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Last active December 4, 2017 10:12
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bones of image file rescaler to be fitted into Hakyll site
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
module Main where
import Codec.Picture
import Codec.Picture.Types as M
import System.Environment (getArgs)
import System.FilePath (replaceExtension)
import qualified Codec.Picture.Metadata as M
import qualified Codec.Picture.Extra as E
import Control.Error
import Control.Monad.ST
main :: IO ()
main = do
[quality, longEdge, path] <- getArgs
let le = read longEdge
let q = read quality
dynImg <- readImage path
let pxlImg = resize le dynImg
case pxlImg of
(Right img) -> saveJpgImage q "newimage.jpg" img
(Left err) -> print ("OMG an error" ++ err)
return ()
resize :: Int -> Either String DynamicImage -> Either String DynamicImage
resize longEdge (Right (ImageRGB8 image@(Image w h _)))
= Right $ ImageRGB8 $ resize' longEdge image
resize longEdge (Right (ImageYCbCr8 image@(Image w h _)))
= Right $ ImageRGB8 $ resize' longEdge (convertImage image)
resize longEdge (Right (ImageCMYK8 image@(Image w h _)))
= Right $ ImageRGB8 $ resize' longEdge (convertImage image)
resize longEdge (Right (ImageRGB16 image@(Image w h _)))
= Right $ ImageRGB16 $ resize16' longEdge image
resize longEdge (Right (ImageCMYK16 image@(Image w h _)))
= Right $ ImageRGB16 $ resize16' longEdge (convertImage image)
resize _ _ = Left "unsupported image format"
resize' :: Int -> Image PixelRGB8 -> Image PixelRGB8
resize' longEdge image@(Image w h _) = E.scaleBilinear nw nh image
(nw,nh) = chooseNewDimensions longEdge w h
resize16' :: Int -> Image PixelRGB16 -> Image PixelRGB16
resize16' longEdge image@(Image w h _) = scaleBilinear16 nw nh image
(nw,nh) = chooseNewDimensions longEdge w h
chooseNewDimensions :: Int -> Int -> Int -> (Int, Int)
chooseNewDimensions longEdge w h =
toInts $ chooseR le $ toRationals (w,h)
le = toRational longEdge
toInts (w,h) = (floor w, floor h)
toRationals (w,h) = (toRational w, toRational h)
chooseR le (w,h) = (w * ratio, h * ratio) -- calc needs to be done as Rationals
where ratio = le / max w h
-- straight copy from JuicyPixels-extras adapted for 16 bit images
:: Int -- ^ Desired width
-> Int -- ^ Desired height
-> Image PixelRGB16 -- ^ Original image
-> Image PixelRGB16 -- ^ Scaled image
scaleBilinear16 width height img@Image {..} = runST $ do
mimg <- M.newMutableImage width height
let sx, sy :: Float
sx = fromIntegral imageWidth / fromIntegral width
sy = fromIntegral imageHeight / fromIntegral height
go x' y'
| x' >= width = go 0 (y' + 1)
| y' >= height = M.unsafeFreezeImage mimg
| otherwise = do
let xf = fromIntegral x' * sx
yf = fromIntegral y' * sy
x, y :: Int
x = floor xf
y = floor yf
δx = xf - fromIntegral x
δy = yf - fromIntegral y
pixelAt' i j =
if i >= imageWidth || j >= imageHeight
then PixelRGB16 0 0 0
else pixelAt img i j
writePixel mimg x' y' $
mulp16 (pixelAt' x y) ((1 - δx) * (1 - δy)) `addp16`
mulp16 (pixelAt' (x + 1) y) (δx * (1 - δy)) `addp16`
mulp16 (pixelAt' x (y + 1)) ((1 - δx) * δy) `addp16`
mulp16 (pixelAt' (x + 1) (y + 1)) (δx * δy)
go (x' + 1) y'
go 0 0
mulp16 :: PixelRGB16 -> Float -> PixelRGB16
mulp16 pixel x = colorMap (floor . (* x) . fromIntegral) pixel
{-# INLINE mulp16 #-}
addp16 :: PixelRGB16 -> PixelRGB16 -> PixelRGB16
addp16 = mixWith (const f)
f x y = fromIntegral $
(0xff :: Pixel16) `min` (fromIntegral x + fromIntegral y)
{-# INLINE addp16 #-}
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