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Created October 7, 2016 21:49
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module Main where
import D3.ForceSimulation
import Control.Monad.Eff.Console (CONSOLE)
import D3.Base (PolyValue(SetByIndex), D3, Eff, D3Element, Index, Point, AttrSetter(AttrFn, SetAttr), DataBind(Data), ListenerType(StartDrag, EndDrag, Drag), Typenames(TypeNames), (...), (..))
import D3.Drag (dragUpdate, addDragListener, d3Drag)
import D3.Scale (ScaleType(Category), scaleBy, schemeCategory20, d3Scale)
import D3.Selection (text, Selection, call, attr, append, enter, dataBind, selectAll, getAttr, d3Select, selectElem)
import Data.Maybe (Maybe(Just, Nothing))
import Data.Pair (Pair(Pair))
import Math (sqrt)
import Prelude (Unit, unit, pure, bind, ($), (-), (/))
import Unsafe.Coerce (unsafeCoerce)
-- define a margin, look to purescript-css for more sophisticated definition
margin :: { top::Number, right::Number, bottom::Number, left::Number }
margin = { top: 20.0, right: 20.0, bottom: 30.0, left: 40.0}
foreign import miserables :: GroupedForceLayout
-- an example of a drag listener written in Purescript
-- element will track pointer / finger, but other possibilities exist such as
-- faster or slower than dragging or adding acceleration or further side-effects
dragged :: ∀ eff. Point -> Index -> Array D3Element -> D3Element -> Eff (d3::D3|eff) Unit
dragged d i els element = do
selectElem element
.. attr "cx" (SetAttr d.x) -- not changing the underlying datum here
.. attr "cy" (SetAttr d.y) -- so nothing happens. Add further Attr options? TODO
dragUpdate d element -- state mutating function from drag.purs that makes the change
pure unit
dragended :: ∀ eff. Point -> Index -> Array D3Element -> D3Element -> Eff (d3::D3|eff) Unit
dragended d i els element = pure unit
dragstarted :: ∀ eff. Point -> Index -> Array D3Element -> D3Element -> Eff (d3::D3|eff) Unit
dragstarted d i els element = pure unit
ticked :: ∀ eff. Selection Node -> Selection Link -> Eff (d3::D3|eff) (Eff (d3::D3|eff) Unit)
ticked node link = pure inner where
inner :: Eff (d3::D3|eff) Unit
inner = defaultTick node link
main :: ∀ e. Eff (d3::D3,console::CONSOLE|e) Unit
main = do
-- get the data (to simplify this ex. to the bone, no AJAX here)
let graph = miserables
svg <- d3Select ".svg"
w <- svg ... getAttr "width"
h <- svg ... getAttr "height"
let width = w - margin.left - margin.right
let height = h - - margin.bottom
color <- d3Scale (Category schemeCategory20)
linkForce <- makeLinkForce Nothing
.. setIDFunction (\d i ->
chargeForce <- makeManyBody
centerForce <- makeCenterForce (Just (Pair (width / 2.0) (height / 2.0)) )
simulation <- d3ForceSimulation Force
.. addForce Links "link" linkForce
.. addForce ManyBody "charge" chargeForce
.. addForce Centering "center" centerForce
link <- svg ... append "g"
.. attr "class" (SetAttr "links")
.. selectAll "line"
.. dataBind (Data graph.links)
.. enter .. append "line"
.. attr "stroke-width" (AttrFn (\d i n e -> pure $ sqrt (d.value)))
node <- svg ... append "g"
.. attr "class" (SetAttr "nodes")
.. selectAll "circle"
.. dataBind (Data graph.nodes)
.. enter .. append "circle"
.. attr "r" (SetAttr 5.0)
.. attr "fill" (AttrFn (\d i n e -> do fill <- scaleBy color
pure fill))
-- seems to me that phantom type + unsafeCoerce is stupid TODO
dragBehavior <- d3Drag { x: 0.0, y: 0.0 }
.. addDragListener (TypeNames [ { name: Just "drag", type: Drag }]) dragged
.. addDragListener (TypeNames [ { name: Just "end", type: EndDrag }]) dragended
.. addDragListener (TypeNames [ { name: Just "start", type: StartDrag }]) dragstarted
let foo = node ... call (unsafeCoerce dragBehavior)
node ... append "title"
.. text (SetByIndex (\d i -> pure (
callback <- ticked node link
simulation ... initNodes graph.nodes
.. onTick callback
.. getForce "link"
.. setLinks graph.links
pure unit
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