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Created October 5, 2016 14:02
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module Main where
import D3.Selection
import Control.Monad.Aff (later', Aff)
import Control.Monad.Eff.Class (liftEff)
import Control.Monad.Eff.Console (CONSOLE)
import D3.Base (D3, Eff, Index, AttrSetter(SetAttr, AttrFn), DataBind(Keyed), PolyValue(SetByIndex, Value), opaque, transparent, (..), (...))
import D3.Transitions (tRemove, AttrInterpolator(TweenTarget, Target), tStyle, tAttr, savedTransition, TransitionName(..), duration, d3Transition)
import Data.String (singleton, toCharArray)
import Prelude (Unit, unit, pure, bind, show, map, negate, ($), (/), (<>), (-), (*))
-- | not used but here for hysterical raisins, see commit note
getTweenTargetFn :: ∀ eff d x. d -> Index -> x -> Eff (d3::D3|eff) (Number -> Number)
getTweenTargetFn d i _ = pure tweener
tweener :: Number -> Number
tweener t = t * 32.0
getTweenTarget :: ∀ eff d x. d -> Index -> x -> Eff (d3::D3|eff) Number
getTweenTarget _ i _ = pure (i * 32.0)
-- define a margin, look to purescript-css for more sophisticated definition
margin :: { top::Number, right::Number, bottom::Number, left::Number }
margin = { top: 20.0, right: 20.0, bottom: 30.0, left: 40.0}
updateFn :: ∀ eff. Selection Char -> Array Char -> Eff (d3::D3|eff) Unit
updateFn g d = do
-- | set up the transition that we'll use between phases
t <- d3Transition (Name "t")
.. duration 750.0
-- || JOIN new data with old elements
myText <- g ... selectAll "text"
.. dataBind (Keyed d (\d -> d))
-- || EXIT old elements not present in new data
exit <- myText ... exit
.. attr "class" (SetAttr "exit")
.. savedTransition t
.. tAttr "y" (Target 60.0)
.. tStyle "fill-opacity" (Target transparent)
.. tRemove
-- || UPDATE old elements present in new data
update <- myText ... attr "class" (SetAttr "update")
.. attr "y" (SetAttr 0.0)
.. style "fill-opacity" (Value opaque)
.. savedTransition t
.. tAttr "x" (TweenTarget getTweenTarget)
-- || ENTER new elements present in new data
enter <- myText ... enter .. append "text"
.. attr "class" (SetAttr "enter")
.. attr "dy" (SetAttr ".35em")
.. attr "y" (SetAttr (negate 60.0))
.. attr "x" (AttrFn (\d i n e -> pure (show (i * 32.0))))
.. style "fill-opacity" (Value transparent)
.. text (SetByIndex (\d i -> pure (singleton d)))
enter ... savedTransition t
.. tAttr "y" (Target 0.0)
.. tStyle "fill-opacity" (Target opaque)
pure unit
alphabet :: Array Char
alphabet = toCharArray "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
wordlist :: Array (Array Char)
wordlist = map toCharArray ["purescript", "by example"]
-- initialize DOM
setup :: ∀ eff. Eff (d3::D3|eff) (Selection Char)
setup = do
svg <- d3Select ".svg"
w <- svg ... getAttr "width"
h <- svg ... getAttr "height"
let width = w - margin.left - margin.right
let height = h - - margin.bottom
g <- svg ... append "g"
.. attr "transform" (SetAttr ("translate(32," <> show (height / 2.0) <> ")"))
pure g
updateAff :: ∀ eff. Selection Char -> Array Char -> Aff (d3::D3|eff) Unit
updateAff g cs = liftEff (updateFn g cs)
main :: ∀ e. Aff (d3::D3,console::CONSOLE|e) Unit
main = do
g <- liftEff setup
later' 1500 $ updateAff g alphabet
later' 1500 $ updateAff g (toCharArray "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz")
later' 1500 $ updateAff g (toCharArray "abcijklmoprstvwyz")
later' 1500 $ updateAff g (toCharArray "acfhjklmnoqrtuvxz")
later' 1500 $ updateAff g (toCharArray "aceghilmoqsyz")
later' 1500 $ updateAff g (toCharArray "abctyz")
later' 1500 $ updateAff g (toCharArray "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz")
-- | it would be nice if we could do something like the following:
-- liftEff $ traverse (later' 1500 <<< updateAff g) wordlist
pure unit
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