icons useful for terminals (files, utilities, ecosystems)

Modern Shell

Modern Utilities

  • - Lists Modern Unix Utility replacements
  • RipGrep - Crazy fast grep across files/repos
  • FZF - Fuzzy Finder, best uses are with other tooling
  • Htop - Replacement for top (check out others)
  • Check out other utilities you may like from the page

Modern Vim

Modern Mail

Modern Multiplexing

Modern Intelligence

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